1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 2
1.1 List of Tables 6
2 Executive Summary 8
3 Introduction 10
3.1 Renewable Energy Policy 10
3.2 Globaldata Report Guidance 10
4 Renewable Energy Policy, Argentina 11
4.1 Overview 11
4.2 Law on Promotion of Renewable Sources of Energy for Electricity Production: 26190 12
4.3 Law on Promotion of Renewable Sources of Energy for Electricity Production: 27,191 12
4.4 Renewable Energy Generation Program 14
4.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar 14
4.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind 14
4.7 National Strategic Plan for Wind Energy 15
4.8 Biodiesel Competitiveness Plan 16
4.9 The Biofuel Law 16
4.10 National Bioenergy Program 17
4.11 Energy Efficiency Project 17
4.12 Energy Efficiency Policies for Appliances 18
4.13 National Program for Rational and Efficient Use of Energy 18
5 Renewable Energy Policy, Brazil 20
5.1 Overview 20
5.2 Renewable Energy Auctions 21
5.3 Alternative Energy Auction LFA-2010 and Reserve Energy Auction LER-2010 23
5.4 Brazil National Climate Change Plan 23
5.5 Luz para Todos Electrification Program 24
5.6 International Action Program, Brazil’s Hydropower Program 25
5.7 Incentives for Small Hydropower Facilities, Law 9648 25
5.8 Wind Turbine Component Tax Exemption (Executive Decree 656) 26
5.9 Inova Energia Program 26
5.10 Solar Power Auctions 26
5.11 National Biodiesel Program 26
5.12 Net Metering for Distributed Generation 27
5.13 Distributed Generation Regulation and Tax Incentives 27
5.14 Energy Expansion Plan 2010-2019 28
5.15 National Alcohol Program 29
5.16 Federal and State Taxes on Ethanol 29
5.17 Social Fuel Stamp Auction System 30
5.18 Ethanol Blending Mandate 30
5.19 Ethanol Export Tax Credit - Special Regime of Reinstatement of Tax Amounts for Exporting Companies - Reintegra 31
5.20 Spending on Biofuels 31
5.21 National Energy Efficiency Policy 33
5.22 Regulated Investments in Energy Efficiency 33
5.23 The Energy Efficiency Law 33
5.24 Solar Water Heating Legislation 34
6 Renewable Energy Policy, Canada 35
6.1 Overview 35
6.2 Provincial Incentives 36
6.3 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Prince Edward Island 37
6.4 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Manitoba 38
6.5 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Saskatchewan 38
6.6 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Northwest Territories 39
6.7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alberta 39
6.8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, British Columbia 45
6.9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nova Scotia 47
6.10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Quebec 52
6.11 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Ontario 55
6.12 Funding to Promote Biofuels Industry 65
6.13 Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance 66
6.14 Industrial Electricity Incentive Program 66
6.15 SaveONenergy Conservation Programs 67
6.16 Program of Energy Research and Development 67
6.17 Clean Energy Innovation Program 67
7 Renewable Energy Policy, Chile 68
7.1 Overview 68
7.2 National Strategy for the Energy Sector 68
7.3 Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Law (NCRE Law) 69
7.4 Energy Program 2014-2018 69
7.5 Energy Access Fund 69
7.6 Support for Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Development Program 69
7.7 Invest Chile Project 70
7.8 Carbon Tax 70
7.9 Program for Rural and Social Energy (PERYS) 70
7.10 Short Law I and II 70
7.11 Law 19,657 70
7.12 Net Metering 71
7.13 Other Renewable Incentives 71
7.14 Hydroelectricity 71
7.15 Development of Transmission System 71
7.16 Chile’s Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement 72
7.17 Developing Interregional Electricity Interconnections 72
7.18 Energy Efficiency 72
8 Renewable Energy Policy, Colombia 75
8.1 Overview 75
8.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Renewable Energy, Colombia 77
9 Renewable Energy Policy, Mexico 79
9.1 Overview 79
9.2 Electricity Industry Law 79
9.3 Mexico Renewable Energy Program 80
9.4 Energy Transition Law (Ley de Transición Energética, LTE) 81
9.5 General Law of Climate Change (Ley General de Cambio Climático) 81
9.6 Special Program for the Use of Renewable Energy 82
9.7 Resolution on Net-Metering 82
9.8 National Energy Strategy 82
9.9 National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy 83
9.10 Large-Scale Renewable Energy Development Project 83
9.11 Accelerated Depreciation for Environmental Investment 84
9.12 Wheeling Service Agreement for Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources 84
9.13 Methodology to Establish Service Charges for the Transmission of Renewable Electricity 84
9.14 Grid Interconnection Contract for Renewable Energy 85
9.15 Renewable Energy Outlook - Vision for 2030 on the Use of Renewable Energy in Mexico 85
9.16 Renewable Energy Promotion-PromovER 85
9.17 Integrated Energy Services Project, 2007-2014 86
9.18 Light in the House Program (Luz en Casa Oaxaca) 87
9.19 Light for Mexico Program 87
9.20 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind 87
9.21 Resolution on Interconnection of large hydro plants 87
9.22 Geothermal Energy Act 87
9.23 Law for the Promotion and Development of Bioenergy 88
9.24 Sustainable Rural Development Project for the Promotion of Alternative Energy Sources in Agribusiness 89
9.25 Value Added Agribusiness Risk Sharing Schemes 89
9.26 Program for Financing of Electric Energy Saving 90
9.27 Guidelines establishing and issuing Clean Energy Certificates 90
9.28 Law for the Sustainable Use of Energy (Ley para el Aprovechamiento Sustentable de la Energía, LASE) 91
9.29 Law for Sustainable Use of Energy and the National Program for the Sustainable Use of Energy (PRONASE) 91
9.30 Compact Fluorescent Lamp Market 92
9.31 Solar Water Heaters Program 93
9.32 Green Mortgage Program 93
9.33 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement (COP21) 93
10 Renewable Energy Policy, Peru 94
10.1 Overview 94
10.2 Legislative Decree 1002 94
10.3 The Electric Social Compensation Fund (FOSE) 95
10.4 Accelerated depreciation benefits 95
10.5 Biofuel Production and Commercialization Law 95
10.6 Energy Efficiency Development 95
11 Renewable Energy Policy, US 97
11.1 Overview 97
11.2 Federal Initiatives 98
11.3 Federal Initiatives for Solar Power 107
11.4 Federal Initiatives for Wind Power 108
11.5 Federal Initiatives for Biopower and Biofuels 109
11.6 State-Level Incentives 111
11.7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Iowa 115
11.8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Minnesota 118
11.9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Washington 122
11.10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Colorado 126
11.11 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Texas 131
11.12 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, California 138
11.13 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nevada 151
11.14 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, New Jersey 155
11.15 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Oklahoma 162
11.16 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Illinois 164
12 Renewable Energy Policy, Venezuela 169
12.1 Overview 169
12.2 Development Plan for the National Electric System 169
12.3 Electric Service Law 169
12.4 Electricity Law 169
12.5 Law of Rational and Efficient Use of Energy 170
12.6 Renewable Energy Development 170
12.7 National renewable energy registry 170
12.8 Sowing Light Program(Sembrando Luz) 170
12.9 Energy Efficiency 170
13 Appendix 172
13.1 Abbreviations 172
13.2 Bibliography 177
13.3 Methodology 179
13.4 Coverage 179
13.5 Contact Us 180
13.6 Disclaimer 181
1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Renewable Energy Policy, North and South America 11
Table 2: Renewable Energy Auctions, Brazil, 2007-2015 25
Table 3: Biodiesel and Mineral Diesel, Brazil, Federal Taxes 33
Table 4: Key Regulatory Authorities, Canada 38
Table 5: Renewable Energy Targets, Canada 40
Table 6: Feed-in Tariffs, Ontario, 2016 59
Table 7: Feed-in Tariffs, Ontario, 2017 60
Table 8: Additional Price Incentives on Feed-in Tariff, Ontario, 2016 60
Table 9: Additional Price Incentives on Feed-in Tariff, Ontario, 2017 61
Table 10: ecoENERGY for Biofuels Incentives (CAD/liter and $/liter), 2008-2016 69
Table 11: Renewable Energy Market, US, Production Tax Credit ($/kWh), 2016 102
Table 12: Renewable Energy Market, US, Investment Tax Credit, 2016 104
Table 13: Renewable Energy Market, US, Green Power Purchasing Goal (%), 2016-2025 108
Table 14: Renewable Power, US, Renewable Portfolio Standards, State Targets, 2016 114
Table 15: Renewable Power, Minnesota, Solar Power Incentives ($/kWh), 2016 124
Table 16: Renewable Energy Market, Washington, Member-Owned Renewable Energy Program Rate ($/kWh), 2010-2017 127
Table 17: Renewable Energy Market, Colorado, Capital Cost Threshold Rates, 2014 132
Table 18: Renewable Energy Market, Texas, Rebates for Energy Efficiency Products ($/unit), 2017 138
Table 19: Renewable Energy, Feed-in Tariffs, Marin County - California, 2016 144
Table 20: Renewable Energy, Feed-in Tariffs, Los Angeles - California, 2016 145
Table 21: Renewable Energy, Feed-in Tariff Multiplier, Los Angeles - California, 2016 145
Table 22: Renewable Energy, Electric Energy Reduction Standard (TWh), California, 2012-2024 147
Table 23: Renewable Energy, Annual Electric Demand Reduction Standard (MW), California, 2012-2024 148
Table 24: Renewable Energy, ReMAT Tariffs ($/MWh), California, 2017 149
Table 25: Renewable Energy Market, California, Go Solar Campaign Program Components, 2007-2016 149
Table 26: Renewable Energy Market, California, California Solar Initiative Program Budget ($m), 2007-2016 150
Table 27: Renewable Energy Market, California, California Solar Initiative Rebate Levels by Incentive Step and Rebate Type, 2012 151
Table 28: Renewable Energy Market, California, California Solar Initiative, Details by Incentive Type, 2013 151
Table 29: Solar Alternative Compliance Payment ($/MWh), New Jersey, 2008-2016 163
Table 30: Renewable Energy Market, Oklahoma, Production Tax Credit ($/kWh), 2007-2021 165
Table 31: Renewable Energy Market, Illinois, Requirements and Carve-outs for Various Technologies for Investor-owned Utilities (%), 2009-2026 169
Table 32: Renewable Energy Market, Illinois, Requirements and Carve-outs for Various Technologies for Alternate Renewable Electricity Suppliers (%), 2009-2026 169
Table 33: Abbreviations 175