2017-2021 France Molecular Diagnostics and NAT Market: Supplier Shares and Sales Forecasts

4 Pages - VPMD23239

This report provides:

  • Five-year sales forecasts for the French Molecular Diagnostics market, including:
    -   Infectious Diseases
    -   Cancer
    -   Forensic Testing
    -   Genetic Diseases
    -   Paternity Testing/HLA Typing, and other applications.
  • Sales forecasts for HIV, Hepatitis (A, B, C), Parvovirus B19 and West Nile Virus.
  • Sales and market shares for major suppliers of molecular diagnostics and NAT assays.

List of Tables

Table 1.  France: Molecular Diagnostics Market by Major Application
Table 2.  France: Infectious Disease Blood Screening NAT Reagent Market by Assay
Table 3.  France: Molecular Diagnostics Market, Estimated Sales and Shares of Major Suppliers
Table 4.  France: HIV/Hepatitis Blood Screening NAT Market, Estimated Sales and Shares of Major Suppliers

Contains 4 pages


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