Egypt Cigarettes, 2019 is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Egyptian Cigarette market. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2029.
A buoyant economy and expanding population has allowed the Egyptian cigarette market to enjoy strong growth in the past; however, tax-led price increases have hampered volumes in recent years, along with an increasing issue with contraband. Although Egypt has signed and ratified the FCTC and agreed to a complete ban on promotion of tobacco products, it has been poorly enforced in the country. Forecasts indicate slow growth in the market, over the coming years.
- Per Capita consumption in Egypt was 859 pieces in 2018, relatively high for the region.
- The Eastern Company is the only domestic manufacturer of cigarettes and maintains a monopoly over the market.
- Despite escalating prices, smoking remains a popular habit; increasing numbers of women and younger consumers are taking up the habit.
- Imports in 2018 were 2.9 billion pieces,while exports were recorded as 26 million pieces.
- GlobalData expects only modest growth in sales in the coming decade, impeded by ongoing contraband issues and tax increases.
Reasons to buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
Table of Contents
1. Overview
2. Market Size
3. Market Structure
4. Manufacturers & Brands
5. Taxation & Retail Prices
5.1. Taxation
5.2. Retail Prices
6. The Smoking Population
7. Production & Trade
7.1. Production
7.2. Imports
7.3. Exports
8. Operating Constraints
8.1. Advertising Restrictions
8.2. Health Warnings
8.3. Other Restrictions
9. Company Profiles
10. Prospects & Forecasts
11. Appendix
11.1. What is this Report About?
11.2. Time Frame
11.3. Product Category Coverage
11.4. Methodology
11.5. About GlobalData
11.6. Disclaimer
11.7. Contact Us
List of Tables
Table 1: Duty Paid Cigarette Consumption, 1990-2019
Table 2: Duty Paid & Non-Duty Paid Markets, 2010-2012, Million Pieces
Table 3: Per Capita Consumption, 1990-2019
Table 4: Market Breakdown, Local & Foreign Cigarettes, 2016/17 & 2017/18
Table 5: Cigarette Sales by Size, 2000-2008, % of Total
Table 6: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, 2000-2019, Million Pieces
Table 7: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, 2000-2019, % of Total
Table 8: General Sales Tax Rates, January 2010
Table 9: General Sales Tax Rates, October 2019
Table 10: Retail Prices of Selected Brands from Eastern Company, 1996-2008, E£/Pack
Table 11: Retail Prices of Selected Brands from Eastern Company, 2011, E£/Pack
Table 12: Retail Prices of Selected Brands from Eastern Company, 2012 - 2016, E£/Pack
Table 13: Smoking population, 1990-2018
Table 14: Cigarette Production, 1990-2018, Million Pieces
Table 15: Imports of Cigarettes, 1990-2018
Table 16: Imports by Country of Origin, 2008-2018, Million Pieces
Table 17: Imports by Country of Origin, 2008-2018, % of Total
Table 18: Cigarette Exports, 1990-2018
Table 19: Exports by Country of Destination, 2009-2017, Million Pieces
Table 20: Exports by Country of Destination, 2009-2017, % of Total
Table 21: Company profile: Eastern Company SAE
Table 22: Consumption Forecasts, Million pieces, 2019-2029
List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology
Figure 2: Global Data at a glance