The retail banking industry in Taiwan is highly fragmented, with almost 40 providers competing on very low margins. The current economic environment is unfavorable, and Taiwan’s average wage lags far behind other industrialized economies of Asia, such as Singapore and South Korea. The country faces heavy competition in sustaining itself as an export-driven manufacturing hub, forcing industries in Taiwan to keep wages low. And consumers have become very conservative financially. While deposits are growing the credit market has remained flat over the past few years, and is expected to remain unchanged in the near future.
- Household savings as a percentage of GDP stood at 33.9% in 2017.
- Retail deposits recorded a compound annual growth rate of 4.5% during 2013-17.
- The credit card revolve rate in Taiwan is very low, as befitting a frugal society with stagnant wages.
- Mortgage opportunities in Taiwan lie with older, more established consumers who are looking for property to rent out.
Reasons to buy
- Identify factors affecting growth prospects across the deposit, credit card, personal loan, and mortgage markets.
- Track competitor gains and losses in market share.
- Assess the financial performance of competitors.
Table of Contents
Macroeconomic Overview
Retail Deposits
Credit Cards
Personal Loans
Financial Ratios Market Average
Competitor Financial Performance