"Top Growth Opportunities: Confectionery in New Zealand", provides an overview of the confectionery market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. GlobalData’s proprietary Risk vs Reward Opportunity model pinpoints the best growth opportunities for confectionery producers, suppliers and retailers by combining robust, granular data and expert insight. The report uses this framework to identify the best opportunities, analyze white spaces in the market, and outline new product development that will effectively target the most pertinent consumer need states. These are combined to offer strategic recommendations to capitalize on evolving consumer landscapes.
New Zealand is one of the smallest confectionery markets in the top 10 in absolute value terms, but it is also expected to show substantial growth over 2017-2022. During 2012-2017, the confectionery market in New Zealand recorded modest growth.
- House prices and household debt have soared in recent years relative to incomes.
- The cost of living, especially in grocery terms, is expected to remain high and this will be reflected in confectionery purchasing decisions over 2017-2022.
- Consumers are expected to err towards bulk and value-based confectionery purchases.
- As the population in New Zealand ages and its rates of obesity remain high, health professionals are calling for increased government regulation of the food and beverage industries.
- The nation is in the top three obese nations, behind the US and Mexico, with a large portion of the population obese.
- These factors are likely to encourage the government to intervene in the confectionery market in the near future, potentially through encouraging healthier formulations or introducing a levy on sugary foods.
Reasons to buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
Companies Mentioned
The Natural Confectionery Co.
Dairy Milk
Kit Kat
Milky Bar
Black Knight
J. H. Whittaker & Sons Ltd
Perfetti Van Melle SpA
New Zealand Food Group Ltd
RJ's Licorice Ltd
The Hershey Co
Table of Contents
1. Introducing a top growth market for confectionery
Top 10 global growth opportunities scores
Top global issues
Assessment against global strategic issues
GlobalData’s strategic issues map
Predicted future issues for the global sector
Reward and risk assessment
Opportunity score - overview
Consumer spending trends - peer group comparisons
Political, economic, social, and technological: Analysis
Enablers and inhibitors of growth
Rewards and opportunities for growth
Summary of the market
2. Market insight - identifying the opportunities to move into
Market growth by category
Value growth of the market
Volume growth of the market
Level of premiumization by category
Category analysis - key drivers of change
3. Retail and distribution insight - key channels and retailers driving growth
Retail channel share
Key retail channel trends
Routes to market
Drivers of change in the sector
4. Company and brand insight - the competitive landscape defined
Category fragmentation
Company and brand strength
Private label penetration
Brand share by leading supplier
International and domestic brand analysis
Company and brand strength summary
5. Consumer insight - who, what, when, where, and why
Strategic issues map
Key consumer driver implications
Key health & wellness trends
Penetration of health & wellness claims by category
Consumer trends summary
6. Product and packaging insights
Key product insights
Trends and strategic issues - other notable product trends
Key product innovation case studies
Key packaging insights
Trends and strategic issues
Product launch key takeouts
7. White spaces and innovation opportunities - space to move into
Growth segments to target
Segment opportunities
Key recommendations
8. Appendix and definitions
List of Tables
Visualization of 10 countries growth opportunities
Visualization of 10 countries growth opportunities (continued)
Reward and risk assessment
Market value and split, 2012-2022
Winners and losers by category, value, 2017-2022
Volume growth by category, 2012-2022
Winners and losers by category, volume, 2017-2022
List of Figures
Map of top opportunity markets
Map of top global issues
Global issue web
GlobalData’s strategic issues map
Average consumer spend, peer group comparisons, 2012-2022
Market value and split, 2012-2022
Value growth by category, 2011-2017 and 2017-2022
Value market growth by category, 2012-2022
Winners and losers by category, volume, 2017-2022
Value and volume growth by category, 2012-2022
Fragmentation by category, 2011-2017
Private label penetration and CAGR, 2011-2017
Cumulative value share by brand, 2017
How health & wellness contributes to growth, 2017
Penetration of health & wellness claims by category, 2017
Packaging materials volume share, 2017 & 2022
Packaging closure materials volume share, 2017 & 2022
Projected CAGR for top five categories by value, 2017-2022