Smokeless Tobacco in South Africa, 2017

59 Pages - GLDATA62244


"Smokeless Tobacco in South Africa, 2017", is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the South African market. The report offers market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise.

The South African smokeless tobacco market is relatively well developed compared with both neighboring African markets and many European countries. The popularity of dry snuff is growing, and use has more than trebled over the past two decades. Although the tobacco market remains dominated by manufactured cigarettes, sales of these have been in decline since the early 1990s due to a combination of rising prices and increasing health awareness.


- Snuff dominates the smokeless tobacco market in South Africa.
- There is a marginal market for chewing tobacco and a relatively new product for the market, namely Swedish snus.
- The use of smokeless tobacco products has increased rapidly since the early 1990s.
- Snus is typically preferred by white users with black adults accounting for the majority of snuff users.
- Smokeless tobacco volumes are forecast to rise by 2025. Snuff will continue to dominate sales.

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.

Companies Mentioned

Swedish Match
Philip Morris Internation
British American Tobacco
Van Erkoms Tabakke


Table of Contents
1. Introduction 6
1.1. Executive Summary 6
1.2. Definitions 8
2. Market Context 9
2.1. Market context: Cigarettes dominate, although is in decline while the smokeless tobacco market share is growing 9
2.2. Market context: The overall tobacco products market has dropped only 8.5% between 2006 and 2016 10
3. Market size and structure 11
3.1. Market volume: The Smokeless Tobacco market has experienced slow volume growth over the past ten years 11
3.2. Per capita consumption: Per capita consumption of Smokeless Tobacco is up at 78.2g per person in 2016 12
3.3. Market Segmentation: Snuff is the most important segment within the South African market 13
3.4. Market structure: Snuff sales have witnessed strong growth to reach 3,770 tons in 2016 14
4. Production and trade 15
4.1. Production: No production of Smokeless Tobacco is registered in South Africa 15
4.2. Imports: Import levels of Smokeless Tobacco have been fluctuating for ten years 16
4.3. Imports: India is the leading supplier of smokeless tobacco imports into South Africa with 88.5% of volumes in 2015 17
4.4. Imports: India has dominated imports for smokeless tobacco since 2010 18
4.5. Imports: India emerged as the leading supplier by value in 2015 although with a lower share of the market compared to volume share 19
4.6. Exports: Exports of snuff surged by 888 tons in 2014, doubling on the previous year’s figures 20
4.7. Exports: Botswana emerged as the leading export destination in 2015 followed by Mozambique, Lesotho, and Namibia 21
4.8. Exports: Lesotho and Namibia both saw exports slip back in 2015 while those to Botswana and Mozambique expanded 22
4.9. Exports: Namibia has kept first place since 2008, despite the falling value of exports 23
5. Taxation & Retail Prices 24
5.1. Taxation: As of September 2016, import duty was either 40% or 45% 24
5.2. Retail prices: Both snuff and snus is offered in the South African market 25
6. Manufacturers & Brands 26
6.1. Manufacturer shares: MLP and PMI are the major players in the market 26
6.2. Manufacturers shares: Recently, MLP became the main manufacturer of Snuff in the South African Smokeless Tobacco market 27
7. Usership 29
7.1. Usership: Males had the highest incidence of smoking in 2011 29
8. Operating Constraints 30
8.1. Advertising restrictions: Television advertisement of Tobacco Products is banned in South Africa since 1993 30
8.2. Health warnings and labeling requirements: In 2008, graphic warnings were introduced for the first time in South Africa 31
8.3. Other restrictions: A complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places came into force in 2008 32
9. Distribution 33
9.1. Distribution: In South Africa, smokeless tobacco is distributed through retailers, street vendors, and Spaza shops 33
10. Prospects & Forecasts 34
10.1. Prospects and forecasts: Smokeless tobacco sales are forecast to rise 3.2% over the coming decade 34
10.2. Prospects and forecasts: Per capita consumption is expected to drop 6.3% to 65.5g in 2025 35
11. Appendix 36
11.1. Additional data tables 36
11.2. What is this Report About? 53
11.3. Time Frame 54
11.4. Methodology 55
11.5. About GlobalData 57
11.6. Disclaimer 58
11.7. Contact Us 59

List of Tables
Table 1: Tobacco Production Market, Tons, 2005-2016f 10
Table 2: Smokeless Tobacco: Market Segmentation, Tons 2005-2016 13
Table 3: Consumption of Snuff, 2005-2016 14
Table 4: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Volume, Tons 2007-2015 18
Table 5: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Value, US$ ‘000, 2007-2015 19
Table 6: Exports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of destination , Volume, Tons 2007-2015 22
Table 7: Exports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of destination, Value, US$, 2010-2015 23
Table 8: Snuff Retail Price List, December 2016 25
Table 9: Snus Retail Price List, December 2016 25
Table 10: Snuff Manufacturers Shares, Volume, %, 2014 & 2015 27
Table 11: Snuff Brands, 2015 28
Table 12: Tobacco Usership by Gender, Incidence (%) 2011 29
Table 13: Advertising restrictions: Television advertisement of Tobacco Products is banned in South Africa since 1993 30
Table 14: Health warnings and labeling requirements: In 2008, graphic warnings were introduced for the first time in South Africa 31
Table 15: Other restrictions: A complete ban on smoking in all enclosed public places came into force in 2008 32
Table 16: Tobacco Products Market, Tons, 1990 & 2005-2016f 36
Table 17: Tobacco Products Market, Tons, 1990 & 2005-2014, Index, 1990 = 100.0 37
Table 18: Tobacco Products Market, Tons, 1990 & 2005-2014, % Breakdown 38
Table 19: Smokeless Tobacco Consumption, Tons, 1990-1995 and 2005-2015f 39
Table 20: Smokeless Tobacco Per Capita Consumption, Grams Per Year, 1990-1995 and 2005-2015 40
Table 21: Smokeless Tobacco Consumption, Tons, 1990-1995 and 2005-2015 41
Table 22: Smokeless Tobacco Consumption, Tons, 1990-1995 and 2005-2015 42
Table 23: Imports of Snuff, 1992-2014 43
Table 24: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Volume, Tons, 2007-2015 44
Table 25: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Value, US$ ‘000, 2007-2015 45
Table 26: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Value, % breakdown, 2007-2015 46
Table 27: Exports of Snuff, 1992-2014 47
Table 28: Exports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Volume, % breakdown 2007-2015 48
Table 29: Exports of Smokeless Tobacco by country of origin, Value, % breakdown 2007-2015 49
Table 30: Smokeless Tobacco Market Forecasts 2015-2025 50
Table 31: Per Capita Consumption, Grams Per Year, 2015-2025 51
Table 32: Consumption Forecasts 2015-2025 52

List of Figures
Figure 1: Executive Summary 6
Figure 2: Executive Summary (Cont’d...) 7
Figure 3: Tobacco Products Market, Tons, %, 2005 & 2015 9
Figure 4: Smokeless Tobacco Consumption, Tons, 2006-2016 11
Figure 5: Per Capita Consumption, Grams Per Year, 200-2016 12
Figure 6: Import of Snuff Tons, 2004-2014 16
Figure 7: Imports of Smokeless Tobacco by Country of Origin, Top Countries, Volume, %, 2015 17
Figure 8: Exports of snuff, Tons, 2004-2014 20
Figure 9: Exports of Smokeless Tobacco by Country of Destination, Top countries, Volume, %, 2015 21
Figure 10: Smokeless Tobacco Market Forecasts 2015-2025 34
Figure 11: Per Capita Consumption, Grams Per Year, 2015-2025 35
Figure 12: Methodology 55
Figure 13: Global Data at a glance 57


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