The Baby Food Sector in Denmark, 2018

115 Pages - GLDATA65721


"The Baby Food Sector in Denmark, 2018", is an analytical report by GlobalData which provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Danish market.

Per capita consumption of commercial baby food in Denmark is low, particularly in the case of baby meals, reflecting a continuing allegiance to traditional methods of feeding. Consumer perception that ready-prepared meals are unhealthy has traditionally held back demand, although manufacturers have responded to this issue by reducing levels of added sugar and salt in their recipes, or removing them entirely. Baby Food market value is expected to rise by 41.8% in current terms over the forecast period. In real terms, market value in 2023 is likely to be 26.6% higher than in 2017.

What else does this report offer?
- Consumption data based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing work and our in-house expertise to offer extensive data about the trends and dynamics affecting the industry.
- Detailed profile of the companies operating and new companies considering entry in the industry along with their key focus product sectors.
- Market profile of the various product sectors with the key features & developments, segmentation, per capita trends and the various manufacturers & brands.
- Overview of baby food retailing with a mention of the major retailers in the country along with the distribution channel.
- Future projections considering various trends which are likely to affect the industry.


- First-stage milks accounted for approximately a third of sales in 2017 in both volume and value terms. Growing up milks have witnessed strong growth in recent years and now account for 10% of volume sales, although the growth rate has fallen somewhat in the past few years.
- Special formulae sales, which embrace both the first-stage and follow on sectors, account for 5.4% of volumes and 6.5% of value. The specialist formulae available in pharmacies is also generally sold in cans.
- The past few years have seen a huge surge of interest in demand for wet meals, driven by twin trends towards organic foods and pouches. Baby meal has been by far the best performer in the baby food sector.
- The majority of cereals on sale are packed in 200-250g boxes, although there are also some larger pack sizes 300 and 400g on sale. Also, there are several ready-made cereals on sale: Ella’s Kitchen cereals are packed in 150g pouches.
- Danish mothers continue to follow medical advice and give their babies and infants water to drink.
- Sales of baby food are dominated by the grocery sector. Some specialist dietary lines, principally milks, are marketed through the pharmacy sector, although standard milks are not permitted to be sold via the pharmacy channel.

Reasons to buy

- Evaluate important changes in consumer behavior and identify profitable markets and areas for product innovation.
- Analyse current and forecast behavior trends in each category to identify the best opportunities to exploit.
- Detailed understanding of consumption by individual product categories in order to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Investigates which categories are performing the best and how this is changing market dynamics.

Companies Mentioned
Semper AB
Nestlé Danmark A/S
Arla Foods amba


Table of Contents
Executive Summary
The Consumer
Socio-Demographic Trends
Working Women
Breastfeeding Trends
Manufacturers Shares
Category Analysis
Baby Milks
Baby Cereals & Dry Meals
Production and Trade
Company profiles
Semper AB
Nestlé Danmark A/S
Arla Foods amba
Baby Food Retailing
Economic Background
Key Macroeconomic Forecasts
Prospects and forecasts
Birth & Population Projections
Forecast Overview
Future Trends
Additional Data Tables
Summary Methodology
About GlobalData

List of Tables
Table 1: Birth & Population Trends, 2007-2017
Table 2: Live births by region, 2014-2017
Table 3: Live Births by Age of Mother, 2011-2017
Table 4: Average Age of Giving Birth, 2011-2017
Table 5: Births Outside Marriage, 2010-2016
Table 6: Women In Employment, by Age Group, 2011-2017
Table 7: Proportion of Children Exclusively Breastfed in Denmark: 2012-2015
Table 8: Proportion of Children Exclusively Breastfed: 2012-2015
Table 9: Breastfeeding and Introduction of Complementary Food in Danish Infants
Table 10: Sector Size, 2017, & Growth Rates, 2011-2017
Table 11: Baby Food: Manufacturer Shares, %, 2010-2017
Table 12: Baby Food: Manufacturer Shares by Sector, %, 2017
Table 13: Baby Milks: Category Size, 2017
Table 14: Baby Milks: Category Growth, % 2011-2017
Table 15: Baby Milks: Segmentation - Powder & Liquid, % Volume, 2010-2017
Table 16: Baby Milks: Powder Price Positioning Analysis, 2017
Table 17: Baby Milks: Liquid Brand Price Positioning Analysis, 2017
Table 18: Baby Milks: Manufacturer Shares, % Value, 2010-2017
Table 19: Baby Milks: Manufacturer Shares, % Volume, 2010-2017
Table 20: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Category Size, 2017
Table 21: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Category Growth, % 2011-2017
Table 22: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Segmentation by Type, % Volume 2011-2017
Table 23: Baby Cereals: Price Positioning Analysis, 2017
Table 24: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Manufacturer Shares, %, 2010-2017
Table 25: Baby Meals: Category Size, 2017
Table 26: Baby Meals: Category Growth, % 2011-2017
Table 27: Organic Baby Food Sales, 2011-2017
Table 28: Baby Meals: Price Positioning Analysis, 2017
Table 29: Meals: Manufacturer Shares, %, 2011-2017
Table 30: Baby Drinks: Category Size, 2017
Table 31: Baby Drinks: Category Growth, % 2011-2017
Table 32: Baby Drinks: Manufacturer Shares, 2011-2017
Table 33: Sales of Baby Food by Type and Outlet Type, % Value, 2017
Table 34: Key Macro-Economic Indicators, 2011-2018
Table 35: Key Macroeconomic Forecasts, 2017-2023
Table 36: Birth & Population Projections, 2011-2023
Table 37: Baby Population, Number of Babies, 2007-2023
Table 38: Baby Food: Market Value, Current Prices, 2011-2017
Table 39: Baby Food: Market Value, Constant Prices, 2011-2017
Table 40: Baby Food: Market Value, US$ Million, 2011-2017
Table 41: Baby Food: Market Volume, Tons, 2011-2017
Table 42: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, Current Prices, 2011-2017
Table 43: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, Constant Prices, 2011-2017
Table 44: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, US Dollars, 2011-2017
Table 45: Baby Food: Per Capita Consumption, Grams, 2011-2017
Table 46: Baby Milks: Category Segmentation, Value & Volume, 2011-2017
Table 47: Baby Milks - Powder: Brand Price Analysis, 2017
Table 48: Baby Milks - Liquid: Brand Price Analysis, 2017
Table 49: Imports of Baby Food by Type, Volume (Tons), 2012-2017
Table 50: Imports of Baby Food by Type, Value (€ ‘000), 2012-2017
Table 51: Imports of Baby Food by Sector & Country of Origin, Volume & Value %, 2015-2017
Table 52: Exports of Baby Food by Type, Volume (Tons), 2012-2017
Table 53: Exports of Baby Food by Type, Value (€ ‘000), 2012-2017
Table 54: Exports of Baby Food by Category & Country of Destinations, Volume & Value %, 2015-2017
Table 55: Baby Food: Market Value Forecasts, Current Prices, 2017-2023
Table 56: Baby Food: Market Value Forecasts, Constant Prices, 2017-2023
Table 57: Baby Food: Market Value Forecasts, US$ Million, 2017-2023
Table 58: Baby Food: Market Volume Forecasts, Tons, 2017-2023
Table 59: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, Current Prices, 2017-2023
Table 60: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, Constant Prices, 2017-2023
Table 61: Baby Food: Per Capita Expenditure, US$, 2017-2023
Table 62: Baby Food: Per Capita Consumption, Grams, 2017-2023

List of Figures
Figure 1: Baby Food: Sector Size, 2011-2017
Figure 2: Baby Food: Per Capita, 2011-2017
Figure 3: Baby Food: Sector Segmentation, 2017
Figure 4: Baby Food: Manufacturer Shares, Value, 2017
Figure 5: Baby Food: Manufacturer Shares, Volume %, 2017
Figure 6: Baby Food: Manufacturer Shares by Category, % Value, 2017
Figure 7: Baby Milks: Category Trends, 2011-2017
Figure 8: Baby Milks: Per Capita Expenditure & Consumption, 2011-2017
Figure 9: Baby Milks: Per Capita Expenditure & Consumption, 2011-2017
Figure 10: Baby Milks: Segmentation, Value and Volume, 2011-2017
Figure 11: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Category Trends, 2011-2017
Figure 12: Baby Cereals & Dry Meals: Per Capita Expenditure & Consumption, 2011-2017
Figure 13: Baby Meals: Category Trends, 2011-2017
Figure 14: Baby Meals: Per Capita Expenditure & Consumption, 2011-2017
Figure 15: Baby Drinks: Category Trends, 2011-2017
Figure 16: Baby Drinks: Per Capita Expenditure & Consumption, 2011-2017
Figure 17: Baby Food: Sector Size, 2017-2023
Figure 18: Baby Food: Per Capita, 2017-2023
Figure 19: Baby Food: Sector Segmentation, 2023


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