Cloud Computing in Africa and the Middle East: Market Opportunity and Competitive Analysis

22 Pages - GLDATA65053


"Cloud Computing in Africa and the Middle East: Market Opportunity and Competitive Analysis", a new Telecom Insider Report by GlobalData, provides an executive-level overview of the cloud computing market in Africa and the Middle East. It delivers deep qualitative insights into the cloud market in the region, analyzing key trends, market opportunities and case studies.

Driven by an increasing adoption of the hybrid cloud model, the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) market in Africa and the Middle East will grow at a 43.0% CAGR from 2017 to 2021.

It provides in-depth analysis of the following -
- Section 1: Taxonomy and market context; a look at the cloud computing definition and adoption framework. This section details the cloud computing market context in Africa and the Middle East.
- Section 2: Cloud Computing Market Opportunity in Africa and the Middle East; provides the cloud computing market size and forecast by type cloud segment in the region and a competitive overview of key cloud providers' regional activity.
- Section 3: Case studies; two case studies of leading cloud computing service providers in Africa and the Middle East are presented in this section, showcasing their growth strategy in the region.
- Section 4: Key findings and recommendations; the Insider concludes with a number of key findings and a set of recommendations for capturing the cloud opportunity.


- The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) segment is the fastest growing market in the region with a CAGR of 43.0% from 2017 to 2021.
- The SaaS segment wil still be the largest revenue-generating cloud segment in 2021 in MEA.
- Many cloud players enter the MEA market in support of digital government services and/or to expand their footprint in the region by launching data centers and cloud products in key countries such as South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE.

Reasons to buy

- This Insider Report provides a five-year forecast of the enterprise cloud computing services market in the Middle East & Africa region. Developed using GlobalData’s rigorous bottom-up modeling methodologies and primary research, it enables executives to effectively position their companies to capture growth opportunities.
- Two case studies illustrate the findings of the report, providing insights into key cloud providers' regional strategies and initiatives.
- The report discusses concrete opportunities in the cloud computing market, providing a number of actionable recommendations.
- With descriptive charts and tables, the report is designed for an executive-level audience, to help them understand the MEA cloud computing market dynamics and the underlying opportunities.

Companies Mentioned


Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
List of Exhibits 4
Executive Summary 5
Section 1: Taxonomy and Market Context 6
Enterprise cloud computing services definition 7
Cloud services market context and portfolio 8
Section 2: Cloud Computing Market Opportunity in Middle East & Africa 9
Cloud computing market forecast 10
Cloud computing market share 11
Competitive analysis 12
Section 3: Case Studies 13
Microsoft 14
AWS 15
Section 4: Key Findings and Recommendations 16
Appendix 18
Acronyms and definitions 19
Companies mentioned 20
Related research 21

List of Figures
Exhibit 1: Simplified enterprise cloud computing adoption framework 7
Exhibit 2: Enterprise services framework and the role of the telco 8
Exhibit 3: Total cloud computing revenue by cloud category, Middle East & Africa, 2016-2021 (US$billion) 10
Exhibit 4: Cloud computing revenue mix, Middle East & Africa, 2017 11
Exhibit 5: Cloud computing revenue mix, Middle East & Africa, 2021 11
Exhibit 6: Key events in the cloud computing market, Middle East & Africa, 2018-2019 12


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