Cigarettes in Spain, 2017

76 Pages - GLDATA58996


"Cigarettes in Spain, 2017" is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Spanish market. The report offers Market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise.

Until 2008, Spain had been one of the largest and most buoyant cigarette markets in Western Europe, however, the impact of two price rises in 2009, following a tax increase, caused demand to slump. The prevalence of smoking among the local population has been declining in recent years, with 2016 consumption representing only 57% of 1990 levels. Per capita consumption levels are now only moderate, with 956 pieces a year in 2016.


- Continued market growth has taken place amid major structural change, with demand for blond cigarettes steadily gaining share at the expense of dark cigarettes, and accounting for 94.5% of sales in 2015. Full flavor products account for the majority of sales and filter cigarettes accounted for over 99.9% of sales in 2015.
- PMI holds the leadership with a 33.4% share of market volume, followed by Altadis/Imperial, once the market leader, with 30.2%.

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.

Companies Mentioned
Heintz van Landewyck
Von Eicken
Grupo CITA
RJ Reynolds
Rothmans International
Grand River Enterprises
KT International
Heupink & Bloemen
Dos Santos


Table of Contents
1 Overview
2 Market Size
3 Market Structure
4 Manufacturers & Brands
5 Taxation & Retail
Taxation 28
Retail Prices 31
6 The Smoking Population
7 Production & Trade
Production 56
Imports 58
Exports 61
8 Operating Constraints
Advertising Restrictions 65
Health Warnings/Labelling Requirements 66
Other Restrictions 67
9 Company Profiles
10 Prospects & Forecasts
11 Appendix
What is this Report About? 74
Time Frame 74
Product Category Coverage 74
Methodology 74
About GlobalData 76
Disclaimer 76
Contact Us 76

List of Tables
Table 1: Cigarette Consumption, Million Pieces, 1990-2016
Table 2: Consumption, Including Contraband Supplies, Billion Pieces, 1991-2015
Table 3: Per Capita Consumption, 1990-2016
Table 4: Retail Value Sales, 1990-2016
Table 5: Market Breakdown, Dark vs. Blond Cigarettes, Billion Pieces, 2000-2015
Table 6: Market Breakdown, Dark vs. Blond Cigarettes, %, 2000-2015
Table 7: Market Breakdown: Plain vs. Filter Cigarettes, % Breakdown, 2000-2015
Table 8: Market Breakdown by Price Segments, % Market Volume, 2004-2014
Table 9: Market Breakdown by Pack Size, % Volume, 1998-2008 & 2013
Table 10: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, Million Pieces, 2000-2015
Table 11: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, % Volume, 2000-2015
Table 12: Brand Family Shares, % Volume, 2000-2015
Table 13: Structure of Taxation on Cigarettes, % of Retail Price, 1990-2016
Table 14: EU Countries, Retail Price & Tax Incidence Comparison, Cigarettes, 2016
Table 15: Retail Prices Trends: Leading Brand Families, € Per Pack, 2010-2016
Table 16: Retail Prices, Cigarettes, € Per Pack, 2006-2016
Table 17: Smoking Population, 1990-2014
Table 18: Smokers by Age & Gender, % Smokers, 2006 & 2012
Table 19: Smoking Prevalence (OED Data), % Smoking in last 30 days, 1997-2007
Table 20: Cigarette Production, Million Pieces, 1990-2015
Table 21: Cigarette Imports, Million Pieces, 1990-2015
Table 22: Imports by Country of Origin, Million Pieces, 2000-2014
Table 23: Imports by Country of Origin, % Breakdown, 2000-2014
Table 24: Cigarette Exports, Million Pieces, 1990-2015
Table 25: Exports by Country of Destination, Million Pieces, 2000-2014
Table 26: Exports by Country of Destination, % Breakdown, 2000-2014
Table 27: Altadis SA (Imperial Tobacco España)
Table 28: Consumption Forecasts to 2025, Million Pieces

List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology
Figure 2: GlobalData at a glance


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