Tumor Markers 2020: Reagents and Instrumentation--Supplier Shares and Strategies, Country Segment Forecasts, Emerging Opportunities

1200 Pages - VPTM21069

Complete report $34,750.  DataPack (test volumes, sales forecasts, supplier shares) $21,100.


- Identifies and evaluates major business opportunities emerging in the tumor marker market
during the next five years
- Examines trends in the U.S., Europe and Japan
- Reviews current and emerging tumor markers
- Analyzes applications of emerging diagnostic technologies
- Forecasts sales of major tumor markers by country and market segment
- Profiles leading market players and potential entrants
- Suggests alternative business expansion strategies for suppliers.


The cancer diagnostics market is on the verge of explosion, as the researchers approach major technological breakthroughs in tumor diagnosis and therapy, discover new specific antigens, and unlock the mystery of the genetic basis of the disease.  During the next ten years, the worldwide cancer diagnostics market is promising to be an exciting, dynamic and rapidly expanding field. Anticipated technological breakthroughs will create numerous opportunities for determining genetic predisposition, detecting specific tumors, and monitoring biological response to cancer therapy. The rise in geriatric population will further compound the growing demand for malignancy assays and the rapid market expansion worldwide.

Geographic Coverage

- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- Spain
- UK

Market Segmentation Analysis

- Sales and market shares of major suppliers, by individual tumor marker
and country.

- Five-year test volume and sales forecasts for major
tumor markers by country and market segment,

- Hospitals
- Commercial/Private Laboratories
- Physician Offices/Group Practices
- Cancer Clinics
- Ambulatory Care Centers

- Comprehensive market segmentation analysis, including review
of the market dynamics, structure, size, growth and major suppliers
by country.

- Cancer statistics, etiology and recent developments in the
U.S., Japan and five major European countries.

Current and Emerging Products

- Review of over 200 current and emerging tumor markers,

- Biochemical Markers
- Oncogenes
- Growth Factors
- Hormones
- Colony Stimulating Factors
- Lymphokines
- Immunohistochemical Stains, and others.

- Analysis of major immunoassay analyzers used for
tumor marker testing, including their operating characteristics,
features and selling prices.

Technology Review

- Assessment of monoclonal antibodies, immunoassays, DNA
probes, biochips/microarrays, chromosome analysis, IT,
artificial intelligence, flow cytometry, biosensors, and their
potential applications for tumor marker testing.

- Review of competing/complementing technologies, including
CT, MRI, NMR, PET and photonics spectroscopy.

- Extensive listings of over 500 companies, universities and
research centers developing new tumor markers and detection technologies.

Competitive Assessments

- Extensive strategic assessments of  major suppliers
and start-up firms developing innovative
technologies and products, including their sales,
product portfolios, marketing tactics, collaborative
arrangements and new products in R&D.

Worldwide Market Overview

- Estimated universe of laboratories performing tumor marker testing
by country.

- Ten-year test volume and sales projections by country.

Business Opportunities and Strategic Recommendations

- Specific new product development opportunities with potentially
significant market appeal during the next ten years.

- Design criteria for new products.

- Alternative market penetration strategies.

- Potential market entry barriers and risks.


This report is based on interviews with clinical pathologists, laboratory directors,
executives from leading diagnostic companies and start-up firms
developing innovative products, university scientists, as well as
experts from industry associations, venture capital firms and the
investment banking community in the U.S., five major European
countries and Japan.

The market projections are also based on questionnaire
responses received from hospitals, commercial/private laboratories,
physician offices/group practices, cancer clinics and ambulatory
care centers in seven countries.

In addition to primary sources of information, a comprehensive
review of the most recent technical and business publications, manufacturer
product literature, patents, trade association surveys, government
studies, marketing and technical meeting presentations,
industry analyst reports, and VPGMarketResearch's proprietary data files was conducted. 

Contains 1,200 pages and 450 tables


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