2017-2021 US HIV/AIDS Diagnostics Market: HIV 1/2, Combo, Ag, NAT, Western Blot--Supplier Shares, Country Segment Volume and Sales Forecasts

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This DataPack presents the US test volume and sale forecasts for HIV-1/2/combo, HIV Ag, NAT, Western Blot and other confirmatory assays performed in the following market segments:

    - Hospitals
    - Commercial/Private Labs
    - Blood Banks
    - Public Health Labs
    - Physician Offices

The DataPack provides sales and market Share estimates for major suppliers of AIDS testing including Abbott, bioMerieux, Bio-Rad, Grifols, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, and Roche.

List of Tables

Table 1.  Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS Tests
Table 2.  USA: HIV or HIV-1/2/Combo Test Volume and Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Table 3.  USA: HIV Ag Test Volume and Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Table 4.  USA: Western Blot Tests Volume and Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Table 5.  USA: HIV NAT Blood Screening Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales
Table 6.  USA: AIDS Diagnostics Market by Major Supplier
Table 7.  USA: HIV Blood Screening NAT Sales and Market Shares of Major Suppliers





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