Throughout the Cookies, Snacks, & Candies Sampling – Campaign Benchmarks Report, activations from destination and intercept events are represented. Various brand categories in this report include candy, cookies, edible cookie dough, ice cream, and other dessert snack products. There is no denying that consumers enjoy having various sweet and sugary products offered as samples at events and retail stores. Snack and candy marketers can benefit from engaging consumers directly through point of purchase (POP). POP decisions are more likely to take place when consumers are given the opportunity to sample a product.
This Food and Beverage sub-category contains benchmarks from 339 event days where a total of 4,864 consumer exit interviews were completed. Both wet sampling and dry sampling techniques were used by these featured snack and candy brands. Wet sampling is defined as any sampling where the product is to be consumed on-site. Dry sampling takes place where the product is packaged and/or designed to be used or consumed offsite.
Report data for Cookies, Snacks & Candies is derived from field staff event recaps combined with consumer exit interviews. Reporting insights include reach efficiency, reach quality, brand awareness, marketing impact, and return-on-investment. Several demographic segments were used to outline each of the reporting insights. An estimated 1,835,164 total samples were distributed.
1. Index of Tables
1.1 Interactions per Activation Hour
1.2 Interactions per Event Day
1.3 Cost per Interaction
1.4 Sampling/ Interaction Type
1.5 Interaction Benchmarks for Sampling Interactions by Event Size
1.6 Interaction Benchmarks for Non-Sampling Interactions by Event Size
1.7 Interaction Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category
1.8 Cost per Event Day
1.9 Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Sampling Interaction Type and Event Size
1.10 Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Non-Sampling Interaction Type and Event Size
1.11 Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (where available)
1.12 Gender Prevalence Overall
1.13 Gender Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.14 Gender Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.15 Age/ Generation Prevalence Overall
1.16 Age/ Generation Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.17 Age/ Generation Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.18 Parental Status Prevalence Overall
1.19 Parental Status Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.20 Parental Status Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.21 Consumer Brand Awareness Overall
1.22 Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Gender
1.23 Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Generation
1.24 Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.25 Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.26 Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.27 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Overall
1.28 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Gender
1.29 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Generation
1.30 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.31 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.32 Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.33 Consumer Purchase Intent Overall
1.34 Consumer Loyalty Benchmarks by Gender
1.35 Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
1.36 Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.37 Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.38 Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.39 Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
1.40 Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
1.41 Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.42 Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.43 Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.44 Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
1.45 Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
1.46 Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.47 Win-Back Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.48 Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.49 Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
1.50 Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
1.51 Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
1.52 Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
1.53 Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
1.54 Sample Impression Benchmark Values by Media Channel
1.55 Word-of-Mouth Averages: People Told
1.56 Sample Experiential Revenue Model
1.57 Metrics Required for Experiential ROI Modeling
1.58 Derived Return-on-Investment (ROI) Benchmarks
1.59 Derived ROI Variation by Product Price and Event Budget
1.60 Derived ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2; where available)
1.61 Derived ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2; where available)
1.62 Direct ROI Benchmarks Overall
1.63 Direct ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (where available)
1.64 Full Database Overview: Generation Exit Interview Counts by Gender
1.65 Full Database Overview: Parental Status Exit Interview Counts by Gender
1.66 Full Database Overview: Industry and Venue Classification Counts
1.67 Full Database Overview: Consumer Interview Counts by Geographic Region and State
2. Introduction to This Report
2.1 Some Legal Context (See Appendix For Full Agreement)
2.2 This Report And Other Reports Available
3. Using Benchmarks to Build Best-in-Class Experiential Marketing Campaigns
3.1 Designing A Winning Marketing Campaign
3.1.1 Finding The Right Consumers
3.1.2 Event Size Vs Event Frequency
3.2 Selling To Stakeholders
3.2.1 Differentiating Yourself From Competition
3.2.2 Demonstrating Value Before Money Is Spent
3.3 Negotiating Better Venue/ Sponsorship Agreements
3.3.1 Validating Venue Manager And Producer Performance Commitments
3.3.2 Choosing The Best Sponsorship Package
3.4 Validating A Proposal’s Performance Promises And Budget
3.4.1 Validating Agencies’ Performance Commitments
3.4.2 Evaluating A Campaign Budget Before Committing
3.5 Managing Campaign Performance
3.5.1 Defining Campaign Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
3.5.2 Using Experiential Benchmarks To Manage And Evaluate Performance
3.5.3 Using Benchmarks As A Better Experiential Recapping Tool
4. Experiential Measurement Best Practices – The Theory
4.1 Measuring Experiential And Event Marketing
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Three Core Questions
4.2 How Event Marketing Drives Purchase Behavior
4.2.2 Purchase Cycles And Event Marketing
4.3 How To Generate Consumer Insights With Your Event Marketing Data
4.3.1 Defining Consumer Insights
4.3.2 The Basic ROI Model
4.3.3 How To Translate ROI Into Insight
4.3.4 Translate ROI Into Strategy: An Example
5. Metrics And Definitions For This Report
5.1 How To Choose The Most Appropriate Benchmarks
5.2 Table Structure And Data Anonymity
6. Event Marketing Reach
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Event Marketing Efficiency
6.2.1 Event Marketing Efficiency Metrics
6.3 Cost Per Event Day
6.3.1 Cost Per Event Day Metric
6.4 Event Marketing Reach Quality
6.5 Benchmarking Event Marketing Reach Quality
6.5.1 Gender Categories
6.5.2 Consumer Age Categories As Generations
6.5.3 Parental Status
7. Event Marketing Impact
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The 4-stage Purchase Cycle And Event Marketing Impact
7.2.1 Stage 1: Need – Educating On The Problem
7.2.2 Stage 2: Awareness – Reasons To Believe The Brand Is The Solution
7.2.3 Stage 3: Trial – Trust That The Brand Will Deliver On The Promise
7.2.4 Stage 4: Purchase – Where Expectations Meet Experience
7.3 Event Marketing Impact Metrics – Consumer Awareness
7.3.1 Event Impact Metrics
7.4 Event Marketing Impact Metrics – Advocacy And Purchase
7.4.1 Overall Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks
7.4.2 Overall Purchase Intent Benchmarks
7.4.3 Customer Loyalty Marketing Strategy – Impact Benchmarks For Customers
7.4.4 Lost Customer Win-back Marketing Strategy – Impact Benchmarks For Win-backs
7.4.5 Conversion Marketing Strategy – Impact Benchmarks For Early-stage Purchase Cycle Consumers
8. Event Marketing Return-on-Investment
8.1 What Is ROI And What Drives It?
8.1.1 When ROI Is The Wrong Metric For Success
8.1.2 What Bad Experiential Marketing Looks Like
8.1.3 Segmenting ROI Is The Roadmap To Better Marketing
8.2 The PortMA ROI Model
8.2.1 The Dollar Value Of Experiential Marketing Impressions
8.2.2 How To Count The Five Sources Of Event Marketing Impressions
8.2.3 Incremental Revenue Realized From New Customers
8.3 Using ROI Modeling To Develop Campaign Strategy
8.3.1 Overview Of The Eight Core ROI Modeling Metrics
8.3.2 Estimating Consumer Engagement Counts With Benchmarks For Predictive ROI Modeling
8.3.3 Translating Consumer Engagements Into New Customers Using Benchmarks
8.3.4 Translating New Customers Into Revenue For The Brand
8.3.5 Using An All-in Program Budget To Calculate ROI
8.3.6 ROI Modeling Sensitivity Analysis Techniques And Application
8.4 PortMA’s Return-on-investment Benchmark Calculations
8.4.1 ROI Benchmark Model Stages And How They Were Derived/ Analyzed
8.4.2 ROI Benchmark Budget And Product Price Sensitivity Analysis
8.4.3 Derived vs. Direct ROI Benchmarks
9. Appendix
9.1 Appendix A: Full Benchmarking Database Profile
9.2 Appendix B: Benchmarking Definitions, Methodology And Analysts’ Notes
9.2.1 Event Type Definitions
9.2.2 Industry Segment Definitions
9.2.3 Metric Definitions And Data Cleaning Methods
9.2.4 Averages And Outliers
9.2.5 Number Ranges
9.3 Appendix C: Full User Agreement (Copy Of Signed Document)
10. Sample Screen Shots (Click to Expand)
Table 1 – Interactions per Activation Hour
Table 2 – Interactions per Event Day
Table 3 – Cost per Interaction
Table 4 – Sampling/ Interaction Type
Table 5 – Interaction Benchmarks for Sampling Interactions by Event Size
Table 6 – Interaction Benchmarks for Non-Sampling Interactions by Event Size
Table 7 – Interaction Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category
Table 8 – Cost per Event Day
Table 9 – Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Sampling Interaction Type and Event Size
Table 10 – Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Non-Sampling Interaction Type and Event Size
Table 11 – Cost per Event Day Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (where available)
Table 12 – Gender Prevalence Overall
Table 13 – Gender Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 14 – Gender Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 15 – Age/ Generation Prevalence Overall
Table 16 – Age/ Generation Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 17 – Age/ Generation Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 18 – Parental Status Prevalence Overall
Table 19 – Parental Status Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 20 – Parental Status Prevalence Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 21 – Consumer Brand Awareness Overall
Table 22 – Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Gender
Table 23 – Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Generation
Table 24 – Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 25 – Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 26 – Consumer Brand Awareness Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 27 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Overall
Table 28 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Gender
Table 29 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Generation
Table 30 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 31 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 32 – Consumer Recommend Intent/ Advocacy Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 33 – Consumer Purchase Intent Overall
Table 34 – Consumer Loyalty Benchmarks by Gender
Table 35 – Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
Table 36 – Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 37 – Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 38 – Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 39 – Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
Table 40 – Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
Table 41 – Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 42 – Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 43 – Current Customers/ Buyers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 44 – Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
Table 45 – Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
Table 46 – Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 47 – Win-Back Consumer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 48 – Win-Back Consumers Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 49 – Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Gender
Table 50 – Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Generation
Table 51 – Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Parental Status
Table 52 – Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2)
Table 53 – Newly Educated/ Aware Non-Customer Purchase Intent Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2)
Table 54 – Sample Impression Benchmark Values by Media Channel
Table 55 – Word-of-Mouth Averages: People Told
Table 56 – Sample Experiential Revenue Model
Table 57 – Metrics Required for Experiential ROI Modeling
Table 58 – Derived Return-on-Investment (ROI) Benchmarks
Table 59 – Derived ROI Variation by Product Price and Event Budget
Table 60 – Derived ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (1 of 2; where available)
Table 61 – Derived ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (2 of 2; where available)
Table 62 – Direct ROI Benchmarks Overall
Table 63 – Direct ROI Benchmarks by Venue Type/ Industry Category (where available)
Table 64 – Full Database Overview: Generation Exit Interview Counts by Gender
Table 65 – Full Database Overview: Parental Status Exit Interview Counts by Gender
Table 66 – Full Database Overview: Industry and Venue Classification Counts
Table 67 – Full Database Overview: Consumer Interview Counts by Geographic Region and State
All benchmarks are segmented by industry and / or venue classifications and not the brand company to maintain confidentiality.