”Virtualization" a new Global Outlook Report by GlobalData, provides analyses the current trends, drivers, and inhibitors impacting the virtualization market. The report outlines the evolution of virtualization technologies, and identifies and assesses the best performing vendors in the market. This report also presents GlobalData’s view of the revenue opportunities in the virtualization market through to 2023, highlighting the market size and growth by technology, geography, sectors, and size band. Moreover, following in-depth ICT decision maker surveys, the report outlines enterprises’ investment priorities in the Virtualization segment.
The Global Outlook Report provides in-depth analysis of the following -
- Virtualization market outlook: analysis as well as historical figures and forecasts of global revenues from virtualization software.
- Market trends, drivers & inhibitors: an analysis of key current trends in the virtualization market, factors driving growth in the virtualization market, and inhibitors to the virtualization market growth.
- Vendor landscape : a brief overview of the key virtualization vendors.
- Opportunities and recommendations for virtualization vendors
Reasons to buy
- The report helps understand the virtualization market landscape, the recent trends, drivers, and inhibitors shaping the virtualization segment.
- The report provides an assessment of virtualization vendors and their relative positions in the virtualization market.
- The report provides insight into revenue opportunity forecasts in the Virtualization market from 2018 to 2023, spanning six regions, 14 verticals, and two size bands.
- The report provides an extensive analysis of technology growth predictions based on adoption indicators, end-user technology demand, GlobalData’s in-house ICT survey results, and macroeconomic factors.
- The report provides a detailed breakdown of the opportunities within the Virtualization segment and its sub categories.
Table of Contents
List of exhibits
Executive summary
Section 1: Global Virtualization Market
Market opportunity forecast, by type
Market opportunity forecast, by region
Market opportunity forecast, by size band
Section 2: Market Trends, Driver, & Inhibitors
Current trends in virtualization market
Driving forces behind virtualization growth
Inhibitors to enterprise virtualization market growth
Section 3: Virtualization Investment Priorities
Section 4: Vendor Landscape
Brief overview of key virtualization vendors
Section 5: Opportunities & Recommendations
GlobalData contact information
List of Figures
EXHIBIT 1: Virtualization - Global market opportunity forecast, 2018 - 2023
EXHIBIT 2: Virtualization - Global market opportunity forecast by region, 2018 - 2023
EXHIBIT 3: Virtualization - Global market opportunity forecast by size band, 2018 - 2023
EXHIBIT 4: Current Trends in Virtualization Market
EXHIBIT 5: Hyper-converged infrastructure
EXHIBIT 6: Mobile virtualization
EXHIBIT 7: NFV deployments
EXHIBIT 8: Examples reflecting growth in SDN landscape
EXHIBIT 9: Data center virtualization developments
EXHIBIT 10: Desktop Virtualization
EXHIBIT 11: Data virtualization
EXHIBIT 12: Driving Forces Behind Enterprise Content Management Market Growth
EXHIBIT 13: Virtualization Management
EXHIBIT 14: Enterprise on-premise costs
EXHIBIT 15: Back up and disaster recovery using virtualization
EXHIBIT 16: Inhibitors to Virtualization Market Growth
EXHIBIT 17: Corsa Red Armor to handle network security
EXHIBIT 18: Virtualization investment priorities