Cigarettes in Indonesia, 2020

88 Pages - GLDATA69236


Cigarettes in Indonesia, 2020 is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Indonesian tobacco market. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2029.

Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic state, consisting of 17,508 islands, and is home to the world's largest Muslim population. The country has suffered a succession of economic and political problems, and most recently natural disasters, all of which have reduced both confidence and disposable income levels. The tsunami that hit the northernmost region of Indonesia in December 2004 did considerable damage to the local population and economy, but had little impact on the development of the nation's overall cigarette market. There were more disasters in 2006 and early 2007: an earthquake in Java, an industrial accident in East Java that caused a mud volcano, a tsunami in south Java, and major flooding in Jakarta. There has also been political, social, and economic turmoil, although democratic elections were held in December 2006.


- Indonesia is the fifth largest market for cigarettes in the world, with an overall market volume of 307 billion pieces in 2018, although a fall to 305 billion pieces is forecast for 2019.
- Three local producers dominate the kretek market but there are numerous other local producers
- Local production, which is strongly linked with domestic sales and boosted by growing exports, has recently shown growth.
- Imports are not a major feature of the market, amounting to only 1.74 billion pieces in 2018

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.


Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Overview
2. Market Size
3. Market Structure
4. Manufacturers & Brands
5. Taxation & Retail
a. Taxation
b. Retail Prices
6. The Smoking Population
7. Production & Trade
a. Production
b. Imports
c. Exports
8. Operating constraints
a. Advertising Restrictions
b. Health Warnings/Labeling Requirements
c. Other Restrictions
9. Company Profiles
10. Prospects & Forecasts
11. Appendix
a. What is this Report About?
b. Time Frame
c. Product Category Coverage
d. Methodology
e. About GlobalData
f. Disclaimer
g. Contact Us

List of Tables
Table 1: Cigarette Consumption, 1990-2019
Table 2: White Cigarette Consumption, 1990-2019
Table 3: Per Capita Consumption, 1990-2019
Table 4: Kreteks vs. White Cigarettes, 1990-2019
Table 5: Kreteks: Machine vs. Hand-Made, 2008-2018, Billion Pieces
Table 6: Kreteks: Machine vs. Hand-Made, 2008-2018, %
Table 7: Cigarette/Kretek Sales by Type, 2011-2013, %
Table 8: Sales by Pack Type, Kreteks, 1996-2006, % Breakdown
Table 9: Sales by Pack Type, White Cigarettes, 1996-2006, % Breakdown
Table 10: Sales by Cigarette Size, Kreteks, 1996-2006, % Breakdown
Table 11: Sales by Cigarette Size, White Cigarettes, 1996-2006, % Breakdown
Table 12: Price Segmentation, 2011-2014, % Volume
Table 13: Kreteks & White Cigarettes: Manufacturer Sales, 2000-2019, Million Pieces
Table 14: Kreteks & White Cigarettes: Manufacturer Market Shares, 2002-2019, %
Table 15: Kreteks: Manufacturer Sales, 2000-2018, Billion Pieces
Table 16: Kreteks: Manufacturer Market Shares, 2000-2018, %
Table 17: White Cigarettes: Manufacturer Sales, 2000-2018, Million Pieces
Table 18: White Cigarettes: Manufacturer Market Shares, 2000-2018, %
Table 19: Market Shares, Leading Brands, 2010-2017, % Total Market Volume
Table 20: Top 10 Brand Families, 2012 & 2013, % Volume
Table 21: Classification of Cigarette Manufacturers, 2002
Table 22: Tier Elimination, 2011-2013
Table 23: Excise Generation from Tobacco, Rp Billion, 1995-2015
Table 24: Retail Prices by Category, Rp, 2008
Table 25: Typical Price of Packet of 20 Cigarettes, 1990-2012
Table 26: Smoking Population, 1990-2018
Table 27: Age of Smoker When Commenced Smoking, 1997
Table 28: Cigarette Production, 1990-2016
Table 29: Kretek Production by Type, 2009-2013, Billion Pieces
Table 30: Cigarette Imports, 1995-2018
Table 31: Imports by Country of Origin, Volume, Million Pieces, 2008-2018
Table 32: Imports by Country of Origin, 2008-2018, %
Table 33: Exports of Cigarettes, 1990-2018, Million Pieces
Table 34: Exports of Cigarettes by Country of Destination, 2008-2018
Table 35: Exports of Cigarettes by Country of Destination, 2008-2018
Table 36: Key Company Facts
Table 37: Key Company Facts
Table 38: Key Company Facts
Table 39: Key Company Facts
Table 40: Consumption Forecasts to 2029

List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology
Figure 2: GlobalData at a Glance


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