1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 2
1.1 List of Tables 5
1.2 List of Figures 6
2 Executive Summary 7
2.1 Government Support in Conjunction with Technology Development Driving Global Renewable Power Installations 7
2.2 Thermal Power is the Dominant Source in the Power Mix 7
2.3 Bulgaria Patronizes Fossil Fuels over Renewable Sources 8
3 Introduction 9
3.1 Carbon Emissions, Global, 2001-2015 9
3.2 Primary Energy Consumption, Global, 2001-2025 11
3.3 Solar PV, Global, Technology Definition and Classification 13
3.4 Report Guidance 14
4 Renewable Power Market, Global, 2006-2030 15
4.1 Renewable Power Market, Global, Overview 15
4.2 Renewable Power Market, Global, Installed Capacity, 2006-2030 16
4.2.1 Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type, 2006-2030 16
4.2.2 Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type, 2015 and. 2030 18
4.2.3 Renewable Power Market, Global, Comparison among Various Sources, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2015 - 2030 20
4.3 Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation, 2006-2030 22
4.3.1 Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation by Source Type, 2006-2030 22
4.3.2 Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation, Source Comparison Based on Power Generation, 2015-2030 24
4.4 Renewable Power Market, Global, LCOE Comparison of Power Generating Sources, 2014-2015 25
5 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, 2006-2030 28
5.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Overview 28
5.2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Installed Capacity, 2006-2030 30
5.2.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Region, 2015 and 2030 32
5.2.2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Country, 2015 and 2030 34
5.3 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Power Generation, 2006-2030 36
5.3.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Region, 2015 and 2030 38
5.3.2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Country, 2015 and 2030 40
6 Power Market, Bulgaria, 2006-2030 42
6.1 Power Market, Bulgaria, Overview 42
6.2 Power Market, Bulgaria, Installed Capacity, 2006-2030 43
6.2.1 Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Fuel Type, 2006-2030 43
6.2.2 Power Market, Bulgaria, Share in Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type, 2015 and 2030 45
6.3 Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation, 2006-2030 47
7 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, 2006-2030 49
7.1 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Overview 49
7.2 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Installed Capacity, 2006-2030 50
7.2.1 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type, 2006-2030 50
7.2.2 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type, 2015 and 2030 52
7.3 Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation, 2006-2030 54
8 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, 2006-2030 56
8.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Overview 56
8.2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Installed Capacity, 2006-2030 57
8.3 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation, 2006-2030 59
8.4 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Project Based Analysis, 2015 61
8.4.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Major Active Plants, 2015 61
8.4.2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Key Under-construction Projects, 2015 62
8.5 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Investment Trends, 2015 63
8.5.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Deal Volume vs. Deal Value, 2006-2015 63
9 Power Market, Bulgaria, Regulatory Scenario 65
9.1 Overview 65
9.2 Renewable Policy 65
10 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Company Profiles 68
10.1 Company Snapshot: Silver Ridge Power, LLC 68
10.1.1 Silver Ridge Power, LLC - Company Overview 68
10.1.2 Silver Ridge Power, LLC - Major Products and Services 68
10.1.3 Silver Ridge Power, LLC - Head Office 68
10.2 Company Snapshot: Samsung C&T Corporation 69
10.2.1 Samsung C&T Corporation - Company Overview 69
10.2.2 Samsung C&T Corporation - Business Description 69
10.2.3 Samsung C&T Corporation - SWOT Analysis 70
10.2.4 Samsung C&T Corporation - Major Products and Services 75
10.2.5 Samsung C&T Corporation - Head Office 77
10.3 Company Snapshot: Hareon Solar Technology Co., Ltd. 78
10.3.1 Hareon Solar Technology Co., Ltd. - Company Overview 78
10.3.2 Hareon Solar Technology Co., Ltd. - Major Products and Services 78
10.3.3 Hareon Solar Technology Co., Ltd. - Head Office 78
10.4 Company Snapshot: Bosch Solar Energy AG 79
10.4.1 Bosch Solar Energy AG - Company Overview 79
10.4.2 Bosch Solar Energy AG - Major Products and Services 79
10.4.3 Bosch Solar Energy AG - Head Office 79
10.5 Company Snapshot: ACWA Power International 80
10.5.1 ACWA Power International - Company Overview 80
10.5.2 ACWA Power International - Major Products and Services 80
10.5.3 ACWA Power International - Head Office 80
11 Appendix 81
11.1 Market Definitions 81
11.2 Abbreviations 82
11.3 Bibliography 82
11.4 Disclaimer 83
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Consumption, Global (MT), 2001-2015 11
Table 2: Primary Energy Consumption, Global (Mtoe), 2001-2025 13
Table 3: Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type (MW), 2006-2030 17
Table 4: Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and. 2030 19
Table 5: Renewable Power Market, Global, Source Comparison Based on Installed Capacity, 2015-2030 21
Table 6: Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation by Source Type (GWh), 2006-2030 23
Table 7: Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation, Source Comparison Based on Power Generation, 2015-2030 25
Table 8: Renewable Power Market, Global, Assumptions for LCOE Calculation 25
Table 9: Renewable Power Market, Global, LCOE Comparison of Power-generating Sources ($/kWh), 2014-2015 27
Table 10: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Installed Capacity (MW), 2006-2030 31
Table 11: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Region (%), 2015 and 2030 33
Table 12: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Country (%), 2015 and 2030 35
Table 13: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Power Generation (GWh), 2006-2030 37
Table 14: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Region (%), 2015 and 2030 39
Table 15: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Country (%), 2015 and 2030 41
Table 16: Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Fuel Type(MW), 2006-2030 44
Table 17: Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and 2030 46
Table 18: Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation by Fuel Type (GWh), 2006-2030 48
Table 19: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type (MW), 2006-2030 51
Table 20: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and 2030 53
Table 21: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation by Source Type (GWh), 2006-2030 55
Table 22: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Installed Capacity (MW), 2006-2030 58
Table 23: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation (GWh), 2006-2030 60
Table 24: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Major Active Plants, 2015 61
Table 25: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Key Under-construction Projects, 2015 62
Table 26: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Deal Volume vs. Deal Value ($m), 2006-2015 64
Table 27: Renewable Energy Policy, Bulgaria, Feed-in Tariffs ($/MWh), 2016 67
Table 28: Silver Ridge Power, LLC, Major Products and Services 68
Table 29: Samsung C&T Corporation, Major Products and Services 75
Table 30: Hareon Solar Technology Co., Ltd., Major Products and Services 78
Table 31: Bosch Solar Energy AG, Major Products and Services 79
Table 32: ACWA Power International, Major Products and Services 80
Table 33: Abbreviations 82
1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Type of Power Plant (%), 2015 8
Figure 2: Carbon-di-oxide Emissions from Energy Consumption, Global (MT), 2001-2015 10
Figure 3: Global, Primary Energy Consumption, Global (Mtoe), 2001-2025 12
Figure 4: Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type (MW), 2006-2030 16
Figure 5: Renewable Power Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and. 2030 18
Figure 6: Renewable Power Market, Global, Comparison among Various Sources, Cumulative Installed Capacity, 2015-2030 20
Figure 7: Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation by Source Type (GWh), 2006-2030 22
Figure 8: Renewable Power Market, Global, Power Generation, Source Comparison Based on Power Generation, 2015-2030 24
Figure 9: Renewable Power Market, Global, LCOE Comparison of Power-generating Sources ($/kWh), 2014-2015 26
Figure 10: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Installed Capacity (MW), 2006-2030 30
Figure 11: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Region (%), 2015 and 2030 32
Figure 12: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Cumulative Installed Capacity Share by Country (%), 2015 and 2030 34
Figure 13: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Power Generation (GWh), 2006-2030 36
Figure 14: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Region (%), 2015 and 2030 38
Figure 15: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Global, Generation Share by Country (%), 2015 and 2030 40
Figure 16: Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Fuel Type(MW), 2006-2030 43
Figure 17: Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and 2030 45
Figure 18: Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation by Fuel Type (GWh), 2006-2030 47
Figure 19: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity by Source Type (MW), 2006-2030 50
Figure 20: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Cumulative Installed Capacity Split by Source Type (%), 2015 and 2030 52
Figure 21: Renewable Power Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation by Source Type (GWh), 2006-2030 54
Figure 22: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Installed Capacity (MW), 2006-2030 57
Figure 23: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Power Generation (GWh), 2006-2030 59
Figure 24: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Market, Bulgaria, Deal Volume vs. Deal Value ($m), 2006-2015 63