Cholera Forecast for selected Asian Markets 2017-2027

Black Swan Analysis
38 Pages - BSA10093

Cholera is a bacterial disease caused by infection from Vibrio cholerae species (O1, O139), usually spread through contaminated water. Cholera causes severe diarrhoea and dehydration. Left untreated, cholera can be fatal in a matter of hours, even in previously healthy people.

This report provides the current incidence population for Cholera for Selected Asian Markets (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam) split by gender and 5-year age cohort. Along with the current incidence, the report also contains a disease overview of the risk factors, disease diagnosis and prognosis along with specific variations by geography and ethnicity.

Providing a value-added level of insight from our analysis team, several of the main symptoms of Cholera have been quantified and presented alongside the overall incidence figures. These sub-populations within the main disease are also included at a country level across the 10-year forecast snapshot.

Risk factors for contracting cholera relate mostly to contaminated water and sanitation. The disease shows marked seasonality in developing nations, and outbreaks can occur during natural disasters (tsunamis) and complex emergencies (generally affecting the water supply / sanitation infrastructure).

This report is built using data and information sourced from the proprietary Epiomic patient segmentation database. To generate accurate patient population estimates, the Epiomic database utilises a combination of several world class sources that deliver the most up to date information from patient registries, clinical trials and epidemiology studies. All of the sources used to generate the data and analysis have been identified in the report.

Reason to buy

• Able to quantify patient populations in global Cholera market to target the development of future products, pricing strategies and launch plans.
• Gain further insight into the incidence of the subdivided types of Cholera and identify patient segments with high potential.
• Delivery of more accurate information for clinical trials in study sizing and realistic patient recruitment for various countries.
• Identify sub-populations within Cholera which require treatment.
• Gain an understanding of the specific markets that have the largest number of Cholera patients.


Table of Contents
• List of Tables and Figures
• Introduction
• Cause of the Disease
• Risk Factors & Prevention
• Diagnosis of the Disease
• Variation by Geography
• Disease Prognosis & Clinical Course
• Methodology for quantification of patient numbers
o 10 year forecast horizon
• Top-line estimated incidence for Cholera
• Cholera in Vietnam
o Distribution by province within the Red River Delta area
o Distribution by province within the North Central & Central Coastal areas
• Abbreviations used in the report
• Other Black Swan Analysis Publications
• Black Swan Analysis Online Patient-Based Databases
• Patient-Based Offering
• Online Pricing Data and Platforms
• References
• Appendix

List of Figures
• Map of average annual cholera incidence and oral cholera vaccine use
List of Tables
• Incidence rate and case fatality rate for cholera by WHO region
• WHO region definitions
• Cases of cholera reported to the WHO by country and year
• Incidence of cholera, total (000s)
• Estimated case fatality of cholera, total (000s)
• Cholera estimated caseload in Viet Nan by region, total (000s)
• Cholera estimated caseload in Red River Delta by Province, total (000s)
• Cholera estimated caseload in the North Central and Central Coastal areas by Province, total (000s)
• Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the report
• Cambodia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (median projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Cambodia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (low projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Cambodia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (high projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Indonesia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (median projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Indonesia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (low projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Indonesia Estimated Incidence of Cholera (high projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Lao PDR Estimated Incidence of Cholera (median projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Lao PDR Estimated Incidence of Cholera (low projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Lao PDR Estimated Incidence of Cholera (high projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Viet Nam Estimated Incidence of Cholera (median projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Viet Nam Estimated Incidence of Cholera (low projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Viet Nam Estimated Incidence of Cholera (high projection) by 5-yr age cohort, total (000s)
• Cambodia Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, males (000s)
• Cambodia Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, females (000s)
• Indonesia Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, males (000s)
• Indonesia Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, females (000s)
• Lao PDR Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, males (000s)
• Lao PDR Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, females (000s)
• Viet Nam Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, males (000s)
• Viet Nam Population (median projection variant) by 5-yr age cohort, females (000s)


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