Russia Coal Mining to 2023

43 Pages - GLDATA69416


GlobalData's "Russia Coal Mining to 2023" provides a comprehensive coverage on Russia's coal industry. It provides reserves, production by type, consumption by end-use to 2023, and exports. The report also includes a demand drivers section providing information on factors that are affecting the coal industry in Russia, profiles of major coal producers, information on the major active, planned and exploration projects and regulations governing the industry.

Russia's coal production reached 432.6 million tonnes (Mt) in 2018, up by 6.1% compared to 2017. The growth was mainly due to increase in production from the country’s coal majors, including SUEK (2.4%), Kuzbassrazrezugol (4.5%) and EVRAZ (3.8%). In that same year, 77.8% of the total production was thermal coal, and also of the total, 75.5% was of bituminous grade, followed by lignite (19.5%) and anthracite (5%). Over the forecast period (2019-2023), Russia's coal output is expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.8% to reach 498.5Mt by 2023. Simultaneously, there was a 10% increase in the coal exports from Russia; owing to rising demand from China, South Korea, and Japan. The country's mining industry is governed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources.


- The report contains an overview of Russia's coal mining industry including key demand driving factors affecting the country’s coal mining industry.
- It provides detailed information on reserves, production, production by type, consumption, consumption by end-use, exports, major operating mines, competitive landscape, major exploration and development projects.
- Further, it also provides country's fiscal regime, which covers governing bodies, relevant laws, rights and obligations as well as key taxes.

Reasons to buy

- To gain an understanding of Russia's coal mining industry, relevant driving factors
- To understand historical and forecast trend on country's coal production, consumption, and exports
- To gain an overview of Russia's mining fiscal regime
- To find out Russia's governing bodies, laws, rights and obligations and major taxes applicable in the country


1 Table of Contents
1.1 List of Tables
1.2 List of Figures
2 Executive Summary
3 Russia Coal Mining - Reserves, Production, Trade, and Demand
3.1 Reserves and Proximate Analysis
3.1.1 Proved coal reserves by country and province
3.1.2 Proximate Analysis
3.2 Historical and forecast production
3.3 Active Mines
3.4 Exploration Projects
3.5 Development Projects
3.6 Consumption and Exports
3.6.1 Coal Consumption
3.6.2 Coal Exports
3.7 Factors Affecting the Demand for Coal in Russia
3.7.1 Domestic Demand
3.7.2 Demand from Asia
4 Russia Coal Mining: Major Coal Producers
4.1 Mine and Projects Counts by Company
4.2 Annual Revenue by Major Coal Producers
4.3 Evraz plc
4.4 Siberian Coal Energy Co. (SUEK)
4.5 Mechel
5 Russia Coal Mining: Fiscal Regime
5.1 Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: Governing Bodies
5.1.1 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
5.1.2 Federal Agency for Mineral Resources
5.1.3 Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
5.1.4 Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources
5.1.5 Federal Agency for Water Resources
5.1.6 Federal Agency of Forestry
5.2 Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: Mining Laws
5.2.1 Law of the Russian Federation on Subsoil (The Subsoil Law 1992)
5.2.2 Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Production Sharing Agreements
5.2.3 Federal Law on Precious Metals and Stones
5.3 Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: Ownership and Licenses
5.3.1 Subsoil Ownership
5.3.2 Licenses
5.3.3 Termination of Subsoil License
5.4 Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: Mining Rights and Obligations
5.4.1 Mining Rights
5.4.2 Mining Obligations
5.5 Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: Taxes and Royalties
5.5.1 Federal Level
5.5.2 Regional Level
5.5.3 Municipal Level
6 Appendix
6.1 Abbreviations
6.2 Methodology
6.3 Coverage
6.4 Secondary Research
6.5 Contact Us
6.6 Disclaimer

List of Tables
Table 1: Russia Coal Mining - Proven Coal Reserves by Country (Billion Tonnes), January 2019
Table 2: Russia Coal Mining - Typical Proximate Analysis of Various Coals
Table 3: Russia Coal Mining - Typical Proximate Analysis of Major Coal Basins in Russia
Table 4: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Production by Type (Million Tonnes), 2000-2023
Table 5: Russia Coal Mining - Active Mines, 2019
Table 6: Russia Coal Mining - Active Mines, 2019 (Contd.1)
Table 7: Russia Coal Mining - Exploration Mines, 2019
Table 8: Russia Coal Mining - Development Projects, 2019
Table 9: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Consumption by Type (Million Tonnes), 2000-2023
Table 10: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Consumption by End-Use Sector (Million Tonnes), 2000-2023
Table 11: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Exports (Million Tonnes), 2001-2023
Table 12: Russia Coal Mining - Exports by Country (Million Tonnes), 2018
Table 13: Russia Coal Mining - Russian Electricity Generation by Source (TWh), 2018
Table 14: Russia Coal Mining - Total No. of Coal Mines/Projects by Company and Status, 2019
Table 15: Russia Coal Mining - Annual Revenues of Major Coal Producers (US$ Million), 2014-2018
Table 16: Russia Coal Mining - Evraz plc, 2019
Table 17: Russia Coal Mining - Siberian Coal Energy Company, Major Projects, 2019
Table 18: Russia Coal Mining - Mechel, Major Projects, 2019
Table 19: Russia Coal Mining - Mechel, Major Projects, 2019 (Contd1.)
Table 20: Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime - Corporate/Business Taxes, 2019
Table 21: Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime - Mineral Extraction Tax Rate, 2019
Table 22: Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime - State Duty Tax Rates, 2019
Table 23: Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime - Transport Tax Rate, 2019
Table 24: Russia’s Mining Fiscal Regime - Amortization Groups and Norms, 2019

List of Figures
Figure 1: Russia Coal Mining - Proved Coal Reserves by Country (%), January 2019
Figure 2: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Production by Type vs. Number of Operating Mines (Million Tonnes), 2000-2023
Figure 3: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Consumption by Type (Million Tonnes), 2000-2023
Figure 4: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Consumption by End Use (million tonnes), 2001-2023
Figure 5: Russia Coal Mining - Historical and Forecast Coal Exports (Million Tonnes), 2001-2023
Figure 6: Russia Coal Mining - Russia Exports by Country (%), 2018
Figure 7: Russia Coal Mining - Comparison of Russian Coal Demand by Region (%), 2010-2018
Figure 8: Russia Coal Mining - Total Coal-Based Power Generation (MWh), 2018-2023
Figure 9: Russia Coal Mining - Russian Electricity Generation by Source (%), 2018
Figure 10: Russia Coal Mining - Total No. of Coal Mines/Projects by Company and Status, 2019
Figure 11: Russia Coal Mining - Annual Revenues of Major Coal Producers (US$ million), 2014-2018


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