Vodka (Spirits) Market in the United Kingdom - Outlook to 2021: Market Size, Growth and Forecast Analytics is a broad level market review of Vodka market in the United Kingdom.
Vodka - all flavoured and unflavoured vodkas. Vodka is an un-aged white spirit made from distilled fermented grain, rye, wheat, potatoes but can be based on any starch or sugar-rich plant matter.
Vodka market in the United Kingdom registered a positive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.91% during the period 2011 to 2016 with a sales value of GBP 4,093.56 Million Liters in 2016, an increase of 5.28% over 2015. The research handbook provides up-to-date market size data for period 2011-2016 and illustrative forecast to 2021 covering key market aspects like Sales Value and Volume for Vodka and its variants Flavoured Vodka & Unflavoured Vodka.
Furthermore, the research handbook details out Sales Volume for top brands for the year 2013 to 2016, Demographic Analytics and overall market sales by Distribution Channel (Hypermarkets & Supermarkets, Convenience Stores, Department Stores, Dollar Stores, Variety Store, Cash & Carries and Warehouse clubs, eRetailers, Food & Drinks specialists, Drug stores & Pharmacies, Health & Beauty Stores, Other general retailers and others) where ever applicable.
The research handbook acts as an essential tool for companies active or planning to venture in to United Kingdom's Vodka (Spirits) market. The comprehensive statistics within the research handbook provides insight into the operating environment of the market and also ensures right business decision making based on historical trends and industry model based forecasting.
Sales Values in the handbook are depicted in USD ($) and local currency of country and Volumes are represented in M Liters.
*Note: Certain content / sections in the research handbook may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data.
- Overall Vodka (Spirits) market value and volume analytics with growth analysis from 2011 to 2021.
- Volume terms for the top brands.
- Distribution channel analytics from 2013-2016.
Reasons to buy
- Get access to authoritative and granular data on the Vodka (Spirits) market and fill in the gaps in understanding of trends and the components of change behind them.
- Enhance your understanding of the market to update your strategic and tactical plans based on volume and value changes, brand dynamics and distribution trends.
- Analyze the components of change in the market by looking at historic and future growth patterns.
- Use the data to understand future patterns of the market trends from winners and losers to category dynamics and thereby quickly and easily identify the key areas in which you want to compete in the future.
Table of Contents
1 Vodka Market Overview
2 United Kingdom Vodka Market Analytics, 2011-21
2.1 Vodka Value Analytics, 2011-21
2.1.1 Vodka Market by Value, 2011-21
2.1.2 Vodka Market Value by Segments, 2011-21
2.2 Vodka Volume Analytics, 2011-21
2.2.1 Vodka Market by Volume, 2011-21
2.2.2 Vodka Market Volume by Segments, 2011-21
2.3 United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics, 2012-16
2.3.1 United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Age Group, 2012-16
2.3.2 United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Education Level, 2012-16
2.3.3 United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Gender, 2012-16
2.3.4 United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Urbanization, 2012-16
3 United Kingdom Vodka Market Analytics, by Segment 2011-21
3.1 Flavoured Vodka Analytics, 2011-21
3.1.1 Flavoured Vodka Market by Value, 2011-21
3.1.2 Flavoured Vodka Market by Volume, 2011-21
3.2 Unflavoured Vodka Analytics, 2011-21
3.2.1 Unflavoured Vodka Market by Value, 2011-21
3.2.2 Unflavoured Vodka Market by Volume, 2011-21
4 United Kingdom Vodka Brand Analytics by Volume, 2013-16
4.1 Vodka Brand Analytics by Volume, 2013-16
5 United Kingdom Vodka Distribution Channel Analytics by Volume, 2013-16
5.1 Vodka Distribution Channel Analytics by Volume, 2013-16
6 Appendix
6.1 Definitions
6.1.1 Category Definitions
6.1.2 Distribution Channel Definitions
6.1.3 Volume Units and Aggregations
6.1.4 CAGR Definition and Calculation
6.1.5 Graphical representation of Brands
6.1.6 Exchange Rates
6.1.7 Methodology Summary
6.2 About GlobalData
6.3 Disclaimer
List of Tables
Table 1: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (GBP m) and Growth (Y-o-Y), 2011-21
Table 2: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (USD m) and Growth (Y-o-Y), 2011-21
Table 3: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (GBP m) by Segments, 2011-16
Table 4: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (GBP m) by Segments, 2016-21
Table 5: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (USD m) by Segments, 2011-16
Table 6: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (USD m) by Segments, 2016-21
Table 7: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume (Liters m) and Growth (Y-o-Y), 2011-21
Table 8: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume (Liters m) by Segments, 2011-16
Table 9: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume (Liters m) by Segments, 2016-21
Table 10: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Age Group (Liters m), 2012-16
Table 11: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Education Level (Liters m), 2012-16
Table 12: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Gender (Liters m), 2012-16
Table 13: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Urbanization (Liters m), 2012-16
Table 14: United Kingdom Flavoured Vodka Market by Value (GBP m), 2011-21
Table 15: United Kingdom Flavoured Vodka Market by Value (USD m), 2011-21
Table 16: United Kingdom Flavoured Vodka Market by Volume (Liters m), 2011-21
Table 17: United Kingdom Unflavoured Vodka Market by Value (GBP m), 2011-21
Table 18: United Kingdom Unflavoured Vodka Market by Value (USD m), 2011-21
Table 19: United Kingdom Unflavoured Vodka Market by Volume (Liters m), 2011-21
Table 20: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume by Brands (Liters m), 2013-16
Table 21: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume by Distribution Channel (Liters m), 2013-16
Table 22: Category Definitions Vodka Market
Table 23: Distribution Channel Definitions Vodka Market
Table 24: Volume Units for Vodka Market
Table 25: United Kingdom Exchange Rate GBP - USD (Annual Average), 2011 - 2016
Table 26: United Kingdom Exchange Rate GBP - USD (Annual Average), 2017 - 2021 Forecast
List of Figures
Figure 1: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (GBP m) and Growth (Y-o-Y), 2011-21
Figure 2: United Kingdom Vodka Market Value (GBP m) by Segments, 2011-21
Figure 3: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume (Liters m) and Growth (Y-o-Y), 2011-21
Figure 4: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume (Liters m) by Segments, 2011-21
Figure 5: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Age Group (Liters m), 2012-16
Figure 6: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Education Level (Liters m), 2012-16
Figure 7: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Gender (Liters m), 2012-16
Figure 8: United Kingdom Vodka Demographic Analytics by Urbanization (Liters m), 2012-16
Figure 9: United Kingdom Flavoured Vodka Market by Value (GBP m), 2011-21
Figure 10: United Kingdom Flavoured Vodka Market by Volume (Liters m), 2011-21
Figure 11: United Kingdom Unflavoured Vodka Market by Value (GBP m), 2011-21
Figure 12: United Kingdom Unflavoured Vodka Market by Volume (Liters m), 2011-21
Figure 13: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume by Brands (Liters m), 2013-16
Figure 14: United Kingdom Vodka Market Volume by Distribution Channel (Liters m), 2013-16