EpiCast Report: Colorectal Cancer - Epidemiology Forecast to 2025

55 Pages - GLDATA57890


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum (ACS, 2016). CRC is one of the most common types of cancers diagnosed. For this analysis, GlobalData epidemiologists defined CRC as a cancer in all sub-sites of the colon and rectum, using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes for CRC (C18-C20). To build the forecast, GlobalData epidemiologists sourced international and national cancer databases such as the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5) CI5plus data analysis tool; the EUROCARE-5 survival database; Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER); the German Centre for Cancer Registry (ZfKD); peer-reviewed research articles; and government publications. The forecast methodology is consistent across each of the eight markets, thereby allowing for a meaningful comparison among them.

In 2015, there were 746,590 diagnosed incident cases of CRC in the 8MM. GlobalData epidemiologists forecast that the diagnosed incident cases in the 8MM will increase to 913,832 by 2025 at an Annual Growth Rate (AGR) of 2.24%. With the exception of the US and Germany, all markets will see an increase in the number of cases, at varying AGRs. The 8MM combined had an estimated 2,582,288 five-year diagnosed prevalent cases of CRC in 2015. The number of five-year diagnosed prevalent cases will increase by 22.06% over the next 10 years to 3,151,930 by 2025. Urban China will have the highest number of diagnosed incident and five-year diagnosed prevalent cases among the 8MM, as well as the highest AGR for both data types. The US and Germany are the only markets that will see a decrease in incidence rate during the forecast period.


- The Colorectal Cancer (CRC) EpiCast Report provides an overview of the risk factors and global trends of CRC in the eight major markets (8MM) (US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China [urban]). It includes a 10-year epidemiological forecast of the diagnosed incident cases and the five-year diagnosed prevalent cases of CRC in these markets from 2015-2025. The diagnosed incident cases of CRC are further segmented by age, sex, stage at diagnosis, and genetic mutations.
- The CRC epidemiology report is written and developed by Masters- and PhD-level epidemiologists.
- The EpiCast Report is in-depth, high quality, transparent and market-driven, providing expert analysis of disease trends in the 8MM.

Reasons to buy

The CRC EpiCast report will allow you to -
- Develop business strategies by understanding the trends shaping and driving the global CRC market.
- Quantify patient populations in the global CRC market to improve product design, pricing, and launch plans.
- Organize sales and marketing efforts by identifying the age groups and sex that present the best opportunities for CRC therapeutics in each of the markets covered.
- Compare patient population potentials by genetic mutation and stage at diagnosis.


1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 5
1.1 List of Tables 6
1.2 List of Figures 7
2 Epidemiology 8
2.1 Disease Background 8
2.2 Risk Factors and Comorbidities 9
2.3 Global Trends 11
2.3.1 8MM Incidence Trends 11
2.3.2 8MM, Trends in Five-Year Relative Survival 14
2.4 Forecast Methodology 15
2.4.1 Sources Used Tables 16
2.4.2 Forecast Assumptions and Methods 20
2.4.3 Sources Not Used 28
2.5 Epidemiological Forecast for CRC (2015-2025) 29
2.5.1 Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC 29
2.5.2 Age-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC 31
2.5.3 Sex-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC 33
2.5.4 Age-Standardized Diagnosed Incidence of CRC 35
2.5.5 Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC by Stage at Diagnosis 36
2.5.6 Type of Genetic Mutation among Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC 37
2.5.7 Five-Year Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of CRC 38
2.6 Discussion 40
2.6.1 Epidemiological Forecast Insight 40
2.6.2 Limitations of the Analysis 42
2.6.3 Strengths of the Analysis 43
3 Appendix 44
3.1 Bibliography 44
3.2 About the Authors 51
3.2.1 Epidemiologists 51
3.2.2 Reviewers 51
3.2.3 Global Director of Therapy Analysis and Epidemiology 52
3.3 About GlobalData 53
3.4 About EpiCast 53
3.5 Disclaimer 54

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Risk Factors and Comorbidities For CRC 9
Table 2: 8MM, Five-Year Relative Survival (%) 15
Table 3: 8MM, Sources Used to Forecast the Diagnosed Incidence of CRC 16
Table 4: 8MM, Sources Used to Forecast the Five-Year Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of CRC 17
Table 5: 8MM, Sources of CRC Cancer Stage at Diagnosis 18
Table 6: 8MM, Sources of Genetic Mutations 19
Table 7: 8MM, Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015-2025 30
Table 8: 8MM, Age-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Row (%), 2015 32
Table 9: 8MM, Sex-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Ages ≥18 Years, Row (%), 2015 34
Table 10: 8MM, Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC by Cancer Stage at Diagnosis (N), Ages ≥18 Years, Row (%), 2015 37
Table 11: 8MM, Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC by Type of Genetic Mutation (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015 38
Table 12: 8MM, Five-Year Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015-2025 39

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: 8MM, Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate for CRC (Cases per 100,000 Population), Men, Ages ≥15 Years, 1998-2007 13
Figure 2: 8MM, Age-Adjusted Incidence Rate for CRC (Cases per 100,000 Population), Women, Ages ≥15 Years, 1998-2007 14
Figure 3: 8MM, Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015-2025 30
Figure 4: 8MM, Age-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015 33
Figure 5: 8MM, Sex-Specific Diagnosed Incident Cases of CRC (N), Ages ≥18 Years, 2015 35
Figure 6: 8MM, Age-Standardized Incidence of CRC (Cases per 100,000 Population), Ages ≥18 Years, by Sex, 2015. 36
Figure 7: 8MM, Five-Year Diagnosed Prevalent Cases of CRC (N), Both Sexes, Ages ≥18 Years, 2015-2025 40


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