The research suggests a total of 124 wind deals (both Onshore and Offshore) have been signed globally from January, 2017 to October, 2017 amounting to 35 GW in terms of deal capacity. In terms of cumulative capacity, the UK (16,022 MW), the US (5,391 MW) and Germany (2,307 MW) has acquired the top three positions, while the US, China, and Brazil secured the top positions in number of deals signed with 20, 11, and 9 respectively. An interesting trend noticed in the transactions, is that number of deals signed is not always in coherence with total capacity. China has the highest deals under announced phase at 4 with a cumulative capacity of 685 MW, while other countries having major deals are Germany, Brazil and Japan, with one announced project each having capacity of 584 MW, 288 MW and 220 MW respectively. The US has the highest projects under construction at 8 with a cumulative capacity of 3,672 MW, closely followed by Brazil with 5 projects and Australia and Mexico with 3 projects each. Australia and Germany has 662 MW and 800 MW in permitting phase through 2 deals each respectively. The US has 7 active deals with a cumulative capacity of around 1,395 MW followed by Italy with same number of deals but with lower capacity of 273 MW. Continent wise, Europe ranks highest in both number of wind deals struck and deal capacity in YTD - 2017, with 48 deals or 39% of total deals amounting to around 22GW or 62% of total capacity added. This is followed by North America with 36 deals (around 30%) amounting to nearly 7 GW (20%) capacity. Asia takes the third position with 21deals (17%) amounting to 2.5 GW (7%) of the capacity added.
- The report contains a detailed analysis of all Wind (Onshore and Offshore)deals entered into across the globe between January, 2017 to October, 2017.
- Wind deals have been broadly categorized into number of deals and deal capacity at a global level and across leading countries, for top buyers and sellers.
- The report further categorizes deals as per project status in terms of number of deals and deal capacity.
- Lastly, top continents as per number of Wind deals and deal capacity have also been discussed in a nut-shell.
Reasons to buy
- To gain detailed insight of the Wind deals across the globe during YTD-2017 and their categorization in terms of number, deal capacity in global level, country wise ranking , and highest buyers and sellers and project status.
1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 1
1.1 List of Figures 1
2 Wind Asset (Onshore and Offshore) Transaction Analysis - 2017 2
2.1 Wind Deal Status in Brief 2
3 Appendix 5
3.1 Contact Us 5
3.2 Disclaimer 5
1.1 List of Figures
Figure 1: Power Market, Global, Total Deals (Onshore and Offshore), January 2017-October 2017 3
Figure 2: Power Market, Global, Cumulative Wind Deal Capacity (GW), January 2017- October, 2017 3
Figure 3: Power Market, Global, Top Countries by Wind Deals, January 2017- October 2017 3
Figure 4: Power Market, Global, Top Countries by Wind Deal Capacity(MW), January 2017 - October, 2017 3
Figure 5: Power Market, Global, Wind Deal split as per Project Status, January 2017 - October 2017 4
Figure 6: Power Market, Global, Wind Deal Capacity split by Project Phase (MW), January 2017 - October 2017 4
Figure 7: Power Market, Global, Top Buyers by Deals, January 2017 - October 2017 4
Figure 8: Power Market, Global, Top Buyers by Capacity (MW), January 2017 - October 2017 4
Figure 9: Power Market, Global, Top Sellers by Deals, January 2017 - October 2017 5
Figure 10: Power Market, Global, Top Sellers by Capacity (MW), January 2017 - October 2017 5