The Sri Lankan cigarette market has suffered mixed fortunes recently. After seeing strong growth in 2010 and 2011 the sector was badly hit by tax hikes in 2012 which reduced sales. Further and more serious problems followed in 2014 with the issue of contraband complicated by a growing number of smokers down trading to beedies, what resulted in a fall of sales. Per capita consumption was only 160 pieces in 2014.
Key Findings
- Sri Lanka has only one significant domestic cigarette manufacturer, Ceylon Tobacco Company (CTC). Imports and exports are of little importance to the overall market.
- There is growing competition from traditional beedies, a legally produced type of cigarette that competes with the cheapest of manufactured cigarettes and are popular in rural areas.
Cigarettes in Sri Lanka 2016 is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Sri Lanka market. The report offers Market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise.
Reasons To Buy
- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market. This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.
1 Overview
2 Market Size
3 Market Structure
4 Manufacturers and Brands
5 Taxation and Retail
5.1. Taxation
5.2. Retail Prices
6 The Smoking Population
7 Production and Trade
7.1. Production
7.2. Imports
7.3. Exports
8 Operating Constraints
8.1. Advertising Restrictions
8.2. Health Warnings
8.3. Other Restrictions
9 Company Profiles
10 Prospects and Forecasts
11 Appendix
11.1. What is this Report About?
11.2. Time Frame
11.3. Product Category Coverage
11.4. Methodology
11.5. About GlobalData
11.6. Disclaimer
11.7. Contact Us
Table 1: Cigarette Consumption, Million Pieces, 1990-2015
Table 2: Non-Duty Paid Cigarette Sales, Million Pieces, 1993-2014
Table 3: Per Capita Consumption, 1990-2015
Table 4: Market Breakdown by Type: Filter v Plain, Million Pieces, 2000-2003 and 2008-2013
Table 5: Market Breakdown by Type: Filter v Plain, % Breakdown, 2000-2003 and 2008-2013
Table 6: Market Segmentation, % Volume, 2008, 2009 and 2012
Table 7: Market Breakdown by Pack Type, %, 1999-2003 and 2008-2010
Table 8: Manufacturer Sales, Million Pieces, 2001-2015
Table 9: Manufacturer Market Share, % Volume, 2001-2015
Table 10: Brand Shares, % Volume, 2008-2009 and 2011-2012
Table 11: Development of Cigarette Tax Rates, 2000-2015
Table 12: Duty Rates by Cigarette Size, %, February 2016
Table 13: Excise Tax Revenues (Cigarettes), Rs Billion, 2002-2012
Table 14: Retail Prices, Selected Brands, 2000-2012
Table 15: CTC: Selected Cigarette Prices, Rs/Pack, 2015 and 2016
Table 16: Smoking Population, 1990-2014
Table 17: Smoking Prevalence by Age and Gender, %, 2003
Table 18: Cigarette Production, Million Pieces, 1990-2004
Table 19: Cigarette Imports, Million Pieces, 1990-2014
Table 20: Imports by Country of Origin, Million Pieces, 2000-2014
Table 21: Imports by Country of Origin, % Volume, 2000-2014
Table 22: Cigarette Exports, Million Pieces, 1990-2014
Table 23: Exports by Country of Destination, Million Pieces, 2000-2014
Table 24: Exports by Country of Destination, % Volume, 2000-2014
Table 25: Company profile: Ceylon Tobacco Company Ltd
Table 26: Consumption Forecasts to 2025
Ceylon Tobacco