Power Market Outlook in Hungary 2016

10 Pages - GLDATA59029


Hungary has a total area of 93,000 km2 and shares its border with seven other countries. The country’s landscape is mostly flat. The population was 9.9 million as of 2015 and the total gross domestic product (GDP) was $246.4 billion.

Due to geographical conditions, most of the country’s power demand is met by importing the energy from neighboring countries. The gross quantity of electrical power consumed increased by 0.9% in 2014 and by an additional 2.7% in 2015. In 2015, the gross domestic consumption was 43.75 Terawatt hour (TWh), import was 13.687 TWh, and gross domestic export was 3.63 TWh (MVM, 2015). The majority of the power is imported from Slovakia, Austria, and Ukraine, and the main export countries are Croatia and Serbia.

The major utility player in Hungary is Magyar Villamos Muvek Zrt. which generates 40% of the total power generated in the country. The other power generating companies are Vertesi Eromu Ltd, E.ON Eromuvek Kft, and Budapesti Eromu Ltd., which are operating power plants of 50 Megawatt (MW) or higher capacity. The transmission operator is MAVIR Hungarian Independent Transmission Operator Company Ltd. while there are six privatized regional distribution companies responsible for operation of networks as well as supply for consumers. MAVIR deals with the operation, transmission, maintenance, renewal, and development and co-ordinates the operation of the power system with neighboring countries.

The country’s main strategy to meet the growing need of power is to reduce the energy dependency by increasing the energy efficiency, increased use of renewable resources, nuclear sources, and connecting to the European power infrastructure.


- Snapshot of the country’s power sector across parameters - country overview, current power market status, key issues, future plans and strategies to meet increasing power demand, and way forward.
- Statistics for cumulative installed capacity of domestic power plants and annual thermal power production from 2011 to 2015.
- Break-up by technology, including thermal, hydro, renewable and nuclear
- Data on key issues witnessed in the Hungarian power sector.
- Information on future plans and strategies to meet increasing power demand.

Reasons to buy

- Identify opportunities and plan strategies by having a strong understanding of the investment opportunities in the country’s power sector
- Facilitate decision-making based on strong historic and forecast data
- Develop strategies based on the latest regulatory events
- Position yourself to gain the maximum advantage of the industry’s growth potential
- Identify key partners and business development avenues

Companies Mentioned

MVM Group
Vertesi Eromu Ltd
E.ON Eromuvek Kft
Budapesti Eromu Ltd.


1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 1
1.1 List of Tables 1
1.2 List of Figures 1
2 Power Market Outlook in Hungary 2016 2
2.1 Country Overview 2
2.2 Current Power Market Status 3
2.3 Key Issues 6
2.4 Future Plans and Strategies to Meet Increasing Power Demand 7
2.5 Way Forward 7
3 Appendix 7
3.1 Abbreviations 7
3.2 Bibliography 8
3.3 Methodology 8
3.4 Contact Us 10
3.5 Disclaimer 10

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Abbreviations 7

1.2 List of Figures
Figure 1: Power Market, Hungary, Major Domestic Power Plants, 2015 2
Figure 2: Power Market, Hungary, Cumulative Installed Capacity of Domestic Power Plants (MW), 2011-2015 3
Figure 3: Power Market, Hungary, Domestic Share by Power Generating Source (%), 2015 4
Figure 4: Power Market, Hungary, Annual Thermal Power Production (GWh), 2011-2015 4
Figure 5: Power Market, Hungary, Total Gross Electricity Consumption Share (%), 2015 6


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