Utilities Global Industry Almanac 2019-2028

822 Pages - MLINE18917


Global Utilities industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: industry size (value , and forecast to 2028). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the industry.

Key Highlights

- The utilities industry is categorized into three main segments: gas utilities, water utilities, and electricity retailing.
- Gas utilities refer to the total consumption of natural gas by end-users, excluding any distribution or transmission losses. The end-user industries include industrial, transport, residential, and commercial & public services.
- The water utilities segment consists of all water that is collected, treated, and distributed to agricultural, industrial, and residential end-users.
- The electricity retailing segment includes the consumption of electricity by end-users, categorized by industrial, transportation, commercial & public services, and residential. The scope of others includes agriculture, forestry, and the fishing industry's net electricity consumption.
- All market data and forecasts are adjusted for inflation and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using yearly annual average exchange rates.
- The global utilities industry recorded revenues of $7,119.9 billion in 2023, representing a negative compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.7% between 2018 and 2023.
- The electricity retailing segment accounted for the industry's largest proportion in 2023, with total revenues of $2,816.1 billion, equivalent to 39.6% of the industry's overall value.
- In 2023, the global utilities industry recorded an annual contraction of 0.04% due to the decline in energy price inflation in various countries.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the global utilities industry
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the global utilities industry
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key utilities industry players’ global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the global utilities industry with five year forecasts

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the global utilities industry by value in 2023?
- What will be the size of the global utilities industry in 2028?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the global utilities industry?
- How has the industry performed over the last five years?
- What are the main segments that make up the global utilities industry?


Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Category segmentation
1.4. Geography segmentation
1.5. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Utilities
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Utilities in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Utilities in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Utilities in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Utilities in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Utilities in Australia
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Utilities in Brazil
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Utilities in Canada
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Utilities in China
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Utilities in India
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Utilities in Indonesia
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Utilities in Italy
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Utilities in Japan
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Utilities in Mexico
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Utilities in The Netherlands
30.1. Market Overview
30.2. Market Data
30.3. Market Segmentation
30.4. Market outlook
30.5. Five forces analysis
31 Macroeconomic Indicators
31.1. Country data
32 Utilities in North America
32.1. Market Overview
32.2. Market Data
32.3. Market Segmentation
32.4. Market outlook
32.5. Five forces analysis
33 Utilities in Russia
33.1. Market Overview
33.2. Market Data
33.3. Market Segmentation
33.4. Market outlook
33.5. Five forces analysis
34 Macroeconomic Indicators
34.1. Country data
35 Utilities in Scandinavia
35.1. Market Overview
35.2. Market Data
35.3. Market Segmentation
35.4. Market outlook
35.5. Five forces analysis
36 Utilities in Singapore
36.1. Market Overview
36.2. Market Data
36.3. Market Segmentation
36.4. Market outlook
36.5. Five forces analysis
37 Macroeconomic Indicators
37.1. Country data
38 Utilities in South Africa
38.1. Market Overview
38.2. Market Data
38.3. Market Segmentation
38.4. Market outlook
38.5. Five forces analysis
39 Macroeconomic Indicators
39.1. Country data
40 Utilities in South Korea
40.1. Market Overview
40.2. Market Data
40.3. Market Segmentation
40.4. Market outlook
40.5. Five forces analysis
41 Macroeconomic Indicators
41.1. Country data
42 Utilities in Spain
42.1. Market Overview
42.2. Market Data
42.3. Market Segmentation
42.4. Market outlook
42.5. Five forces analysis
43 Macroeconomic Indicators
43.1. Country data
44 Utilities in Turkey
44.1. Market Overview
44.2. Market Data
44.3. Market Segmentation
44.4. Market outlook
44.5. Five forces analysis
45 Macroeconomic Indicators
45.1. Country data
46 Utilities in The United Kingdom
46.1. Market Overview
46.2. Market Data
46.3. Market Segmentation
46.4. Market outlook
46.5. Five forces analysis
47 Macroeconomic Indicators
47.1. Country data
48 Utilities in The United States
48.1. Market Overview
48.2. Market Data
48.3. Market Segmentation
48.4. Market outlook
48.5. Five forces analysis
49 Macroeconomic Indicators
49.1. Country data
50 Company Profiles
50.1. E.ON SE
50.2. PJSC Gazprom
50.3. State Grid Corporation of China
50.4. Electricite de France SA
50.5. PetroChina Company Limited
50.6. Duke Energy Corporation
50.7. Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company
50.8. China National Offshore Oil Corp
50.9. Korea Gas Corp
50.10. GAIL (India) Limited
50.11. Engie SA
50.12. Centrica plc
50.13. RWE AG
50.14. TotalEnergies S.E.
50.15. Equinor ASA.
50.16. EnBW Energie Baden-Wurttemberg A.G.
50.17. WINGAS GmbH
50.18. Origin Energy Limited
50.19. Synergy
50.20. Ausgrid
50.21. AGL Energy Limited
50.22. Engie Brasil Energia SA
50.23. Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras S.A.
50.24. CPFL Energia S.A.
50.25. Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais - CEMIG
50.26. Hydro-Quebec
50.27. Enbridge Inc.
50.28. ATCO Electric Ltd.
50.29. Sinopec Zhongyuan Petrochemical Co Ltd
50.30. Sinopec Oilfield Service Corp
50.31. The Tata Power Company Limited
50.32. Gujarat Gas Ltd
50.33. Torrent Power Limited
50.34. Reliance Industries Limited
50.35. PT PLN (Persero)
50.36. PT Pertamina (Persero)
50.37. PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk
50.38. Eni SpA
50.39. Enel SpA
50.40. A2A SpA
50.41. Edison S.p.A.
50.42. Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
50.43. Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.
50.44. Kurita Water Industries Ltd
50.45. Daigas Group
50.46. The Kansai Electric Power Co, Incorporated
50.47. Petroleos Mexicanos
50.48. Comision Federal de Electricidad
50.49. Naturgy Energy Group SA
50.50. Alliander NV
50.51. Eneco UK Ltd
50.52. Evides N.V.
50.53. NextEra Energy, Inc.
50.54. Sempra Energy
50.55. JSC Inter RAO
50.56. Lukoil Oil Co.
50.57. RusHydro
50.58. Novatek
50.59. Helen Ltd
50.60. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB
50.61. Gasum Oy
50.62. Orsted AS
50.63. Statkraft AS
50.64. Sembcorp Industries Ltd
50.65. SP Group
50.66. Keppel Electric Pte Ltd
50.67. Senoko Energy Pte Ltd
50.68. Eskom Holdings SOC Limited
50.69. Sasol Limited
50.70. Reatile Group Pty Ltd
50.71. Korea Electric Power Corporation
50.72. Endesa SA
50.73. Iberdrola, S.A.
50.74. Elektrik Uretim AS
50.75. Istanbul Gaz Dagitim Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
50.76. Bogazici Elektrik Dagitim AS
50.77. Enerjisa Enerji AS
50.78. Thames Water Utilities Ltd
50.79. Scottish Power Ltd
50.80. Exelon Corporation
50.81. Southern Company Gas
50.82. Consumers Energy Co
50.83. Southern Company
50.84. Hydro One Ltd
50.85. BC Hydro
51 Appendix
51.1. Methodology
51.2. About MarketLine

List of Tables
Table 1: Global utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 2: Global utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 3: Global utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 4: Global utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 5: Global utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 6: Global size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 7: Global real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 8: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 9: Global inflation, 2019-23
Table 10: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 11: Global exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 12: Asia-Pacific utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 13: Asia-Pacific utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 14: Asia-Pacific utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 15: Asia-Pacific utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 16: Asia-Pacific utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 17: Europe utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 18: Europe utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 19: Europe utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 20: Europe utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 21: Europe utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 22: Europe size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 23: Europe real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 24: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 25: Europe inflation, 2019-23
Table 26: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 27: Europe exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 28: France utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 29: France utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 30: France utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 31: France utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 32: France utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 33: France size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 34: France real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 35: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 36: France inflation, 2019-23
Table 37: France consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 38: France exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 39: Germany utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 40: Germany utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 41: Germany utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 42: Germany utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 43: Germany utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 44: Germany size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 45: Germany real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 46: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 47: Germany inflation, 2019-23
Table 48: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 49: Germany exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 50: Australia utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 51: Australia utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 52: Australia utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 53: Australia utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 54: Australia utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 55: Australia size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 56: Australia real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 57: Australia gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 58: Australia inflation, 2019-23
Table 59: Australia consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 60: Australia exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 61: Brazil utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 62: Brazil utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 63: Brazil utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 64: Brazil utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 65: Brazil utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 66: Brazil size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 67: Brazil real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 68: Brazil gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 69: Brazil inflation, 2019-23
Table 70: Brazil consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 71: Brazil exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 72: Canada utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 73: Canada utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 74: Canada utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 75: Canada utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 76: Canada utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 77: Canada size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 78: Canada real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 79: Canada gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 80: Canada inflation, 2019-23
Table 81: Canada consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 82: Canada exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 83: China utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 84: China utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 85: China utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 86: China utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 87: China utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 88: China size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 89: China real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 90: China gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2019-23
Table 91: China inflation, 2019-23
Table 92: China consumer price index (absolute), 2019-23
Table 93: China exchange rate, 2018-23
Table 94: India utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Table 95: India utilities industry category segmentation: % share, by value, 2018-2023
Table 96: India utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Table 97: India utilities industry geography segmentation: $ billion, 2023
Table 98: India utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Table 99: India size of population (million), 2019-23
Table 100: India real gdp (constant 2010 prices, $ billion), 2019-23

List of Figures
Figure 1: Global utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 2: Global utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 3: Global utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 4: Global utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 5: Forces driving competition in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 6: Drivers of buyer power in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 7: Drivers of supplier power in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 8: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 9: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 10: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the global utilities industry, 2023
Figure 11: Asia-Pacific utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 12: Asia-Pacific utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 13: Asia-Pacific utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 14: Asia-Pacific utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 15: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 16: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 17: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 18: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 19: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 20: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Asia-Pacific, 2023
Figure 21: Europe utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 22: Europe utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 23: Europe utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 24: Europe utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 25: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 26: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 27: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 28: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 29: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 30: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Europe, 2023
Figure 31: France utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 32: France utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 33: France utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 34: France utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 35: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 36: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 37: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 38: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 39: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 40: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in France, 2023
Figure 41: Germany utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 42: Germany utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 43: Germany utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 44: Germany utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 45: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 46: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 47: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 48: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 49: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 50: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Germany, 2023
Figure 51: Australia utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 52: Australia utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 53: Australia utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 54: Australia utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 55: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 56: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 57: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 58: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 59: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 60: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Australia, 2023
Figure 61: Brazil utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 62: Brazil utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 63: Brazil utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 64: Brazil utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 65: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 66: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 67: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 68: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 69: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 70: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Brazil, 2023
Figure 71: Canada utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 72: Canada utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 73: Canada utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 74: Canada utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 75: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 76: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 77: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 78: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 79: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 80: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Canada, 2023
Figure 81: China utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 82: China utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 83: China utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 84: China utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 85: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 86: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 87: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 88: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 89: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 90: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in China, 2023
Figure 91: India utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 92: India utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 93: India utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 94: India utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 95: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 96: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 97: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 98: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 99: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 100: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in India, 2023
Figure 101: Indonesia utilities industry value: $ billion, 2018-23
Figure 102: Indonesia utilities industry category segmentation: $ billion, 2018-2023
Figure 103: Indonesia utilities industry geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2023
Figure 104: Indonesia utilities industry value forecast: $ billion, 2023-28
Figure 105: Forces driving competition in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023
Figure 106: Drivers of buyer power in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023
Figure 107: Drivers of supplier power in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023
Figure 108: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023
Figure 109: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023
Figure 110: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the utilities industry in Indonesia, 2023


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