This new report from analyzes activities and strategies of the major agrochemical companies in Ethiopia and Kenya. The report provides executives with strategically significant competitor information, analysis and insight, critical to the development and implementation of effective marketing and R&D programs for the African market.
The companies analyzed in this report include Adama, BASF, Bayer, Corteva, FMC, Nufarm, Sumitomo, Syngenta, and UPL.
The report is based on a combination of primary and secondary information sources, including Venture Planning Group’s proprietary database, developed during the firm’s continuous monitoring of the agrochemical industry, as well as over 100 syndicated studies and numerous proprietary single-client assignments. This database contains information on major agrochemical companies, technologies, products and executives worldwide. Moreover, a comprehensive review of the companies’ product and financial literature, business and technical periodicals, and pertinent industry analyst reports was conducted.