Report on the Chinese 0~3-year-olds Toy Industry 2019-2023

AskCI Consulting
75 Pages - ASK10906

The Chinese toy manufacturing industry has maintained positive development momentum with industry sales income rising every year. XX billion CNY of sales income in 2012 grew to XX billion CNY in 2018, a CAGR of XX%.

The average spending was 260 CNY for children’s toys for 0-3-year-olds. The number of newborns has been rising steadily over the years, which is why the 0-3-year-olds toy market has been able to generate XX billion CNY in income over the years.

The importance of early education, the rising number of newborns and young parents has caused a surge in demand for such toy products, and therefore it is predicted that the market will reach a scale of XX billion CNY by 2023.


Chapter 1 0-3-year-olds toy industry definition
1.1 Industry definition
1.2 Product categories
1.3 Industry characteristics
1.3.1 Cyclical
1.3.2 Seasonal
1.3.3 Regional
1.4 Industry chain
1.4.1 Upstream materials influence on the industry
1.4.2 Downstream influence on the industry

Chapter 2 Current developments and prospects
2.1 Chinese toy industry developments and characteristics
2.1.1 Clustering effect
2.1.2 Large amount of exports
2.1.3 Large number of small corporations
2.1.4 OEM, ODM and a lack of brand awareness
2.2 Market scale
2.2.1 Sales income
2.2.2 Retail figures
2.2.3 Product structure
2.3 Sales channels
2.3.1 Specialty stores
2.3.2 Large commercial supermarkets
2.3.3 Department stores
2.3.4 E-commerce
2.3.5 Other channels

Channel 3 Toy characteristics and choices for children of different ages
3.1 0-1-month-olds
3.2 1-3-month-olds
3.3 4-7-month-olds
3.4 8-12-month-olds
3.5 1-year-olds
3.6 2-year-olds
3.7 3-year-olds

Chapter 4 0-3-year-olds toy industry current developments
4.1 Current developments
4.1.1 Development overview
4.1.2 Market scale analysis
4.2 Industry development factors
4.2.1 Beneficial factors
4.2.2 Detrimental factors
4.3 Problems and strategies
4.3.1 Problems
4.3.2 Reasons for said problems
4.3.3 Development strategies and advice

Chapter 5 Main companies
5.1 Alpha Co.
5.1.1 Development overview
5.1.2 Main products
5.1.3 Operational analysis
5.1.4 Channels of cooperation
5.1.5 Competitive advantages
5.2 Sun Fun Toys
5.2.1 Development overview
5.2.2 Main products
5.2.3 Operational status
5.2.4 Sales networks
5.2.5 Competitive advantages
5.3 Beiens
5.3.1 Development overview
5.3.2 Main products
5.3.3 Operational analysis
5.3.4 Sales networks
5.3.5 Competitive advantages
5.4 Alilo
5.4.1 Development overview
5.4.2 Main products
5.4.3 Sales channels
5.4.4 Competitive advantages
5.5 Adai Technologies
5.5.1 Development overview
5.5.2 Main products
5.5.3 Sales channels
5.5.4 Competitive advantages
5.6 Fisher-Price
5.6.1 Development overview
5.6.2 Main products

Chapter 6 Industry developments and prospects
6.1 Development trends
6.1.1 Green production
6.1.2 Combined development of IPs and industry
6.1.3 New toys and new growth drivers
6.2 Market scale estimations
6.2.1 Toy market retail figure predictions
6.2.2 0-3-year-olds industry growth analysis
6.3.1 Brand Barriers
6.3.2 Development and innovation barriers
8.3.3 Production barriers
8.3.4 Sales channel barriers
8.3.5 Environmental standard barriers
8.3.6 Capital investment barriers
8.4 Industry investment risks
8.4.1 Political risks
8.4.2 Competitive risks
8.4.3 Raw material risks
8.4.4 Labor cost risks


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