Cuba Blood Typing, Grouping and Infectious Disease NAT Screening Database: Supplier Shares, Volume and Sales Forecasts for over 40 Tests


This database from provides the 2020 supplier shares, the 2020-2025 volume and sales forecasts for over 40 tests, as well as comprehensive lists of companies developing or marketing new technologies and products by test, including:

Blood Typing and Grouping Tests

ABO, Antibody Panels, Antibody Screening/Indirect Antiglobulin, Antigen Typing (C, c, Duffy, E, e, I, i, Kell, Kidd, Le a, b, MN, P, S, s), Antiglobulin (Direct, C3 + IgG, IgG, C3), Crossmatching (Immediate Spin, Full Crossmatch), Rh (D, Du)

Infectious Disease Screening Tests

AIDS (HIV NAT, HIV-1/2), Cytomegalovirus, Hepatitis (HAV NAT, HBV NAT, HBs Ag, Anti-HBc, HCV NAT, HCV, ALT/SGPT), HTLV-I/II, Parvovirus B19 NAT, Syphilis, West Nile Virus NAT



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