Sports and Leisure Equipment Retailing in Chile - Market Summary and Forecasts; Comprehensive overview of the market, consumer, and competitive context, with retail sales value and forecasts to 2020

Verdict Retail
60 Pages - VDCTRETAIL10026

The retail market for sports and leisure equipment is expected to witness a growth of 5.9% over the forecast period. Per capita spending is on the rise and will produce a CAGR of 4.9% over 2015-2020. In addition, online spending on sports and leisure equipment is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 15.15% during the next five years, driven by increasing consumer preference for the channel. From 7.3% in 2015, the online share of sports and leisure equipment will reach 11.1% by the end of 2020

Key Findings
- Increasing passion for sports and fitness is a key driver for the sale of sports equipment in the country

- Sales through the online channel are gaining traction due to high smartphone penetration

- Specialist retailers dominate the sport and leisure equipment market in Chile, having accounted for 68.5% of the sales in the segment

“Sports and Leisure Equipment Retailing in Chile - Market Summary and Forecasts” is a detailed sector report providing a comprehensive analysis of the emerging trends, forecasts and opportunities to 2020.

What else does this report offer?

- A thorough analysis of consumer trends changing economic and population factors

- Both qualitative and quantitative insights and analysis of the shifting sports and leisure equipment retail dynamics for sports equipment and toys and games from 2010 to 2020

- Sales of sports and leisure equipment through the following channels from 2010 to 2020: Other specialist retailers; online; hypermarkets, supermarkets and hard-discounters; department stores; cash and carries and warehouse clubs; Value, variety stores and general merchandise retailers; other general and non-specialist direct retailers; clothing, footwear, accessories and luxury goods specialists; music, video, book, stationery and entertainment software specialists; convenience stores (including Independents) and gas stations

- An overview of key sports and leisure equipment retailers operating across Chile and their presence across distribution channels

Reasons To Buy
- Gain a comprehensive knowledge on sports and leisure equipment sector in the Chile retail market and develop a competitive advantage from the start of your supply chain

- Investigate current and forecast behaviour trends in sports and leisure equipment category to identify the best opportunities to exploit

- Analyze the recommended actions to align your marketing strategies with the crucial trends influencing the consumer behavior

- Understand the fastest growing categories including sports equipment and toys and games, with insights on performance across key channels from 2010, with forecasts until 2020

- Explore novel opportunities that will allow you to align your product offerings and strategies to meet demand by analyzing the vital economic and population trends, key consumer and technology trends influencing the sports and leisure equipment market

- Analysis of key international and domestic players operating in the sports and leisure equipment market - including store counts and revenues that give you a competitive edge - identify opportunities to improve your market share


1. Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
2. Executive Summary and Outlook
3. Market Context
3.1 A relatively stable economy in the Latin American region
3.1.1 Dependency on exports and copper will have a transient effect on the economy
3.1.2 Consistent decline in savings rate is good sign for retail spending
3.1.3 Service remains the dominant sector for employment
3.1.4 Improving labor market set to drive retail spending
3.1.5 Stable inflation levels are healthy for the retail market
3.1.6 Household consumption expenditure is a result of improvement in Chileans spending
3.2 Balanced demography and optimistic economy will favor the retail market
4. Chile Shoppers
4.1 Convenience is the new trend in the Chilean retail market
4.2 Chile's retail market is strong but problems prevail
4.3 Tourism and opportunities in Chile's retail sector
4.4 Best-selling electronics in Chile
5. Doing Business in Chile
5.1 Summary
5.1.1 Bureaucracy
5.1.2 Business culture
5.1.3 Geography
5.1.4 Infrastructure and logistics
5.2 Key taxation policies
5.3 Tax reforms by the new government
6. Retail - Product Sectors
6.1 Product Sector Analysis
6.1.1 Sports and Leisure Equipment
6.2 Sports and Leisure Equipment Category Overview
6.2.1 Sports and Leisure Equipment by Channel
6.2.2 Sports and Leisure Equipment by Category
6.3 Sports and Leisure Equipment Category Analysis
6.3.1 Sports Equipment
6.3.2 Toys and Games
6.4 Major Retailers
6.4.1 Sports and Leisure Equipment
7. Appendix
7.1 Definitions
7.1.1 This report provides 2015 actual sales; while forecasts are provided for 2016 - 2020
7.2 Summary Methodology
7.2.1 Overview
7.2.2 The triangulated market sizing method
7.2.3 Industry surveys in the creation of retail market data
7.2.4 Quality control and standardized processes
7.3 About Verdict Retail
7.4 Disclaimer

Table 1: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 2: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 3: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 4: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 5: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Segmentation (% value), by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Table 6: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales (CLP mn), by Category, 2010-2015
Table 7: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (CLP mn), by Category 2015-2020
Table 8: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales (US$ mn), by Category, 2010-2015
Table 9: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (US$ mn), by Category 2015-2020
Table 10: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Segmentation (% value), by Category 2010-2020
Table 11: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Sales (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 12: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 13: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Sales (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 14: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Sales Forecast (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 15: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Segmentation, by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Table 16: Chile Toys and Games Retail Sales (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 17: Chile Toys and Games Retail Sales Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 18: Chile Toys and Games Retail Sales (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2015
Table 19: Chile Toys and Games Retail Sales Forecast (US$ mn), by Channel Group, 2015-2020
Table 20: Chile Toys and Games Retail Segmentation, by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Table 21: Key Sports and Leisure equipment Retailers in Chile
Table 22: Chile Exchange Rate CLP-US$ (Annual Average), 2010-2015
Table 23: Chile Exchange Rate CLP-US$ (Annual Average), 2016-2020
Table 24: Verdict Retail Channel Definitions
Table 25: Verdict Retail Category Definitions

Figure 1: GDP Values (Current US$) billion, 2010-2015
Figure 2: Growth Rate of GDP (Constant US$), 2010-2015
Figure 3: GDP Value and Growth (CLP billion, %), 2010-2015
Figure 4: Forecasts for GDP Value and Growth (CLP billion, %), 2015-2020
Figure 5: Personal Savings (%), 2005-2015
Figure 6: Share of Employment by Sector (%), 2005 and 2015
Figure 7: Unemployment Rate (%), 2005-2015
Figure 8: Inflation GDP deflator (annual %) 2005-2015
Figure 9: Household Consumption Expenditure of Chile (CLP billion), 2005 and 2015
Figure 10: Household Consumption Expenditure of Major Countries (US$ Billion), 2015
Figure 11: Growth of Household Consumption Expenditure (%), 2005-2015
Figure 12: Total Population and Growth Rate (Millions, %), 2005-2020
Figure 13: Population Split by Gender (%), 2015 and 2020E
Figure 14: Population Split by Age Group (%), 2015 and 2020E
Figure 15: Per Capita Spend on Retail (CLP), 2005 and 2015
Figure 16: Per Capita Spend (CLP) on Retail by Age Group (%), 2005 and 2015
Figure 17: Rural and Urban Populations (% of total population) 2005, 2015E and 2020E
Figure 18: Major cities with high spend on retail
Figure 19: Doing Business in Chile
Figure 20: Share of Sports and Leisure Equipment in overall Retail 2015 and 2020
Figure 21: Retail Sales Value and Growth (CLP billion, %) of Sports and Leisure Equipment 2015-2020
Figure 22: Spend-per-Head on Sports and Leisure Equipment 2015 and 2020
Figure 23: Online Spend in Sports and Leisure Equipment 2015-2020
Figure 24: Online Share of total Sports and Leisure Equipment Spend 2015 and 2020
Figure 25: Spending per Channel in Sports and Leisure Equipment (%) 2015 and 2020
Figure 26: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales and Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Figure 27: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Market Dynamics, by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Figure 28: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Sales and Forecast (CLP mn), by Category 2010-2020
Figure 29: Chile Sports and Leisure Equipment Retail Market Dynamics, by Category 2010-2020
Figure 30: Chile Sports Equipment Retail Sales and Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Figure 31: Chile Toys and Games Retail Sales and Forecast (CLP mn), by Channel Group, 2010-2020
Figure 32: The Triangulated Market Sizing Methodology

Under Armour


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