UK Baby Equipment - 2018

94 Pages - GLDATA65791


"UK Baby Equipment - 2018", report offers comprehensive insight and analysis of the baby equipment market (including forecasts up to 2023), the major players, the main trends, and consumer attitudes. It provides in-depth analysis of the following: the hot issues impacting the market, strategies for success, market sizes and forecasts, retailer profiles, retailer market shares, consumer data and future outlook. The report focuses on baby travel equipment, baby furniture and homewares, and baby care. Consumer data is based on our 2018 UK baby equipment survey, using a panel of 2,000 nationally representative UK consumers.


- Analysis of the key strategies for success in Baby equipment market, as well as the most important market issues.
- Detailed review on the size of the market, the key drivers, and how spend is distributed.
- Profiles of the major players, and analysis of the key trends driving the market.
- Insight on who's consuming, what they are buying, where they are buying, and what makes consumers purchase.

Reasons to buy

- Utilize the detailed data and insight on the market to help form an effective growth strategy across the baby equipment market.
- Gain a better understanding of consumer shopping habits within baby equipment and which retailers are the most popular to enable you to better compete in the market.
- Identify the opportunities to grow sales in this sector by comparing strategies of the key players in the market and their performance metrics.
- Understand which trends are driving consumer spend on baby equipment and how you can tap into these trends.
- Gain an understanding of which consumers spend the most on baby equipment, which demographics have the lowest penetration and which regions in the UK have the highest baby equipment penetration to allow you to target specific consumer groups more effectively.


Table of Contents
Main issues in baby equipment
Strategies for success
The sector at a glance
Overall sector size and growth
Sector size and growth: baby furniture
Sector size and growth: nursery soft furnishings and decorative items
Sector size and growth: baby bath and bed linens
Sector size and growth: baby travel
Sector size and growth: baby care
Sector size and growth: baby safety
Sector size and growth: baby entertainment
Online dynamics
Channels of distribution
Retailer prospects
Market shares
Retailer profiles
John Lewis
Mamas & Papas
Net agreement statements
Research process
Penetration and profiles
Average spend
Purchase motivation
Price/ quality concerns
Retailer usage
Considerd and used conversion
Channel usage
Drivers of retailer choice
What is included
Market sizing

List of Tables
Category growth and size by sub-category, 2018-20e
Channels of distribution, 2018e and 2023e
Table of key comparatives for top nine retailers, financial year ending 2017
Penetration by product, 2018
Average spend by subcategory
Average spend by product
Retailer usage by subcategory, 2018
Retailer usage by demographics, 2018
Considered, used and conversion for overall baby equipment, 2018
Channel usage for overall baby equipment 2018
Drivers of retailer choice
Drivers of retailer choice by customer, 2018
Online fulfilment for baby equipment, 2018

List of Figures
Market size - total market, 2017-23e
Market growth - total market, 2017-23e
Market volume growth - total market, 2017-23e
Market inflation growth - total market, 2017-23e
Market size - baby furniture, 2017-23e
Market growth - baby furniture, 2017-23e
Market size - nursery furniture and soft furnishings, 2017-23e
Market growth - nursery furniture and soft furnishings, 2017-23e
Market size - baby bath and bed linens, 2017-23e
Market growth - baby bath and bed linens, 2017-23e
Market size - baby travel, 2017-23e
Market growth - baby travel, 2017-23e
Market size - baby care, 2017-23e
Market growth baby care, 2017-23e
Market size - baby safety, 2017-23e
Market growth - baby safety, 2017-23e
Market size - baby entertainment, 2017-23e
Market growth - baby entertainment, 2017-23e
Category growth and size by sub-category, 2018-20e
Online market size and penetration, 2017-23e
Online and offline market growth, 2017-23e
Channels of distribution, 2018e and 2023e
Top 10 baby equipment retailers, 2018e
Change in share among top 10 baby equipment retailers on 2017
Baby equipment market share for Mothercare, 2016-18e
Retailer demogrpahics for Mothercare, 2018
Customer share overall by category for Mothercare, 2018
Baby equipment market share for Argos, 2016-18e
Retailer demographics for Argos, 2018
Customer share overall by category for Argos, 2018
Baby equipment market share for Amazon, 2016-18e
Retailer demogrpahics for Amazon, 2018
Customer share overall by category for Amazon, 2020
Baby equipment market share for John Lewis, 2016-18e
Retailer demographics for John Lewis, 2018
Customer share overall by category for John Lewis, 2018
Baby equipment market share for ASDA, 2016-18e
Retailer demographics for ASDA, 2018
Customer share overall by category for ASDA, 2018
Overall penetration for baby equipment, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby equipment, 2018
Overall penetration for baby furniture, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby furniture, 2018
Overall penetration for nursery soft furnishings, 2018
Profile by demographic for nursery soft furnishings, 2018
Overall penetration for nursery decorative accessories, 2018
Profile by demographic for nursery decorative accessories, 2018
Overall penetration for baby bath linens, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby bath linens, 2018
Overall penetration for baby travel, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby travel, 2018
Overall penetration for baby care, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby care, 2018
Overall penetration for baby safety, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby safety, 2018
Overall penetration for baby entertainment, 2018
Profile by demographic for baby entertainment, 2018
Net agreement statements, 2018
Research process for baby equipment, 2018
Purchase motivation for overall baby equipment and subcateogry, 2018
Retailer usage for overall baby equipment 2018
Drivers of retailer choice, 2018
Channel usage for overall baby equipment, 2018
Channel usage for subcategory, 2018
Top brands for overall baby equipment, 2018
Top licences for overall baby equipment, 2018
Retailer assistance and product choice for overall baby equipment, 2018


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