Baijiu (literally means ‘white wine’) is a distilled alcoholic beverage unique to China, and is created by distilling aged starch or sugar-rich ingredients. It is either colorless or a very slight shade of yellow, and has a pleasant smell with a sweet and refreshing taste. The higher alcoholic content in Baijiu makes its taste improve with age and adds a layer of complexity to it as well.
Chinese Baijiu production volumes reached a total of XX billion litres in 2018, a growth of X% over the previous year. Retail volumes and figures reached a total of XX billion litres and XX billion CNY respectively. Sales income reached a total of XX billion CNY, a X% growth over the previous year. The Chinese Baijiu industry is currently still in a state of decline, but there are signs that the industry is primed to make a comeback in the near future.
The market for high-end Baijiu is showing signs of stability as is the demand for Baijiu which is also the case for the market for low-end Baijiu products. Brand concentration is expected to become higher, and the previously neglected market for mid-range Baijiu products is expected to become the main field of competition.
China is the most populated country in the world and as such is an ideal market for the consumption of Baijiu. The Chinese population has been continuously growing in recent years with main consumers being 15-64-year-old men and thus providing ample room for development.
The presence of new brands, new flavors and the amount of potential in the mid-range and high-end markets point to a period of growth for the industry, and as such the industry is expected to grow to a total size of XX billion CNY.
Chapter 1 Baijiu industry overview
1.1 Industry overview
1.1.1 Concepts
1.1.2 Categories
1.1.3 Alcoholic content and measurement
1.2 Operation modes
1.2.1 Production
1.2.2 Purchasing
1.2.3 Sales
Chapter 2 Market supply and demand analysis
2.1 Baijiu industry development analysis
2.1.1 Number of firms
2.1.2 Total capital
2.1.3 Total profit
2.1.4 Net profits
2.2 Baijiu market supply and demand analysis
2.2.1 Supply and demand analysis
2.2.2 Production volumes
2.2.3 Production volume predictions
2.3 Retail figures
2.3.1 Retail figures 2018-2023 Retail volumes Retail figures
2.3.2 Retail figures predictions 2018-2023 Retail volume predictions Retail figures predictions
2.3.3 Factors affecting industry demand
2.4 Chinese Baijiu industry sales income
2.4.1 Industry sales income 2012-2017
2.4.2 Sales income predictions 2018-2023
2.5 Pricing analysis
Chapter 3 Supply chain analysis
3.1 Overview
3.2 Development analysis
3.2.1 Raw materials market development
3.2.2 Grain production
3.2.3 Grain prices
3.3 Downstream application demands
3.3.1 Retail industry demand analysis
3.3.2 Catering industry demands
Chapter 4 Foreign trade analysis
4.1 Import analysis 2012-2017
4.1.1 Import volumes
4.1.2 Import figures
4.1.3 Import sources
4.1.4 Import prices
4.2. Export analysis 2012-2017
4.2.1 Export volume
4.2.2 Export figures
4.2.3 Export recipients
4.2.4 Export prices
Chapter 5 Main Baijiu producers
5.1 Maotai Co. Ltd.
5.1.1 Development overview
5.1.2 Main products
5.1.3 Operational analysis
5.1.4 Competitive advantages
5.1.5 Development strategies
5.2 Wuliangye
5.2.1 Development overview
5.2.2 Main products
5.2.3 Operational analysis
5.2.4 competitive advantages
5.2.5 Development strategies
5.3 Luzhou Laojiao
5.3.1 Development overview
5.3.2 Main products
5.3.3 Operational analysis
5.3.4 Sales networks
5.3.5 Competitive advantages
5.3.6 Development strategies
5.4 Shuijingfang
5.4.1 Development overview
5.4.2 Main products
5.4.3 Operational analysis
5.4.4 Sales networks
5.4.5 Competitive advantages
5.4.6 Development strategies
5.5 Gujing Gongjiu
5.5.1 Development overview
5.5.2 Main products
5.5.3 Operational analysis
5.5.4 Sales networks
5.5.5 Development strategies
5.6 Xianghe Jiuchang
5.6.1 Development overview
5.6.2 Main products
5.6.3 Operational analysis
5.6.4 Competitive advantages
5.6.5 Development strategies
Chapter 6 Industry development trends and prospects
6.1 Baijiu industry investment prospects
6.1.1 Demand prospects
6.1.2 Room for development
6.2 Baijiu industry investment risks
6.2.1 Macroenvironmental risks
6.2.2 Policy risks
6.2.3 Raw material market risks
6.2.4 Competition risks
6.2.5 Other risks
6.3 investment strategies and advice
6.3.1 Product investment advice
6.3.2 Capital operation advice
6.3.3 Marketing strategy advice