2024 Top 10 World's Leading Diagnostics Companies


The companies analyzed in the report include:

- Abbott
- Becton Dickinson
- bioMerieux
- Bio-Rad
- Danaher
- QuidelOrtho
- Roche
- Siemens Healthineers
- Sysmex
- Thermo Fisher

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This unique market intelligence report from VPGMarketResearch.com provides granular data not available from any other published source, including Top 10 companies sales, market shares and competitive positions by product and country.

For each of the Top 10 companies, the report also provides the latest financial results, business strategies, acquisition activities, organizational and management changes, key products, marketing tactics, R&D efforts and collaborative arrangements.

In addition, the report presents a worldwide overview of the IVD market, including trends, market segments, test locations, geographic regions, and granular five-year forecasts.

This report is designed to provide the in vitro diagnostics industry executives with unique data and strategically significant competitor information, analysis and insight crucial to the development and implementation of effective business, marketing and R&D programs.


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