"Smokeless Tobacco in the Netherlands, 2018", is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Dutch tobacco market. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2027.
Smokeless tobacco is a niche sector in the Netherlands and has a negligible share of the overall market. The only smokeless products available to purchase are snuff and chewing tobacco/prium tabak.
- Prium tabak is a traditional Dutch chewing tobacco. Combined sales were eight tons in 2017.
- Chewing tobacco is by far the biggest segment with the majority of sales being non-traditional and imported chewing tobacco.
- Imports and exports/re-exports are relatively minor, although there is some suggestion that the Netherlands has been a transhipment point for smokeless products.
- Major changes were made to the system of taxation applicable to snuff and chewing tobacco at the beginning of 2013 with the abolition of excise duty.
Reasons to buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
Companies Mentioned
De Kralingse
Landewyck Tabak
Table of Contents
Executive summary
Market context
Tobacco products market, tons, %, 2007 & 2017
Tobacco products market, tons, 2007-2017
Market size and structure
Smokeless tobacco consumption, tons, 2007-2017
Per capita consumption, grams per year, 2007-2017
Smokeless tobacco: market segmentation, tons, 2007-2017
Sales of chewing tobacco, 2007-2017
Retail sales of smokeless tobacco, 2003-2014
Production and trade
Imports, tons, 2006-2016
Imports by country of origin, top countries, volume, %, 2016
Imports by country of origin, top countries, value %, 2016
Exports/ re-exports of smokeless tobacco, tons, 2006-2016
Taxation and retail prices
Smokeless tobacco: retail prices, 2016
Manufacturers and brands
Manufacturer shares
Operating constraints
Health warnings and labeling requirements
Other constraints
Prospects and forecasts
Smokeless tobacco consumption, tons, 2017-2027
Per capita consumption, grams per year, 2017-2027