"Tobacco Insights: May 2018", is a monthly report by GlobalData which provides extensive and highly detailed information on the changing production and consumption patterns affected by the recent developments related to new laws and regulations globally.
What does this report offer?
- Consumption data based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing work and our in-house expertise in the industry in order to offer data about the trends and dynamics affecting the Tobacco industry.
- Recent activities of the manufacturers operating in the industry.
- Detailed company profiles, highlighting key focus product sectors with the key features & developments, segmentation, per capita trends and the brands.
- A study undertaken by a team of researchers at the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center and the University of Patras in Greece found that the levels of three combinations in e-liquid emissions are lower than those reported in a previous study.
- The Business Renaissance Group (BRG) asked the Nigerian Government to re-consider the newly applied rise in excise duties on locally produced tobacco products.
- Tasmania leads Australia in smoking as the nicotine usage rates exceeded the national average, according to the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program.
- From July 2018, South Korean health authorities are planning to enforce a ban on tobacco smoking at all cafés with floor areas bigger than 75 square meters.
- The French Government plans to dispose of cigarette butts in an environmentally friendly manner, under a new anti-waste plan, which was introduced in April.
- Philip Morris Limited (PML) breached the ban on the advertising of tobacco and tobacco-related products when it supplied newsagents across Britain with posters promoting its iQOS heat-not-burn device.
Reasons to buy
- Evaluate important changes in consumer behavior to identify profitable markets and areas for product innovation.
- Analyse the current and forecast market position of the brands to identify the best opportunities to exploit.
- A summary of the latest news in the Tobacco industry, providing a single-source solution to understand how the industry is changing, and what this means for brands and companies.
Companies Mentioned
Imperial Brands
British American Tobacco
Eastern Tobacco Egypt
Japan Tobacco Inc
Philip Morris International
Table of Contents
1. A Global Perspective 1
1.1. Cigarette Consumption and Production 1
1.1.1. Cigarette consumption trends, 2006-2016 1
1.1.2. Cigarette production trends, 2004-2016 5
1.1.3. Regional cigarette consumption, 2014 10
1.1.4. Regional cigarette production, 2014 11
1.1.5. Per capita consumption of cigarettes by country, 2006-2016 12
2. Global News 16
2.1. World News 16
2.2. Africa 17
2.2.1. Ghana 17
2.2.2. Kenya 17
2.2.3. Malawi 17
2.2.4. Nigeria 18
2.2.5. South Africa 18
2.2.6. Zimbabwe 18
2.3. Asia-Pacific 19
2.3.1. Australia 19
2.3.2. Cambodia 19
2.3.3. China 19
2.3.4. India 19
2.3.5. Japan 20
2.3.6. Malaysia 21
2.3.7. Nepal 21
2.3.8. New Zealand 21
2.3.9. Pakistan 21
2.3.10. Philippines 22
2.3.11. Singapore 22
2.3.12. South Korea 22
2.3.13. Sri Lanka 23
2.3.14. Taiwan 23
2.3.15. Thailand 23
2.3.16. Vietnam 24
2.4. Europe 24
2.4.1. The EU 24
2.4.2. Belarus 25
2.4.3. Czech Republic 25
2.4.4. France 25
2.4.5. Germany 26
2.4.6. Ireland 28
2.4.7. Netherlands 28
2.4.8. Spain 28
2.4.9. The UK 31
2.5. Middle East 33
2.5.1. UAE 33
2.5.2. Saudi Arabia 34
2.6. North America 34
2.6.1. Canada 34
2.6.2. The US 35
2.7. South and Central America 43
2.7.1. Argentina 43
3. Analysis of Recent product Development 53
3.1. Havanitos - Sigarillo - Chocolate, Honey 53
3.2. Half Pipe - Handmade Cigars - Epic Red, Sweet Ride, Gold Rush 54
3.3. Royal Blunts Hemparillo - Hemp Wraps - Blueberry, Naked 55
4. Company News 56
4.1. British American Tobacco 51
4.2. Eastern Tobacco Egypt 51
4.3. Imperial brands 51
4.4. Japan Tobacco Inc. 52
4.5. Philip Morris International 52
5. Why the tobacco industry needs to change its packaging 60
5.1. Low recyclability in tobacco packaging to attract environment-related taxation 60
5.2. Current plastic use in tobacco packaging 60
5.2.1. Current plastic packaging use in Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco 60
5.2.2. Current plastic packaging use in e-cigarettes and e-liquids 62
5.3. Impact on consumer behavior - North American smokers and vapers are more likely to be put off by high price of cigarettes and e-cigarettes 62
5.4. What should the tobacco and vaping industry do in response to the potential environmental tax on plastic packaging? 63
5.4.1. Removing non-recyclable elements in packaging 63
5.4.2. Greener packaging - using environmentally friendly alternative 64
5.4.3. Initiating recycling schemes for e-cigarette packaging and units 64
5.4.4. On-pack guidance is needed on how to dispose of e-cigarettes properly or remind consumers that there is a need for safe disposal 64
5.5. Conclusion 65
6. Appendix 66
6.1. About GlobalData 66
7. Disclaimer 68
List of Tables
Table 1: Global Cigarette Consumption (million pieces), 2006-2016 7
Table 2: Global Cigarette Production (million pieces), 2004-2016 11
Table 3: Regional Cigarette Consumption, 2014 16
Table 4: Regional Cigarette Production, 2014 17
Table 5: Per Capita Consumption of Cigarettes by Country, Pieces, 2006-2016 18
Table 6: Japan: Tobacco Quantities Released for Consumption, Billion Pieces, 2015, 2016 & 2017 26
Table 7: France: Monthly Tobacco Quantities Released for Consumption, 2015-2018 32
Table 8: Spain January Tobacco Quantities Released for Consumption, 2015-2018 34
Table 9: Spain: Monthly Brand Shares, March 2017 & March 2018, % Volume 36
Table 10: UK: Tobacco Quantities Released for Consumption, 2015, 2016 & 2017 38
Table 11: Canada: Monthly Cigarette Production and Sales, 2016-2018 40
Table 12: The US: Monthly Cigarettes Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Million Pieces 43
Table 13: The US: Monthly Small Cigars Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Million Pieces 44
Table 14: The US: Monthly Large Cigars & Cigarillos Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Million Pieces 44
Table 15: The US: Monthly Snuff Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Thousand Pounds 45
Table 16: The US: Monthly Chewing Tobacco Consumption & Production Trends, 2015-2017, Thousand Pounds 46
Table 17: The US: Monthly Pipe Tobacco Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Thousand Pounds 46
Table 18: The US: Monthly Roll-Your-Own Tobacco Consumption & Production Trends, 2016-2018, Thousand Pounds 47
Table 19: Tobacco Brand prices, Argentina Pesos, March 2018 48
Table 20: Tobacco Brand prices, Argentina Pesos, March 2018 50
Table 21: Havanitos - Sigarillo - Chocolate, Honey 53
Table 22: Half Pipe Handmade Cigars - Epic Red, Sweet Ride, Gold Rush 54
Table 23: Royal Blunts Hemparillo - Hemp Wraps - Blueberry, Naked 55
Table 24: PM Shipment Volume by Region, cigarettes, million units, Q1 2017-Q1 2018 58
Table 25: PM Shipment Volume by Region, Heated Tobacco Units, million units, Q1 2017-Q1 2018 58
Table 26: PM Shipment Volume by Region, Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Units, million units, Q1 2017-Q1 2018 59
Table 27: PM Shipment Volume by brand, million units, Q1 2017-Q1 2018 59
Table 28: Demand for Flexible Shrink Wraps for Cigarette packs, 2017 to 2022, in million pack units 61
Table 29: Demand for Flexible packs for Loose Tobacco, 2017 to 2022, in million pack units 61
List of Figures
Figure 1: Imports as % of Production, 2014 10
Figure 2: Exports as % of Production, 2014 11
Figure 3: Consumption of hookah, e-cigarettes and e-shisha among young consumers, 2015 33
Figure 4: Havanitos - Sigarillo - Chocolate, Honey 53
Figure 5: Half Pipe Handmade Cigars - Epic Red 54
Figure 6: Royal Blunts Hemparillo - Hemp Wraps, Blueberry, Naked 55
Figure 7: Global: When shopping for cigarettes, which of the following aspects do you prioritize? 57
Figure 8: Global: When shopping for e-cigarettes, which of the following aspects do you prioritize? 63