Cigarettes in Serbia, 2018

64 Pages - GLDATA65736


"Cigarettes in Serbia, 2018", is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in Serbia.

Smoking has traditionally been widespread, tax increases driving up prices, and increased restrictions on public smoking. There are currently 1.88 million adults smoking regularly or occasionally, with 33.7% of adult male and 29.2% female smokers in 2017, or 31.4% of the adult population. In per capita terms, legitimate consumption now averages around 928 pieces in 2017, compared with 2252 pieces in 2000 and 2035 pieces in 1990.

What else does this report offer?
- Market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis and our in-house expertise.
- Detailed information such as market shares and recent developments of the manufacturers, leading brands along with company profiles.
- Regulations, taxation, retail pricing, smoking habit and the growing health concerns affecting overall production.
- Prospects and forecasts of overall sales and consumption for 2017 to 2027.


- Market volume in 2017 was 6.6 billion pieces
- In per capita terms, Serbian consumers consumed an average of 928 cigarettes in 2017.

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- As consumers’ product demands evolve, the dynamics between different countries also change - favoring some countries and leaving others increasingly out of line with demand patterns.
- As a result, understanding the specific market dynamics of the country's market is crucial to ensuring maximum future sales.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes -prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.

Companies Mentioned


Table of Contents
1. Overview 5
2. Market Size 7
3. Market Structure 13
4. Manufacturers & Brands 16
5. Taxation & Retail 30
5.1. Taxation 30
5.2. Retail Prices 31
6. The Smoking Population 36
7. Production and Trade 39
7.1. Production 39
7.2. Imports 41
7.3. Exports 45
8. Operating Constraints 51
8.1. Advertising Restrictions 51
8.2. Health Warnings and Labeling Requirements 51
8.3. Other Restrictions 51
9. Company Profiles 53
10. Prospects & Forecasts 57
11. Appendix 60
11.1. What is this Report About? 60
11.2. Time Frame 60
11.3. Product Category Coverage 60
11.4. Methodology 61
11.5. About GlobalData 63
11.6. Disclaimer 64
11.7. Contact Us 64

List of Tables
Table 1: Cigarette Consumption, 1990-2017 9
Table 2: Per Capita Consumption, Duty Paid, 1990-2017 12
Table 3: Breakdown of Consumption, Legal v Contraband, 2003-2007, Million Pieces 13
Table 4: Breakdown of Consumption, Legal v Contraband, 2003-2007, % of Total 14
Table 5: Filter & Plain Cigarettes, 2006-2016(1), Billion Pieces 14
Table 6: Filter & Plain Cigarettes, 2006-2016, % 14
Table 7: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, 2002-2017, Billion Pieces 21
Table 8: Manufacturer Sales & Market Shares, 2002-2017, % 22
Table 9: Serbia Brand Shares, % Volume, 2013 & 2014 23
Table 10: Licensed Cigarette Brands for Sale in Serbia (2013) 25
Table 11: BAT Cigarette Prices, 2010 & 2011, € Equivalent/Pack 32
Table 12: JTI: Cigarette Prices, 2012 32
Table 13: Retail Price Trends: Cigarettes 2011-2014, RSD 34
Table 14: JTI: Retail Prices of Selected Brands, 2014, RSD 34
Table 15: Smoking population,1990-2017 36
Table 16: Smoking Prevalence by Age & Gender, 2013(1), % 37
Table 17: Smoking Prevalence by Age Group, 2013(1), % 38
Table 18: Cigarette Production, 1990-2017 40
Table 19: Cigarette Imports, 1996-2017 42
Table 20: Imports by Country of Origin, 2007-2017, Million Pieces 43
Table 21: Imports by Country of Origin, 2007-2017, % 44
Table 22: Cigarette Exports, 1990-2017, Million Pieces 46
Table 23: Exports by Country of Destination, 2007-2017, Million Pieces 47
Table 24: Exports by Country of Destination, 2007-2017, % 48
Table 25: Company profile: Philip Morris doo Beograd/DIN 'Fabrika Duvana' ad Niš 53
Table 26: Company profile: British American Tobacco South East Europe 54
Table 27: Company profile: JTI International AD Senta 55
Table 28: Company profile: Monus 56
Table 29: Consumption Forecasts to 2027 58

List of Figures
Figure 1: Methodology 61
Figure 2: GlobalData at a glance 63


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