2019 U.S. Home Health Care Services Industry-Industry & Market Report

Barnes Reports
195 Pages - BARNES10004

The 2019 U.S. Home Health Care Services Industry report, published annually by Barnes Reports, contains timely and accurate industry statistics, forecasts and demographics.

The report features 2019 current and 2020 forecast estimates on the size of the industry (sales, establishments, employment) nationally and for all 50 U.S. States and over 900 metro areas. Other data include financial ratios, number of firms, payroll, industry definition, 5-year historical trends on industry sales, establishments and employment, a breakdown of establishments, sales and employment by employee size of establishment (9 categories), and estimates on up to 10 sub-industries, including visiting nurse service and oxygen tent service.


Users' Guide
Industry Definition and Related Industries
Industry Establishments, Sales and Employment Trends
Other data include financial ratios, Establishments, Firms, payroll
Sub-Industries - 2019 Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
Sub-Industries - 2019 Estimated Number of Establishments
Sub-Industries - 2019 Estimated Number of Employees
5-Year Trend - Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
5-Year Trend - Estimated Number of Establishments
5-Year Trend - Estimated Number of Employees
2019 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Number of Establishments
2019 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
2019 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Number of Employees
2020 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Number of Establishments
2020 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
2020 U.S. Metropolitan Areas - Estimated Number of Employees
2019 U.S. States - Estimated Number of Establishments
2019 U.S. States - Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
2019 U.S. States - Estimated Number of Employees
2020 U.S. States - Estimated Number of Establishments
2020 U.S. States - Estimated Industry Sales ($Millions)
2020 U.S. States - Estimated Number of Employees
Definitions and Terms


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