Japan Mammography Equipment Market Outlook to 2022

34 Pages - GLDATA59453


GlobalData’s new report, "Japan Mammography Equipment Market Outlook to 2022", provides key market data on the Japan Mammography Equipment market. The report provides value, in millions of US dollars, volume (in units) and average prices (USD) within market segements - Film Screen Mammography Equipment and Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment.

The report also provides company shares and distribution shares data for each of these market segements, and global corporate-level profiles of the key market participants. Based on the availability of data for the particular market and country, information related to pipeline products, news and deals is available in the report.

Extensive interviews are conducted with key opinion leaders (KOLs), physicians and industry experts to validate the market size, company share and distribution share data and analysis.


- Market size and company share data for Mammography Equipment market segements - Film Screen Mammography Equipment and Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment.
- Annualized market revenues (USD million) and volume (units) data for each of the market segements. Data is provided from 2008 to 2015 and forecast to 2022.
- 2015 company shares and distribution shares data for each of the market segements.
- Global corporate-level profiles of key companies operating within the Japan Mammography Equipment market.
- Key players covered include Siemens Limited, GE Healthcare Limited, Fujifilm Holdings Corporation and Others.

Reasons to buy

- Develop business strategies by identifying the key market segments poised for strong growth in the future.
- Develop market-entry and market expansion strategies.
- Design competition strategies by identifying who-stands-where in the market.
- Develop investment strategies by identifying the key market segments expected to register strong growth in the near future.
- What are the key distribution channels and what’s the most preferred mode of product distribution - Identify, understand capitalize.

Companies Mentioned

Fujifilm Holdings Corporation
GE Healthcare Ltd
Hologic Inc
Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation
Siemens Limited


1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 2
1.1 List of Tables 3
1.2 List of Figures 3
2 Introduction 4
2.1 What Is This Report About? 4
2.2 Mammography Equipment Market Segmentation 4
2.3 Definitions of Markets Covered in the Report 5
3 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan 6
3.1 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2008-2015 6
3.2 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), 2015-2022 7
3.2.1 Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), by Segment, 2008-2015 8
3.2.2 Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), by Segment, 2015-2022 10
3.3 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), 2008-2015 12
3.4 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), 2015-2022 13
3.4.1 Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), by Segment, 2008-2015 14
3.4.2 Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), by Segment, 2015-2022 16
3.5 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Average Price ($), 2008-2022 18
3.6 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Distribution Share by Revenue ($m), 2014-2015 19
3.7 Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Company Share by Revenue ($m), 2015 20
4 Overview of Key Companies in Japan, Mammography Equipment Market 22
4.1 Fujifilm Holdings Corporation 22
4.1.1 Company Overview 22
4.2 GE Healthcare Ltd 22
4.2.1 Company Overview 22
4.3 Hologic Inc 22
4.3.1 Company Overview 22
4.4 Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation 23
4.4.1 Company Overview 23
4.5 Siemens Limited 23
4.5.1 Company Overview 23
5 Mammography Equipment Market Pipeline Products 24
6 Recent Developments 25
6.1 Corporate Communications 25
6.1.1 Jun 10, 2016: Konica Minolta Forms Advisory Board 25
6.1.2 Feb 18, 2016: Konica Minolta Announces Appointment of the President of Konica Minolta Japan 25
6.2 Other Significant Developments 26
6.2.1 Aug 02, 2016: Shimadzu Starts Operation of New Analytical and Measuring Instruments Plant in Malaysia- Strengthening Business Operations in ASEAN and India Regions 26
6.2.2 Jun 30, 2016: Konica Minolta Launches Excellent Green Factory Certification System to Help Suppliers, Customers and Communities Reduce CO2 Emissions 26
7 Appendix 28
7.1 Research Methodology 29
7.1.1 Coverage 29
7.1.2 Secondary Research 29
7.1.3 Primary Research 30
7.1.4 Market Modeling and Forecasting 31
7.1.5 Company Share Analysis 32
7.1.6 Distribution Share Analysis 33
7.1.7 Benchmarking 33
7.2 GlobalData Consulting 33
7.3 Contact Us 34
7.4 Disclaimer 34

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Historic, 2008-2015 6
Table 2: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Forecast, 2015-2022 7
Table 3: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Historic, 2008-2015 9
Table 4: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Forecast, 2015-2022 11
Table 5: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Historic, 2008-2015 12
Table 6: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2015-2022 13
Table 7: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Historic, 2008-2015 15
Table 8: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2015-2022 17
Table 9: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Average Price ($) Historic, 2008-2022 18
Table 10: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Average Price ($), Forecast, 2015-2022 18
Table 11: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Distribution Share by Revenue ($m), USD Constant, 2014-2015 19
Table 12: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Company Share by Revenue ($m), USD Constant, 2015 21
Table 13: Mammography Equipment Market Pipeline Products 24
Table 14: Total Number of Primary Research Participants, Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Market, by Country 31

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Historic, 2008-2015 6
Figure 2: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Forecast, 2015-2022 7
Figure 3: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Historic, 2008-2015 8
Figure 4: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Revenue ($m), USD Constant, Forecast, 2015-2022 10
Figure 5: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Historic, 2008-2015 12
Figure 6: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2015-2022 13
Figure 7: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Historic, 2008-2015 14
Figure 8: Full Field Digital Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Volume (Units), Forecast, 2015-2022 16
Figure 9: Mammography Equipment Market, Japan, Company Share (%) 2015 20


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