Linklogis - Tech Innovator Profile

9 Pages - GLDATA71716


Founded in 2016, Linklogis is a supply chain financing service provider that provides micro and small-scale companies with supply chain financing. Its proprietary supply chain financing platform provides loans directly to these companies based on its big data risk control system, and helps them connect with traditional financial institutions to procure loans. The company’s diversified and open-source tools include a supply chain asset consolidation platform, an intelligent digital risk management platform, a blockchain multi-end circulation platform, and an asset-backed security technological service platform. Linklogis’ products serve core enterprises and their suppliers, agents, and distributors, covering 16 supply chain fields - including basic livelihood (food, healthcare, and transport), manufacturing (auto and equipment manufacturing), and value-added services (tourism, hotels, and communication). Based in China and founded by a team of veterans with vast experience across the SME supply chain credit business, Linklogis is backed by investors such as Standard Chartered, Tencent Holdings, and GIC.

This report provides insight into Linklogis, including an overview of the company and its product offering, information on its funding and partnerships, and biographies of its senior management.


- Linklogis provides a proprietary financing platform for micro and small-scale companies, which are part of the supply chain of larger core enterprises.
- Based on Tencent’s fintech ecosystem, the platform increases the cash turnover rate of micro and small-scale companies involved in the supply chain.

Reasons to Buy

- Review Linklogis' business operations.
- Gain insight into its funding and partnerships.
- Understand the company's technology focus.


Table of Contents
Company Overview
Technology Focus
Product Overview
Partnerships & Funding
Key Employees
About GlobalData


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