Canada Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2017

42 Pages - GLDATA62922


"Canada Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2017” is among the latest country specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist that offers comprehensive information on major policies governing renewable energy market in the country.

The report provides the current and future renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific policies and incentives provided in the country.

The report is built using data and information sourced from industry associations, government websites and statutory bodies. The information is also sourced through other secondary research sources such as industry and trade magazines.


- The report covers policy measures and incentives used by Canada to promote renewable energy.
- The report details promotional measures in Canada both for the overall renewable energy industry and for specific renewable energy technologies that have potential in the country.

Reasons to buy

The report will enhance your decision making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
- Develop business strategies with the help of specific insights about policy decisions being taken for different renewable energy sources.
- Identify opportunities and challenges in exploiting various renewable technologies.
- Compare the level of support provided to different renewable energy technologies in Canada.
- Be ahead of competition by keeping yourself abreast of all the latest policy changes.


1 Table of Contents
1 Table of Contents 2
1.1 List of Tables 4
2 Introduction 5
2.1 Renewable Energy Policy 5
2.2 GlobalData Report Guidance 5
3 Renewable Energy Policy, Canada 6
3.1 Overview 6
3.2 Provincial Incentives 7
3.3 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Prince Edward Island 8
3.4 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Manitoba 9
3.5 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Saskatchewan 9
3.6 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Northwest Territories 10
3.7 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Alberta 10
3.7.1 Climate Leadership Plan (CLP) 10
3.7.2 Climate Change Strategy 11
3.7.3 Provincial Energy Strategy 12
3.7.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind 12
3.7.5 Nine-Point Bioenergy Plan 14
3.8 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, British Columbia 16
3.8.1 Hydro Net Metering 16
3.8.2 Energy Plan: A Vision for Clean Energy Leadership 16
3.8.3 Innovative Clean Energy Fund 16
3.8.4 Standing Offer Program 17
3.8.5 LiveSmart Efficiency Incentive Program 18
3.9 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Nova Scotia 18
3.9.1 Renewable Electricity Plan, 2010 18
3.9.2 Energy Strategy 2009 19
3.9.3 Renewable Energy Standard Regulations, 2007 20
3.9.4 Net Metering 21
3.9.5 Community Feed-in Tariffs 21
3.9.6 Solar Gain Project 21
3.9.7 Wind Atlas 22
3.9.8 EnerGuide for New Houses 22
3.9.9 Commercial and Industrial Custom Program 22
3.9.10 Small Business Lighting Solutions Program 22
3.9.11 EcoEnergy Retrofit Incentive for Buildings 23
3.10 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Quebec 23
3.10.1 Energy Policy 2030 23
3.10.2 Energy Strategy 2006-2015 23
3.10.3 Net Metering 24
3.10.4 Wind Farm Construction on Public Land 24
3.10.5 Wind Farm Construction on Private Land 25
3.10.6 Rénoclimat and Novoclimat Program 25
3.10.7 RénoVert Tax Credit 25
3.10.8 Hydro Grants 25
3.10.9 Climate Change Action Plan 2013-2020 25
3.10.10 Tax Credit for Ethanol Production 25
3.11 Renewable Energy Policy Framework, Ontario 26
3.11.1 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Renewable Energy Sources 26
3.11.2 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Solar 32
3.11.3 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Wind 33
3.11.4 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Geothermal 33
3.11.5 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Hydropower 34
3.11.6 Financial Incentives and Policy Support for Bioenergy 34
3.12 Funding to Promote Biofuels Industry 36
3.12.1 EcoENERGY for Biofuels Initiative 36
3.12.2 NextGen Biofuels Fund 36
3.13 Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance 36
3.14 Industrial Electricity Incentive Program 37
3.15 SaveONenergy Conservation Programs 37
3.16 Program of Energy Research and Development 37
3.17 Clean Energy Innovation Program 37
4 Appendix 38
4.1 Market Definitions 38
4.1.1 Power 38
4.1.2 Installed Capacity 38
4.1.3 Electricity Generation 38
4.1.4 Electricity Consumption 38
4.1.5 Thermal Power Plant 38
4.1.6 Hydropower Plant 38
4.1.7 Nuclear Power 38
4.1.8 Renewable Energy Resources 38
4.2 Abbreviations 39
4.3 Bibliography 40
4.4 Methodology 40
4.5 Coverage 40
4.5.1 Secondary Research 41
4.5.2 Primary Research 41
4.5.3 Modeling and Forecasting 41
4.6 Contact Us 42
4.7 Disclaimer 42

1.1 List of Tables
Table 1: Key Regulatory Authorities, Canada 6
Table 2: Renewable Energy Targets, Canada 8
Table 3: Feed-in Tariffs, Ontario, 2016 27
Table 4: Feed-in Tariffs, Ontario, 2017 27
Table 5: Additional Price Incentives on Feed-in Tariff, Ontario, 2016 28
Table 6: Additional Price Incentives on Feed-in Tariff, Ontario, 2017 28
Table 7: ecoENERGY for Biofuels Incentives (CAD/liter and $/liter), 2008-2016 36
Table 8: Abbreviations 39


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