Smoking Tobacco in Belgium and Luxembourg, 2021 is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the tobacco market in Belgium and Luxembourg. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2030.
Cigarettes is the most important product group in Belgium and Luxembourg, accounting for 55.1% of the total tobacco products market in 2020.FCT (including RYO and MYO products) almost completely dominates the smoking tobacco market, accounting for a forecast 99.8% of volumes in 2020. Pipe tobacco volumes are forecast at 21 tons in 2020.In terms of inland sales, however, the market supports a mix of national and international brands. Turner, Elixyr, and Ducal are notable in Luxembourg while Ajja is notable in Belgium.
- FCT (including RYO and MYO products) almost completely dominates the smoking tobacco market, accounting for a forecast 99.8% of volumes in 2020. Pipe tobacco volumes are forecast at 21 tons in 2020
- In terms of inland sales, however, the market supports a mix of national and international brands. Turner, Elixyr, and Ducal are notable in Luxembourg while Ajja is notable in Belgium
- As in most EU countries, tobacco advertising is prohibited in all major media channels, including television, radio, cinema, press, and outdoor media, with point-of-sale the only avenue in both Belgium and Luxembourg
Reasons to Buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning. The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers. Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
Table of Contents
Executive summary
Market context
Tobacco products market (%), 2010 & 2020
Tobacco products market (tons), 2010-2020
Market size and structure
Smoking tobacco consumption, tons, 2010-2020
Smoking tobacco: market segmentation for Belgium and Luxembourg, 2010-2020
Total & Per Capita Consumption of FCT, Belgium & Luxembourg, 2010-2020
Total Consumption of FCT by Market, Belgium & Luxembourg, 2010-2020
Cigarette Consumption: Manufactured vs. FCT, Belgium & Luxembourg, 2010-2020
FCT: inland consumption, 2010-2020
FCT sales by type, Belgium, 2009-2019
FCT sales by type, Luxembourg, 2009-2019
Total & Per Capita Consumption of Pipe Tobacco, Belgium & Luxembourg, 2010-2020
Total Consumption of Pipe Tobacco by Market, Belgium & Luxembourg, 2010-2020
Production and trade
Taxation and retail prices
Fine-cut tobacco: tax structure & development, Belgium 2007-2020, as % of retail price
Fine-cut tobacco: tax structure & development, Luxembourg 2007-2020, as % of retail price
EU: fine-cut tobacco tax incidence comparison, 2020
RYO tobacco in packs retail prices, Belgium, 2020
Manufacturers and brands
Belgium & Luxembourg Smoking Tobacco Manufacturer Shares, 2019
Luxembourg FCT: Manufacturer Shares, Volume, %, 2011-2019
Belgium: FCT Manufacturer Shares, Inland Sales, %, 2008-2010
Belgium (inc. cross-border): FCT brand family shares, %, 2015-2019
Luxembourg (inc. cross-border): Top 10 FCT Brand Family Shares, %, 2015-2019
Belgium & Luxembourg (inland only): FCT brand family shares, %, 2019
Company profiles
The smoking population
Operating constraints
Advertising restrictions
Labelling requirements
Other restrictions
Prospects and forecasts