Renewable Energy - Thematic Research

27 Pages - GLDATA63635


For reasons of energy security and reduction in CO2 emissions, the global power sector has witnessed a gradual shift from conventional power- generating sources toward renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biopower, and geothermal. Governments worldwide are providing support measures and have committed to a certain share of renewables in the overall power mix. To help implement these measures, numerous incentives have been put in place for renewable energy development and to offer a level playing field.

With the changing geopolitical scenario in the oil and gas supply markets in the Middle East, renewable energy is turning out to be a bright area in the global energy economy. In the past couple of years, renewable market growth rates were higher when compared with conventional fuel market rates due to the rise in penetration of renewable energy and development of this market. The growth of renewable power has gained momentum in the past decade in various countries, helped by a supportive policy and regulatory framework, reduced cost of renewable electricity generation attained due to technological advances, rising electricity demand, energy security, and environmental concerns. Renewable energy is being utilized in power generation, transport fuels, rural/off-grid power supply, and heating and cooling.


- This report analyses the global power sector.
- Governments worldwide are providing support measures and have committed to a certain share of renewables in the overall power mix. To help implement these measures, numerous incentives have been put in place for renewable energy development and to offer a level playing field.
- The research highlights leaders in the wind and solar markets, categorized under three segments of the renewable energy value chain.

Reasons to buy

- The report highlights some of the big players in the renewable energy industry and where do they sit in the value chain.
- It analyses the main trends in the renewable energy industry over the next 12-24 months.
- It provides a brief of the renewable industry, explaining wind and solar power, offering competitive analysis and highlighting significant mergers and acquisitions.
- The report discusses the value chains for both the wind and solar PV markets.

Companies Mentioned
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Vestas Wind Systems
Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology
GE Renewable Energy
M. A. Mortenson Company
Blattner Holding Company
NextEra Energy
Electricité de France
China Longyuan Power Group
NextEra Energy
China Huaneng Group
Energias de Portugal
Trina Solar
JA Solar
Canadian Solar
Hanwha Q CELLS
SunPower Corporation
Golden Concord Holdings Ltd
State Power Investment Corp
Swinerton Renewable Energy
MVV Energie AG
State Power Investment Corp
NextEra Energy Inc
Southern Co
Enel SpA
Engie SA


Table of Contents
Wind power market trends 4
Solar PV power market trends 6
Macroeconomic and regulatory trends 7
Wind power 10
Solar power 11
Competitive analysis 12
Mergers and acquisitions 13
Timeline 15
Wind power value chain 16
Solar PV value chain 17
Wind power equipment manufacturers 19
Wind power EPC companies 20
Wind farm utility owners 21
Solar PV equipment manufacturers 22
Solar power EPC companies 23
Solar farm utility owners 24


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