Cigarettes in Germany, 2017

131 Pages - GLDATA62253


"Cigarettes in Germany, 2017" is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the German Cigarette market. It covers market size and structure along with per capita and overall consumption. Additionally, it focuses on brand data, retail pricing, prospects, and forecasts for sales and consumption until 2025.

The German cigarette market has experienced a severe downturn as a result of high tax, uplift in prices, and shrinking cigarette pack sizes. However, in 2015, the duty paid market volume accounted for 80 billion pieces, with a slight decline to 79.6 billion pieces projected for 2016. The future of the German cigarette market will continue to be heavily influenced by future EU and Federal government tax policy. Some of the decline will be attributed to consumers switching to alternative RYO/MYO or other tobacco products. Nevertheless, these may impact on consumption levels to a degree, but it is likely to be moderate.


- Cigarette market volume fell by 0.5% to 80 billion pieces in 2015.
- Cigarette consumption is forecast 0.3% decline to 986 pieces in 2016, 28.4% down compared to 2004.
- PMI continues to lead the market with an improved 37.2% of market volume in 2015.
- Cigarette consumption is forecast to decline from 80 billion pieces in 2015 to 730.5 billion pieces in 2025.

Reasons to buy

- Get a detailed understanding of consumption to align your sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market.
- Identify the areas of growth and opportunities, which will aid effective marketing planning.
- The differing growth rates in regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market.
- This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes - prime intelligence for marketers.
- Understand the market dynamics and essential data to benchmark your position and to identify where to compete in the future.

Companies Mentioned

BAT Germany
Philip Morris
Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken
JT International
Heintz van Landewyck


Table of Contents
1. Overview 5
2. Market Size 9
3. Market Structure 19
4. Manufacturers & Brands 30
5. Taxation & Retail Prices 53
5.1 Taxation 53
5.2 Retail Prices 64
6. The Smoking Population 86
7. Production & Trade 96
7.1 Production 96
7.2 Imports 99
7.3 Exports 103
8. Operating Constraints 110
8.1 Advertising Restrictions 110
8.2 Health Warnings 112
8.3 Other Restrictions 114
9. Company Profiles 117
10. Prospects & Forecasts 122
11. Appendix 127
11.1 What is this Report About? 127
11.2 Time Frame 127
11.3 Product Category Coverage 127
11.4 Methodology 128
11.5 About GlobalData 130
11.6 Disclaimer 131

List of Tables
Table 1: Cigarette Consumption, 1990-2016 14
Table 2: Per Capita Consumption, 1990-2016 16
Table 3: Duty Paid v Illegal Cigarette Consumption, 2009-2015 17
Table 4: Retail Sales Value & Per Capita Expenditure, 1990-2015 18
Table 5: Market Breakdown: Domestic v Imports, 2000-2015 21
Table 6: Market Breakdown: Filter v Plain Cigarettes, 2000-2015 22
Table 7: Market Breakdown by Type & Strength, 2000-2015 23
Table 8: Market Breakdown by Type & Strength, 2000-2015 25
Table 10: Retail Sales of Cigarettes by Outlet, 2000 & 2005-2014 29
Table 11: Manufacturer Sales & Market Share, 2000-2015, Million Pieces 36
Table 12: Manufacturer Sales & Market Share, 2000-2015, % of volume 37
Table 13: Brand Family Shares, 2000-2015 38
Table 14: Market Shares of Leading Brand Variants, 2000-2009 40
Table 15: Prevailing Tax Rates on Cigarettes, 1990-2016 58
Table 16: Retail Sales Value & Per Capita Expenditure, 1990-2016 60
Table 17: Prevailing Tax Rates on Cigarettes, 1990-2016 61
Table 18: EU Countries, Retail Price & Tax Incidence Comparison, 2016 62
Table 19: Average Prices of Cigarettes, 1990-2015 65
Table 20: Retail Price of Leading Brands, 2010-2016 67
Table 21: Smoking Population, 1990-2014 87
Table 22: Cigarette Smokers by Region, 2005, 2009 & 2013 89
Table 23: Smoking Prevalence by Age 7 Gender, 2005, 2009 & 2013 90
Table 24: Cigarette Smokers by Gender & Type of Cigarette, 2002 91
Table 25: Cigarette Smokers by Gender & Type of Cigarette, 2002 91
Table 26: Cigarette Smokers by Age & Type of Cigarette, 2002 92
Table 27: Smoking Intensity. 2002 93
Table 28: Cigarette Smokers by Region e & Cigarette Type, 2002 93
Table 29: Smokers by Level of Education, 1999 94
Table 30: Smokers by Industrial Sector, 1999 94
Table 31: Smokers by Profession, 1999 95
Table 32: Cigarette Smokers by Household & Cigarette Type, 2002 95
Table 33: Cigarette Smokers by Household & Cigarette Type, 2002 96
Table 34: Cigarette Production, 1990-2015 97
Table 35: Manufacturers' Sales Value, 1990-2015 99
Table 36: Imports of Cigarettes, 1990-2015 101
Table 37: Imports by Country of Origin, Million Pieces, 2000-2014 103
Table 38: Exports of Cigarettes, 1990-2015 105
Table 39: Exports of Cigarettes by Country of Destination, 2000-2014 107
Table 40: Exports of Cigarettes by Country of Destination, 2000-2014, % of Total 110
Table 41: Company profile: Philip Morris GmbH 118
Table 42: Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH 119
Table 43: British-American Tobacco (Germany) GmbH 120
Table 44: JT International (Germany) GmbH 121
Table 45: Heintz van Landewyck GmbH 122
Table 46: Consumption Forecasts to 2025 127

List of Figures
Figure 1: Cigarette Distribution Channels, 2013 27
Figure 2: Methodology 128


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