Foodservice Insights & Trends - Technology

26 Pages - GLDATA65686


"Foodservice Insights & Trends - Technology", published by GlobalData provides extensive insight and analysis of the effect of emerging technologies on the Foodservice market during the next ten years and acts as a vital point of reference for operators and suppliers.

Technological change is set to have numerous effects on the Foodservice industry, and new technologies can also help foodservice operators better target emerging consumer trends. This includes online delivery firms, which cater to convenience seeking consumers and on site growing technologies which allow consumers to consume food made with ingredients they can see growing in front of them.

The report includes -
- Executive Summary: Provides an overview of technological trends in Foodservice, a snapshot of the case studies involved in the report and a summary of the key consumer drivers behind technological uptake
- Technology in Foodservice: This chapter provides an overview of all major technology trends in Foodservice, with the consumer trends powering them and key examples of early adoptions also highlighted
- Consumer Views: This chapter highlights general consumer trends that are affecting the Foodservice sector and how they link to technology trends
- Key players: Overview of market leaders within major channels including business descriptions and number of outlets.
- What Next: A summary of findings in the report and a map for the future of technology in Foodservice.


- Overview of technological trends in Foodservice, a snapshot of the case studies involved and a summary of the key consumer drivers behind technological uptake
- Overview of all major technology trends in Foodservice, with the consumer trends powering them and key examples of early adoptions.
- General consumer trends that are affecting the Foodservice sector and how they link to technology trends.
- Overview of market leaders within major channels including business descriptions and number of outlets.
- Summary of findings and a map for the future of technology in Foodservice.

Reasons to buy

- Understand which technology trends are likely to have a major effect on the Foodservice industry
- Understand the relationships between consumer trends and the uptake of new technologies by operators
- Learn about key relevant case studies and learn lessons from their uses of technology.

Companies Mentioned
Just Eat
Buffalo Wild Wings
Kitchen Brains
QSR Automation
Miso Robotics
Pizza Hut


Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Technology in Foodservice - setting the scene
3. Consumer Views - key trend drivers
4. Key Players - leading delivery company profiles
5. What Next?
6. Appendix


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