Report on the Chinese Cloud Computing Industry

AskCI Consulting
543 Pages - ASK10935

Cloud computing is an IT resource and refers to the use of networks (both the internet and intranets) to acquire hardware, platforms, software and services based on demand and ease of expansion. The provider of these resources is known as a cloud, with the cloud’s computing capabilities being composed by a large amount of servers hosting virtual software.

The cloud computing industry chain is composed of three parts, namely cloud computing data center construction, computing services and cloud security. The cloud computing data center construction is mostly composed of software and hardware providers working on the basic infrastructure of a cloud computing service. The cloud computing service sector has providers of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS service providers.

The Chinese cloud computing market went into full swing in 2015, and is no longer considered a new concept on the market. Various policies have allowed the cloud computing market to reach a total of XX billion CNY in 2017, a XX% growth over the previous year. The IaaS, PaaS and SaaS markets are expected to reach a total of XX billion CNY, XX billion CNY and XX billion CNY respectively by 2023.


Chapter 1 Cloud computing industry development analysis
1.1 Current developments
1.1.1 Development history
1.1.2 Market scale analysis
1.1.3 Development characteristics
1.1.4 Cloud computing projects
1.2 Cloud computing infrastructure
1.2.1 Basic distribution
1.2.2 Core regional distribution
1.2.3 Changing trends
1.2.4 Industry distribution strategies
1.3 Chinese cloud computing development problems and strategies
1.3.1 Development challenges
1.3.2 Strategic positioning
1.3.3 Security measures for development
1.3.4 Development strategies

Chapter 2 Chinese cloud computing applications
2.1 Cloud computing applications
2.1.1 Cloud computing usage
2.1.2 Expenditures
2.1.3 Application benefits
2.1.4 Services market
2.1.5 Negative factors
2.2 Key applications
2.2.1 Finance
2.2.2 Industry
2.2.3 Healthcare
2.3 Application characteristics
2.3.1 Increasing usage in government institutions
2.3.2 Increasing usage in traditional industries
2.3.3 Usage in innovation and entrepreneurship
Chapter 3 Cloud storage industry development and competitiveness analysis
3.1 Current developments
3.1.1 Overview
3.1.2 Cloud storage structure Data storage Basic management Applications User access
3.1.3 Technical aspects
3.1.4 Cloud storage types
3.1.5 Risks

Chapter 4 IaaS industry developments
4.1 Current developments
4.1.1 IaaS industry developments
4.1.2 Market scale
4.1.3 Other developments
4.2 IaaS market development
4.2.1 Current developments
4.2.2 Development prospects

Chapter 5 PaaS industry development
5.1 PaaS industry development
5.1.1 Current development
5.1.2 PaaS market scale
5.1.3 PaaS market growth
5.2 Market applications
5.2.1 Demand analysis for cloud application development kits
5.2.2 Development language
5.2.3 Reasons for choosing PaaS
5.2.4 PaaS market application
5.3 PaaS market development prospects
5.3.1 Propsects
5.3.2 Development trends

Chapter 6 SaaS industry development
6.1 Industry development
6.1.1 Current developments
6.1.2 Market scale analysis
6.1.3 Market development
6.2 Chinese SaaS market development analysis
6.2.1 Chinese SaaS market applications
6.2.2 Market development problems
6.2.3 Development directions
6.3 SaaS market development prospects
6.3.1 Chinese SaaS market application space
6.3.2 Core aspects of development
6.3.3 Market development trends

Chapter 7 Chinese cloud computing industry competitiveness
7.1 Industry competitiveness
7.1.1 Market competitiveness
7.1.2 Regional competitiveness
7.2 Competitiveness analysis
7.2.1 Competition between service providers
7.2.2 Competition between service providers and traditional telelcommunications
7.2.3 Competition between IT firms

Chapter 8 Leading companies in the Chinese Cloud computing industry
8.1 Hardware manufacturers
8.1.1 KAIFA
8.1.2 Inspur
8.1.3 ZTE
8.1.4 Foundertech
8.1.5 Great Wall
8.1.6 Zongyi Group
8.1.7 Insigma Group
8.1.8 Huawei
8.2 Software developers
8.2.1 Yonyou
8.2.2 China Software and Services (CS&S)
8.2.3 YGSoft
8.2.4 Focus China
8.2.5 NetSun
8.2.6 35 Technologies
8.3 System Integrators
8.3.1 Team Sun
8.3.2 Inspur
8.3.3 Neusoft
8.3.4 Westone
8.3.5 UEC Group LTD
8.4 Internet platform service providers
8.4.1 China Mobile
8.4.2 China Unicom
8.4.3 China Telecom
8.4.4 BGCTV
8.4.5 Dr. Peng Group

Chapter 9 Chinese Cloud Computing industry propects and trends
9.1 Prospects
9.1.1 Trust
9.1.2 Composite clouds as the future
9.1.3 Cloud computing services market to be dominated by leading firms and ecological competition
9.2 Trends
9.2.1 Fast growth
9.2.2 Composite clouds to become the solution of choice
9.2.3 Further penetration of composite clouds into different industries
9.2.4 SaaS
9.3 Segment market forecasts
9.3.1 Cloud computing market forecasts
9.3.2 IaaS forecast
9.3.3 PaaS forecast
9.3.4 SaaS forecast

Chapter 10 Investment environment and risks
10.1 Investment environment
10.1.1 Political environment
10.1.2 Industry environment analysis
10.2 Investment risks
10.2.1 Political risks
10.2.2 Competitiveness
10.2.3 Technological
10.2.4 Information risks

Chapter 11 Investment and financing opportunities analysis
11.1 Global financing characteristics
11.1.1 Leading companies relying heavily on M&As to boost competitiveness
11.1.2 Open source as a hotspot for investment
11.1.3 SaaS financing is becoming more commonplace
11.2 Industry investments and characteristics
11.2.1 Cloud computing financing is becoming easier
11.2.2 Ecology construction as a key reason
11.3 Investment opportunities
11.3.1 Big data
11.3.2 Cloud security
11.3.3 Public clouds
11.3.4 Personal cloud services


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