Our proprietary North America Diagnostics Market Database contains granular information and analyses for 500 tests performed in the US, Canada and Mexico, not available from any other source.
This unique collection of market, technology and competitor data allows you to easily select specific information that precisely meets your objectives and budget:
- North America Blood Banking/Immunohematology/Transfusion Medicine
- North America Cancer Diagnostics/Tumor Markers
- North America Clinical Chemistry/Immunodiagnostics
- North America Coagulation/Hemostasis
- North America Hematology/Flow Cytometry
- North America Microbiology/Infectious Diseases
- North America Molecular Diagnostics
- North America Pathology/Histology/Cytology/Tissue Diagnostics
- North America Point-of-Care/Decentralized Testing
Choose countries, market segments, tests, methods, instrumentation, technologies, and competitors of interest to you:
- Over 500 individual tests
- Market segments and test locations
- Supplier sales and shares
- Volume and sales segment forecasts
- Emerging technologies
- Test methods
- Latest instrumentation
- Profiles of major market players and start-up firms with innovative products
- Product development opportunities with significant market appeal
- Alternative market penetration strategies
- Potential market entry barriers and risks
Latest North America Diagnostics Market and Technology Reports
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World, APAC, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Countries
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