Retinal Vein Occlusion - Market Insights, Epidemiology, and Market Forecast - 2030

202 Pages - DELVE15105

DelveInsight’s ‘Retinal Vein Occlusion—Market Insights, Epidemiology, and Market Forecast–2030’ report delivers an in-depth understanding of the RVO, historical and forecasted epidemiology as well as the RVO market trends in the United States, EU5(Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom) and Japan.
The RVO market report provides current treatment practices, emerging drugs, and market share of the individual therapies, current and forecasted 7MM RVO market size from 2017 to 2030. The report also covers current RVO treatment practice/algorithm, market drivers, market barriers, and unmet medical needs to curate the best of the opportunities and assesses the underlying potential of the market.
Geography Covered
• The United States
• EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom)
• Japan

Study Period: 2017–2030
Retinal Vein Occlusion Disease Understanding and Treatment Algorithm
Retinal Vein Occlusion Overview
Retinal vein occlusion, one of the most frequently occurring retinal vascular disorders in elderly patients, develops predominantly in individuals over age 65 years. The main risk factors for RVO include age and systemic vascular disorders. It is categorized into central RVO (CRVO) and branch RVO (BRVO) according to the site of blockage in the retinal vein. CRVO is divided further into nonischemic and ischemic types according to the perfusion status based on fluorescein angiography. BRVO consists of major branch RVO (when one of the major branch retinal veins is occluded, usually near, or rarely at, the optic disc) and macular branch RVO (when only one of the macular venules is occluded).Macular edema is the major complication of significant visual loss in patients with CRVO and BRVO, and various treatments have been used to improve macular edema and cause regression of intraocular neovascularization.
The initial examination of a patient with an RVO includes all relevant aspects of the comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation, with particular attention to those aspects related to retinal vascular disease. Several tests are being used for the diagnosis of RVO such as Optical coherence tomography (OCT), and fluorescein angiography (FA). Apart from this, Systemic evaluation is often performed in patients with CRVO and is directed by the patient’s age, coexisting risk factors, and medical history. In RVO, intravitreal steroids and anti-VEGF therapy are used in cases of macular perfusion and macular ischemia, with the laser of use in situations of neovascularization. Response to treatment may be measured by improvement of visual acuity (as a measure of photoreceptor status) and retinal thickness (as a measure of leakage).Growth of the RVO market is expected to be mainly driven by an increase in the number of geriatric people, an increase in market penetration of emerging therapies, readily uptake of current as well as emerging therapies with patient convenient RoA, and increasing awareness about this disease.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Diagnosis
The initial examination of a patient with an RVO includes all relevant aspects of the comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation, with particular attention to those aspects related to retinal vascular disease. An initial history should consider such as the location and duration of vision loss, current medications, medical history and ocular history.
The initial examination includes visual acuity, pupillary assessment for a relative afferent pupillary defect that corresponds to the level of ischemia and is also predictive for eyes at risk for neovascularization, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, looking carefully for fine, abnormal, new iris vessels, IOP, gonioscopy, the examination of the peripheral retina and vitreous and binocular funduscopic evaluation of the posterior pole.
If used appropriately, several imaging tests may enhance the clinical examination and optimize patient care. The most common tests include the following: Optical coherence tomography: optical coherence tomography provides high-resolution imaging of the macula. it is extremely useful to detect the presence and extent of any associated macular edema, vitreoretinal interface changes, and subretinal fluid, Fluorescein angiography: is used to evaluate the extent of the vascular occlusion, the degree of ischemia (ischemic as defined by the CVOS eyes with 10 disc areas of capillary nonperfusion on standard FA vs. nonischemic), and the extent of macular edema. Angiography can identify macular capillary nonperfusion that may explain the associated vision loss as well as the response to therapy, Systemic evaluation: is often performed in patients with CRVO and is directed by the patient’s age, coexisting risk factors, and medical his¬tory. Assessment should be performed in conjunction with an internist, as patients with RVO may be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and cere¬brovascular accidents.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Treatment
A person suffers from RVO when one of the veins in the retina becomes blocked. It may lead to varying degrees of vision loss, depending on the severity and location of the blockage. Currently, some of the treatments for retinal vein occlusion include: Intravitreal Injection of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Drugs, Intravitreal Injection of Corticosteroid Drugs, Focal Laser Therapy, and Pan-Retinal Photocoagulation Therapy.
Intravitreal injections are used to administer medications to treat a variety of retinal conditions. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and RVO are the most common conditions treated with intravitreal anti-VEGF drugs. In addition to this, Intravitreal steroids are also used in diabetic retinopathy, RVO, and uveitis. The anti-VEGF drugs and steroids help reduce fluid leakage associated with these disorders. At present, Anti-VEGF drugs are markedly more effective in the treatment of RVO than any other treatment modality. Among all the available treatment choices, anti-VEGF drugs provide the greatest improvement in VA. The blockage of venous circulation causes an elevation of intraluminal pressure in the capillaries, leading to hemorrhages and leakage of fluid within the retina, increase of interstitial pressure, and a consequent reduction of retinal perfusion. Steroid injections are another option which acts to reduce the inflammation in the retina caused by the RVO. Corticosteroids have anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, and anti-permeability properties that make them an attractive therapeutic option for a variety of posterior segment diseases. While steroids may be considered in patients with systemic cardiovascular risk, surgery remains advisable only for very few patients.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Epidemiology
The disease epidemiology covered in the report provides historical as well as forecasted epidemiology segmented by Total Prevalent Cases of RVO, Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO, Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO, Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO, Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO, and Treated Cases of RVO in the 7MM covering the United States, EU5 countries (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and United Kingdom) and Japan from 2017 to 2030.

Key Findings
This section provides glimpses of the RVO epidemiology in the 7MM.
• In the year 2017, the total prevalent cases of RVO were 2,225,011 cases in the 7MM, which is expected to increase in the forecast period (2020–2030).
• In 2017, the total diagnosed prevalent cases of RVO in the 7MM were 1,947,496
Country Wise- Retinal Vein Occlusion Epidemiology
The epidemiology segment also provides the RVO epidemiology data and findings across the United States, EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom), and Japan.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Drug Chapters
This segment of the RVO report encloses the detailed analysis of the mid- and late-stage (Phase-III and Phase-II) pipeline drugs. It also helps to understand the clinical trial details, expressive pharmacological action, agreements and collaborations, approval, and patent details of each included drug and the latest news and press releases.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Emerging Technique
TLC399 (ProDex): Taiwan Liposome Company
TLC399 is the proprietary BioSeizer formulation of dexamethasone sodium phosphate (DSP), intended as an intravitreal, or in-eye, injection for the treatment of macular edema due to retinal vein occlusion. TLC399 in preclinical models has been shown to provide therapeutic levels of DSP in the eye for at least six months after a single administration and have also demonstrated its potential to decrease the thickness of the retina and improve vision. A phase I/II safety trial has demonstrated encouraging signs of efficacy in both the reduction of retinal central subfield thickness and improvements in visual acuity. A larger randomized, double-blind, dose-finding phase II trial is underway. The company is also evaluating opportunities to develop TLC399 in diabetic macular edema in combination with intravitreal anti-VEGF drugs.
GB-102: Graybug Vision
GB-102 is an intravitreal, microparticle depot formulation of the anti-VEGF sunitinib. Sunitinib is a small molecule receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor that acts as a potent inhibitor of all VEGF pathways, which are known to cause angiogenesis and vascular leakage in the retina, leading to vision decline. The VEGF pathways play an influential role in the development and progression of wet AMD, and there is mechanistic and clinical evidence indicating that a more complete inhibition of these pathways, as offered by sunitinib, could lead to superior patient outcomes compared to current treatments that target only limited VEGF pathways, specifically VEGF-A. The company believes that extending the duration of treatment while expanding the spectrum of neovascular inhibition of all VEGF pathways is differentiated from the current standard of care and may lead to better patient outcomes (Graybug Vision).
More products and detail in the report…

Retinal Vein Occlusion Market Outlook
Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a common vascular disorder of the retina and one of the most common causes of vision loss worldwide. Specifically, it is the second most common cause of blindness from retinal vascular disease after diabetic retinopathy.
There’s no medication available that’s specific for retinal artery occlusions. Most people with this condition will have permanent changes to their vision. The main goal of treatment is to stabilize vision by sealing off leaking blood vessels.
Unfortunately, there is no way actually to unblock retinal veins. However, the doctor can treat any health problems that seem to be related to RVO. Vision may come back in some eyes that have had an RVO. About one-third have some improvement, about one-third stay the same and about one-third gradually improve, but it can take a year or more to learn the outcome. In some cases, the blocked vessels will lead to fluid accumulation in the retina, like sponges absorbing water. In others, they may cause the formation of new blood vessels. The current treatment options of RVO intend to minimize the damage, as there is no proven treatment to improve vision loss in the long term. The therapy aims to prevent further visual loss and its complications, such as macular edema, ischemia, or neovascularization.
Some of the treatments for RVO include Intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) drugs. These drugs target VEGF, which is an important growth factor that causes macular edema. Intravitreal injection of corticosteroid drugs is the type of drug to combat the inflammatory components which lead to edema. Intraocular injections of steroids are another potential treatment for eyes that don’t respond to anti-VEGF drugs. While intraocular steroids can have some side effects such as an increase in eye pressure and cataract progression, in most cases, these side effects can be controlled.
Focal laser therapy is another type of treatment that provides lasers to areas of swelling to cause a reduction in edema. Laser treatment may also be used along with anti-VEGF therapy in hard-to-treat cases. Laser therapy for macular edema involves applying light laser pulses to the macula in a grid pattern. Pan-retinal photocoagulation therapy is also a treatment option that is used when patients have new blood vessel formation following the RVO.
Several other treatment strategies focus on the surgical treatment of the occluded retinal vein. Some of the approaches include radial optic neurotomy, chorioretinal venous anastomosis, vitrectomy with or without internal limiting membrane peeling, and others.
Currently, there are only three FDA approved products for RVO treatment, including Lucentis (ranibizumab, Genentech), Eylea (aflibercept, Regeneron), Ozurdex (dexamethasone intravitreal implant, Allergan Pharmaceuticals) while Avastin is used as an off-label therapy that help in maintaining or improving the vision.
According to DelveInsight, the RVO market is expected to change in the study period 2017–2030.
Key Findings
This section includes a glimpse of the RVO 7MM market.
• The current market of RVO in the 7MM was USD 2,127.70 million in the year 2017.
• TLC399 (ProDex), AR-1105, and GB-102, are the phase II therapies that are expected to enter the market in the forecast period (2020–2030). All these therapies are going to compete with the current corticosteroids and will be targeting the BRVO and CRVO patient pool.
• The current market of RVO is dependent on the use of anti-VEGF, corticosteroids, laser therapy, and several other off-labeled therapies. Among the present treatment option, anti-VEGF occupies the maximum market share. The anti-VEGF molecules that are being used in the present market include, ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab. Avastin is a less expensive anti-VEGF drug as compared to Eylea, hence is used mostly as off-labeled therapy. At present, around 5–10% of people are taking the steroids, and going for laser therapy

Market Outlook for Seven Major Markets
This section provides the total RVO market size and market size by therapies in the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Japan.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Drugs Uptake
This section focusses on the rate of uptake of the potential drugs that are expected to get launched in the market during the study period 2017–2030. The analysis covers RVO market uptake by drugs; patient uptake by therapies; and sales of each drug.
This helps in understanding the drugs with the most rapid uptake, reasons behind the maximal use of new drugs, and allow the comparison of the drugs on the basis of market share and size which again will be useful in investigating factors important in market uptake and in making financial and regulatory decisions.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Development Activities
The report provides insights into different therapeutic candidates in phase II, and phase III stage. It also analyzes key players involved in developing targeted therapeutics.
Pipeline Development Activities
The report covers the detailed information of collaborations, acquisition, and merger, licensing, and patent details for RVO emerging therapies.
Competitive Intelligence Analysis
We perform competitive and market intelligence analysis of the RVO market by using various competitive intelligence tools that include–SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, Porter’s five forces, BCG Matrix, Market entry strategies, etc. The inclusion of the analysis entirely depends upon the data availability.
Scope of the Report
• The report covers the descriptive overview of RVO, explaining its causes, signs and symptoms, pathogenesis, and currently available therapies.
• Comprehensive insight has been provided into the RVO epidemiology and treatment.
• Additionally, an all-inclusive account of both the current and emerging therapies for RVO is provided, along with the assessment of new therapies, which will have an impact on the current treatment landscape.
• A detailed review of the RVO market; historical and forecasted is included in the report, covering the 7MM drug outreach.
• The report provides an edge while developing business strategies by understanding trends shaping and driving the 7MM RVO market.
Report Highlights
• RVO market is anticipated to increase for the study period 2017–2030.
• Emerging therapies include Brolucizumab, ONS-5010, TLC399 (ProDex), AR-1105, and GB-102 are expected to be launched as emerging therapies for RVO during the forecast period 2020–2030.
• In the coming years, RVO market is set to change due to the rising awareness of the disease, and incremental healthcare spending across the world; which would expand the size of the market to enable the drug manufacturers to penetrate more into the market.
• The companies and academics are working to assess challenges and seek opportunities that could influence RVO R&D. The therapies under development are focused on novel approaches to treat/improve the disease condition.
• Major players are involved in developing therapies for RVO. Launch of emerging therapies will significantly impact the RVO market.
• Our in-depth analysis of the pipeline assets across different stages of development (phase III and phase II), different emerging trends and comparative analysis of pipeline products with detailed clinical profiles, key competitors, launch date along with product development activities will support the clients in the decision-making process regarding their therapeutic portfolio by identifying the overall scenario of the research and development activities.
Retinal Vein Occlusion Report Insights
• Patient Population
• Therapeutic Approaches
• RVO Pipeline Analysis
• RVO Market Size and Trends
• Market Opportunities
• Impact of upcoming Therapies
Retinal Vein Occlusion Report Key Strengths
• 11-Years Forecast
• 7MM Coverage
• RVO Epidemiology Segmentation
• Key Cross Competition
• Highly Analyzed Market
• Drugs Uptake
Retinal Vein Occlusion Report Assessment
• Current Treatment Practices
• Unmet Needs
• Pipeline Product Profiles
• Market Attractiveness
• Market Drivers and Barriers
Key Questions
Market Insights:
• What was the RVO market share (%) distribution in 2017 and how it would look like in 2030?
• What would be the RVO total market size as well as market size by therapies across the 7MM during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
• What are the key findings pertaining to the market across the 7MM and which country will have the largest RVO market size during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
• At what CAGR, the RVO market is expected to grow at the 7MM level during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
• What would be the RVO market outlook across the 7MM during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
• What would be the RVO market growth until 2030, and what will be the resultant market size in the year 2030?
• How would the market drivers, barriers, and future opportunities affect the market dynamics and subsequent analysis of the associated trends?
Epidemiology Insights:
• What is the disease risk, burden, and unmet needs of RVO?
• What is the historical RVO patient pool in the United States, EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom) and Japan?
• What would be the forecasted patient pool of RVO at the 7MM level?
• What will be the growth opportunities across the 7MM with respect to the patient population pertaining to RVO?
• Out of the countries mentioned above, which country would have the highest number of RVO cases during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
• At what CAGR the population is expected to grow across the 7MM during the forecast period (2020–2030)?
Current Treatment Scenario, Marketed Drugs and Emerging Therapies:
• What are the current options for the treatment of RVO along with the approved therapy?
• What are the current treatment guidelines for the treatment of RVO in the US and Europe?
• What are the RVO marketed drugs and their MOA, regulatory milestones, product development activities, advantages, disadvantages, safety, and efficacy, etc.?
• How many companies are developing therapies for the treatment of RVO?
• How many therapies are developed by each company for the treatment of RVO?
• How many emerging therapies are in the mid-stage and late stage of development for the treatment of RVO?
• What are the key collaborations (Industry–Industry, Industry–Academia), Mergers and acquisitions, licensing activities related to the RVO therapies?
• What are the recent novel therapies, targets, mechanisms of action, and technologies developed to overcome the limitation of existing therapies?
• What are the clinical studies going on for RVO and their status?
• What are the key designations that have been granted for the emerging therapies for RVO?
• What are the 7MM historical and forecasted market of RVO?
Reasons to buy
• The report will help in developing business strategies by understanding trends shaping and driving the RVO.
• To understand the future market competition in the RVO market and Insightful review of the key market drivers and barriers.
• Organize sales and marketing efforts by identifying the best opportunities for RVO in the US, Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom) and Japan.
• Identification of strong upcoming players in the market will help in devising strategies that will help in getting ahead of competitors.
• Organize sales and marketing efforts by identifying the best opportunities for RVO market.
• To understand the future market competition in the RVO market.


1. Key Insights
2. Executive Summary of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO)
3. SWOT Analysis of RVO
4. RVO: Market Share (%) Distribution Overview at a Glance: By Country
5. RVO: Disease Background and Overview
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Signs and Symptoms
5.3. Risk Factors and Causes
5.4. Pathophysiology
5.5. Diagnosis
5.5.1. Optical coherence tomography
5.5.2. Fluorescein angiography
5.5.3. Systemic Evaluation
5.5.4. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA)
5.5.5. Fundus Autofluorescence
5.5.6. Laboratory Test
5.5.7. European Society of Retina Specialists Diagnostic Guidelines
6. Epidemiology and Patient Population
6.1. Epidemiology Key Findings
6.2. Assumptions and Rationale
6.3. Epidemiology Scenario: 7MM
6.3.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.3.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.3.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.3.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.3.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.3.6. Treated cases of RVO in the 7MM
6.4. The United States Epidemiology
6.4.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States
6.4.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United States
6.4.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States
6.4.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States
6.4.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States
6.4.6. Treated cases of RVO in the United States
6.5. EU-5 Epidemiology
6.6. Germany
6.6.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany
6.6.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Germany
6.6.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany
6.6.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany
6.6.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany
6.6.6. Treated cases of RVO in Germany
6.7. France
6.7.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in France
6.7.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in France
6.7.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France
6.7.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France
6.7.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France
6.7.6. Treated cases of RVO in France
6.8. Italy
6.8.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy
6.8.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Italy
6.8.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy
6.8.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy
6.8.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy
6.8.6. Treated cases of RVO in Italy
6.9. Spain
6.9.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain
6.9.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Spain
6.9.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain
6.9.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain
6.9.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain
6.9.6. Treated cases of RVO in Spain
6.10. The United Kingdom
6.10.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.10.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.10.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.10.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.10.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.10.6. Treated cases of RVO in the United Kingdom
6.11. Japan Epidemiology
6.11.1. Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan
6.11.2. Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Japan
6.11.3. Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan
6.11.4. Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan
6.11.5. Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan
6.11.6. Treated cases of RVO in Japan
7. Current Treatment Practices: RVO
7.1. Laser Photocoagulation in RVO
7.2. Intravitreal injections of Drugs
7.2.1. Anti-VEGF drugs
7.2.2. Corticosteroid drugs
7.2.3. Surgical Intervention
7.3. Treatment Algorithm
7.4. Guidelines of RVO
7.4.1. RVO Preferred Practice Pattern: American Academy of Ophthalmology (2019)
7.4.2. Guidelines for the Management of RVO by the European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA): 2019
8. Unmet Needs
9. Patient Journey of RVO
10. Key Endpoints
11. Marketed Drugs
11.1. Key Cross Competition
11.2. Ozurdex (dexamethasone intravitreal implant): Allergan
11.2.1. Drug Description
11.2.2. Mechanism of Action
11.2.3. Regulatory Milestones
11.2.4. Clinical Development
11.2.5. Safety and Efficacy
11.2.6. Product Profile
11.3. Lucentis intravitreal injection (ranibizumab): Genentech
11.3.1. Drug Description
11.3.2. Mechanism of Action
11.3.3. Regulatory Milestones
11.3.4. Clinical Development
11.3.5. Safety and Efficacy
11.3.6. Product Profile
11.4. Eylea (aflibercept): Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
11.4.1. Drug Description
11.4.2. Mechanism of Action
11.4.3. Regulatory Milestones
11.4.4. Clinical Development
11.4.5. Safety and Efficacy
11.4.6. Product Profile
12. Emerging Therapies
12.1. Key Cross Competition
12.2. Launch year of emerging drugs country specific
12.3. Brolucizumab (RTH258/ESBA1008): Novartis Pharmaceuticals
12.3.1. Product Description
12.3.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.3.3. Clinical Development
12.3.4. Product Profile
12.4. TLC399 (ProDex): Taiwan Liposome Company
12.4.1. Product Description
12.4.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.4.3. Clinical Development
12.4.4. Product Profile
12.5. AR-1105: Aerie Pharmaceuticals
12.5.1. Product Description
12.5.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.5.3. Clinical Development
12.5.4. Safety and Efficacy
12.5.5. Product Profile
12.6. GB-102: Graybug Vision
12.6.1. Product Description
12.6.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.6.3. Clinical Development
12.6.4. Safety and Efficacy
12.6.5. Product Profile
12.7. ONS-5010/LYTENAVA (bevacizumab): Outlook Therapeutics
12.7.1. Product Description
12.7.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.7.3. Clinical Development
12.7.4. Product Profile
12.8. Bevacizumab: The Emmes Company
12.8.1. Product Description
12.8.2. Other Developmental Activities
12.8.3. Clinical Development
12.8.4. Safety and Efficacy
12.8.5. Product Profile
13. Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO): Seven Major Market Analysis
13.1. Key Findings
13.2. Market Methodology
13.3. Attribute Analysis Phase III
13.4. Attribute Analysis Phase II
13.5. Key Market Forecast Assumptions
13.6. Market Size of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) in the 7MM
13.7. Market Size of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) by Therapies in the 7MM
14. The United States: Market Outlook
14.1. United States Market Size
14.1.1. Total Market size of RVO
14.1.2. Market Size by Therapies
15. EU-5 Countries: Market Outlook
15.1. Germany
15.1.1. Total Market size of RVO in Germany
15.1.2. Market Size by Therapies
15.2. France
15.2.1. Total Market Size of RVO
15.2.2. Market Size by Therapies
15.3. Italy
15.3.1. Total Market Size of RVO
15.3.2. Market Size by Therapies
15.4. Spain
15.4.1. Total Market Size of RVO
15.4.2. Market Size by Therapies
15.5. United Kingdom
15.5.1. Total Market Size of RVO
15.5.2. Market Size by Therapies
16. Japan: Market Outlook
16.1. Japan Market Size
16.1.1. Total Market Size of RVO
16.1.2. Market Size by Therapies
17. KOL Views
18. Market Access and Reimbursement of RVO Therapies
18.1. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Recommendations
18.2. American Academy of Ophthalmology Recommendations
18.3. Market Access Timeline for Ranibizumab
18.4. Recommendations by different HTA agencies in Europe
18.5. Reimbursement Management
19. Market Drivers of RVO
20. Market Barriers of RVO
21. Recognized Establishments
22. Appendix
22.1. Bibliography
22.2. Report Methodology
23. DelveInsight Capabilities
24. Disclaimer
25. About DelveInsight

Table 1: Summary of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), Market, Epidemiology, and Key Events (2017–2030)
Table 2: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 3: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 4: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 5: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 6: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 7: Total Treated cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Table 8: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Table 9: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Table 10: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Table 11: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Table 12: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Table 13: Total Treated cases of RVO in the US (2017–2030)
Table 14: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 15: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 16: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 17: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 18: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 19: Total Treated cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Table 20: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 21: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 22: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 23: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 24: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 25: Total Treated cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Table 26: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 27: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 28: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 29: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 30: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 31: Total Treated cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Table 32: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 33: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 34: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 35: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 36: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 37: Total Treated cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Table 38: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 39: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 40: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 41: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 42: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 43: Total Treated cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Table 44: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 45: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 46: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 47: Age-specific Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 48: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 49: Total Treated cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Table 50: List of anti-VEGF drugs use in the management of RVO
Table 51: EURETINA Guidelines for the Management of RVO (2019)
Table 52: Comparison of Marketed drugs
Table 53: Ozurdex (dexamethasone intravitreal implant), Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 54: Lucentis intravitreal injection (ranibizumab), Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 55: Eylea, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 56: Comparison of emerging drugs under development
Table 57: Expected launch of Major Emerging Drugs (2017–2030)
Table 58: Brolucizumab vs. Aflibercept, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 59: TLC399 (ProDex), Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 60: AR-1105, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 61: GB-102, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 62: ONS-5010, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 63: Bevacizumab and Aflibercept, Clinical Trial Description, 2020
Table 64: Key market forecast assumptions for Brolucizumab
Table 65: Key market forecast assumptions for ONS-5010/Lytenava
Table 66: Key market forecast assumptions for GB-102
Table 67: Key market forecast assumptions for TLC399
Table 68: Key market forecast assumptions for AR-1105
Table 69: Market Size of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) in the 7MM in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 70: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the 7MM, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 71: United States Market Size of RVO, USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 72: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the US, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 73: Market Size of RVO in Germany, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 74: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Germany, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 75: Market Size of RVO in France, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 76: Market Size of RVO by therapies in France, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 77: Market Size of RVO in Italy, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 78: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Italy, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 79: Market Size of RVO in Spain, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 80: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Spain, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 81: Market Size of RVO in the UK, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 82: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the UK, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 83: Market Size of RVO in Japan, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 84: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Japan, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Table 85: Decisions for visual impairment due to macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion (branch BRVO or central CRVO) by different HTA agencies in Europe

Figure 1: RVO SWOT Analysis
Figure 2: Changes in the eye
Figure 3: CRVO with haemorrhage
Figure 4: Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
Figure 5: Signs and symptoms
Figure 6: Risk factors of RVO
Figure 7: Pathophysiology of RVO
Figure 8: Optical coherence tomography
Figure 9: Fluorescein angiography
Figure 10: Fundus autofluorescence
Figure 11: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 12: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 13: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 14: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 15: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 16: Treated cases of RVO in the 7MM (2017–2030)
Figure 17: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 18: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 19: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 20: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 21: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 22: Treated cases of RVO in the United States (2017–2030)
Figure 23: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 24: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 25: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 26: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 27: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 28: Treated cases of RVO in Germany (2017–2030)
Figure 29: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 30: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 31: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 32: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 33: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 34: Treated cases of RVO in France (2017–2030)
Figure 35: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 36: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 37: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 38: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 39: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 40: Treated cases of RVO in Italy (2017–2030)
Figure 41: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 42: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 43: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 44: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 45: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 46: Treated cases of RVO in Spain (2017–2030)
Figure 47: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 48: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 49: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 50: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 51: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 52: Treated cases of RVO in the United Kingdom (2017–2030)
Figure 53: Total Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 54: Total Diagnosed Prevalent cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 55: Gender-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 56: Age-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 57: Type-specific Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 58: Treated cases of RVO in Japan (2017–2030)
Figure 59: Available treatment Options for RVO
Figure 60: PAN-Retinal Photocoagulation
Figure 61: Focal Laser Treatment
Figure 62: Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF drug
Figure 63: Barriers to anti-VEGF topical delivery to the retina.
Figure 64: Intravitreal injection of a Corticosteroid drug
Figure 65: Vitrectomy
Figure 66: Proposed algorithm for treating CRVO.
Figure 67: RCO guidelines for the management of patients presenting with BRVO
Figure 68: Unmet Needs
Figure 69: Market Size of Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) in the 7MM in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 70: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the 7MM, in USD Billion (2017–2030)
Figure 71: Market Size of RVO in the United States, USD Millions (2017–2030)
Figure 72: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the United States, USD Millions (2017–2030)
Figure 73: Market Size of RVO in Germany, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 74: Market size of RVO by therapies in Germany, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 75: Market Size of RVO in France, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 76: Market size of RVO by therapies in France, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 77: Market Size of RVO in Italy, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 78: Market size of RVO by therapies in Italy, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 79: Market Size of RVO in Spain, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 80: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Spain, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 81: Market Size of RVO in the UK, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 82: Market Size of RVO by therapies in the UK, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 83: Market Size of RVO in Japan, USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 84: Market Size of RVO by therapies in Japan, in USD Million (2017–2030)
Figure 85: KOL Views
Figure 86: KOL Views
Figure 87: Market access timelines for Ranibizumab
Figure 88: Market Drivers
Figure 89: Market Barriers


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