Table of Contents
Report scope
Executive summary
Russia in the global and regional context
Russia in the global and Eastern Europe dairy & soy food sector
Russia compared to other leading countries in the Eastern Europe
Per capita consumption and expenditure - Russia compared to the Eastern Europe and global levels
Sector analysis - dairy & soy food
Country snapshot - dairy & soy food sector in Russia
Value and volume analysis - dairy & soy food sector in Russia
Degree of trading up/down in the Russian Dairy & Soy food sector
Cross category comparison - value and growth rate
Change in category share by value
Cross category comparison - volume and growth rate
Change in category share by volume
Per capita consumption analysis by category
Category analysis: butter & spreadable fats
Segment analysis (in value terms): butter & spreadable fats
Segment analysis (in volume terms): butter & spreadable fats
Category analysis: cheese
Segment analysis (in value terms): cheese
Segment analysis (in volume terms): cheese
Category analysis: cream
Segment analysis (in value terms): cream
Segment analysis (in volume terms): cream
Category analysis: dairy-based & soy-based desserts
Segment analysis (in value terms): dairy-based & soy-based desserts
Segment analysis (in value terms): dairy-based & soy-based deserts
Segment analysis (in volume terms): dairy-based & soy-based desserts
Category analysis: drinkable yogurt
Category analysis: fromage frais & quark
Segment analysis (in value and volume terms): fromage frais & quark
Category analysis: milk
Segment analysis (in value terms): milk
Segment analysis (in volume terms): milk
Category analysis: soymilk & soy drinks
Segment analysis (in value terms): soymilk & soy drinks
Segment analysis (in volume terms): soymilk & soy drinks
Category analysis: yogurt
Distribution analysis
Distribution channel share analysis: dairy & soy food
Distribution channel share analysis by category
Competitive landscape
Leading companies in the sector (in value and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector, 2018
Top 5 companies share by brand (in value terms and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector, 2018
Brand shares of top five companies (in value terms and volume terms) by category, 2018
Private label share analysis by category
Growth of private labels compared to branded products
Degree of consolidation/fragmentation by category
Health & wellness
Health & wellness trend analysis
Health & wellness market analysis by product attribute
Health & wellness market analysis by consumer benefit
Category comparison - with health & wellness and without health & wellness claims
Packaging analysis
Pack material
Pack type
Closure type
Primary outer type
Demographic analysis
Macroeconomic analysis
Economic summary, labor market trends, and demographic trends
GlobalData country risk index (GCRI)
List of Tables
Country snapshot - leading value categories and fastest-growing segments
Cross category comparison - by value (2013-2023)
Cross category comparison - by volume (2013-2023)
Per capita consumption (by category), Russia compared to Eastern Europe and global levels (in kg), 2018
Butter & spreadable fats - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Butter & spreadable fats - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Cheese - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Cheese - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Cream - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Cream - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Dairy-based & soy-based desserts - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Dairy-based & soy-based desserts - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Fromage frais & quark - value and volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Milk - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Milk - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Soymilk & soy drinks - value analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Soymilk & soy drinks - volume analysis by segment, 2013-2023
Change in distribution share, 2013-2018
Top 5 companies share by brand (in value terms and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector, 2018
Brand shares of top five companies (in value terms and volume terms) by category, 2018
Category comparison - with health & wellness and without health & wellness claims, 2013-2023
Performance overview (score: 1-100)
Category data, by segment
Per capita consumption (in kg), 2013-2023
Distribution channel share analysis by category
Key Brand share (in value and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector, 2018
Brand share (in value and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector by category, 2018
Key health & wellness product attributes driving sales in Russia, 2013-2023
Key health & wellness consumer benefits driving sales in Russia, 2013-2023
Pack material (in million pack units), 2013-2023
Pack materials by category (in million pack units), 2018
Pack type (in million pack units), 2013-2023
Pack types by category (in million pack units), 2018
Closure type (in million pack units), 2013-2023
Closure types by category (in million pack units), 2018
Primary outer type (in million pack units), 2013-2023
Primary outer types by category (in million pack units), 2018
Real GDP and annual growth (%), 2015-2023
Nominal GDP and annual growth (%), 2015-2023
Consumer price inflation (%), 2015-2023
Employed people and unemployment rate (%), 2015-2023
Nominal household final consumption expenditure and annual growth (%), 2015-2023
Population and annual growth (%), 2015-2023
Population by age group (%)
Population by gender (%)
Population by rural-urban split (%)
Exchange rates, 2013-2023
List of Figures
Value and volume share of Russia in the global and Eastern Europe dairy & soy food sector, 2018-2023
Russia compared to the other top countries in terms of market share, growth, and competitive landscape
PCC comparison - Russia, Eastern Europe, and global, 2013-2023
PCE comparison - Russia, Eastern Europe, and global, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, dairy & soy food sector, 2013-2023
Extent to which consumers are trading up or down in the dairy & soy food sector
Cross category comparison - by value growth rate (2013-2023)
Change in category share (in value terms), 2018-2023
Cross category comparison - by volume growth rate (2013-2023)
Change in category share (in volume terms), 2018-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, butter & spreadable fats, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, cheese category, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, cream category, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, dairy-based & soy-based desserts category, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, drinkable yogurt category, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, fromage frais & quark, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, milk, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, soymilk & soy drinks, 2013-2023
Market size and growth analysis by value and volume, yogurt category, 2013-2023
Share of key distribution channels (in value terms) - dairy & soy food, 2018
Key distribution channel share by category (in value terms), 2018
Leading companies in the sector (in value and volume terms) in the dairy & soy food sector, 2018
Private label penetration by category (in value terms), 2018
Growth analysis, private label and brands, 2013-2018
Category-wise consolidation/fragmentation (in value terms) - dairy & soy food, 2018
Value of health & wellness claims by category, 2018-2023
Contribution of health & wellness by product attributes, 2018-2023
Contribution of health & wellness by consumer benefits, 2018-2023
Key pack materials in the Russian dairy & soy food sector, percentage share of pack units, 2018
Annual growth rate by key pack material, 2013-2023
Use of pack material by category (in pack units), 2018
Key pack types in the Russian dairy & soy food sector, percentage share of pack units, 2018
Annual growth rate by key pack type, 2013-2023
Use of pack type by category (in pack units), 2018
Key closure types in the Russian dairy & soy food sector, percentage share of pack units, 2018
Annual growth rate by key closure type, 2013-2023
Use of closure type by category (in pack units), 2018
Key primary outer types in the Russian dairy & soy food sector, percentage share of pack units, 2018
Annual growth rate by key primary outer type, 2013-2023
Use of primary outer type by category (in pack units), 2018
Demographic analysis
Real GDP value and annual growth (%)
Nominal GDP value and annual growth (%)
Consumer price inflation (%)
Nominal household final consumption expenditure growth (%)
Population (millions) and annual growth (%)
Population by age group (%)
Population by gender (%)
Population by rural-urban split (%)
Employed people (millions) and unemployment rate (%)
Five lowest risk nations in GCRI Q4 2018
Five highest risk nations in GCRI Q4 2018
Country risk analysis - Russia compared to Eastern Europe and the world