CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd (1038) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review

40 Pages - GLDATA69064

CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd (1038) - Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review provides you an in-depth strategic SWOT analysis of the company’s businesses and operations. The profile has been compiled by GlobalData to bring to you a clear and an unbiased view of the company’s key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The profile helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by enabling you to understand your partners, customers and competitors better.

The profile contains critical company information including:

- Business description – A detailed description of the company’s operations and business divisions.
- Corporate strategy – Analyst’s summarization of the company’s business strategy.
- SWOT Analysis – A detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.
- Company history – Progression of key events associated with the company.
- Major products and services – A list of major products, services and brands of the company.
- Key competitors – A list of key competitors to the company.
- Key employees – A list of the key executives of the company.
- Executive biographies – A brief summary of the executives’ employment history.
- Key operational heads – A list of personnel heading key departments/functions.
- Important locations and subsidiaries – A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company.
- Detailed financial ratios for the past five years – The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements published by the company with 5 years history.
- Interim ratios for the last five interim periods – The latest financial ratios derived from the quarterly/semi-annual financial statements published by the company for 5 interims history.


CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd (CKI), a subsidiary of CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, is an infrastructure investment company. It holds diversified investment interests across various sectors including energy, rail transportation, water, waste management, and other infrastructure related businesses. CKI has an investment in toll roads and bridges in China. It owns cement production facilities in China and a limestone quarry in the Siquijor, Philippines. The company’s major activities include development, investment and operation of infrastructure businesses. It offers these services through its subsidiaries and joint ventures across Hong Kong, China, the UK, the Netherlands, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. CKI is headquartered in Hong Kong.

CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd Key Recent Developments

Nov 22,2018: CKI consortium’s $9.79bn APA Group acquisition deal falls through
Aug 15,2018: APA supports $9.45bn takeover offer from CKI-led consortium

Key benefits of buying this profile include:

You get detailed information about the company and its operations to identify potential customers and suppliers.
- The profile analyzes the company’s business structure, operations, major products and services, prospects, locations and subsidiaries, key executives and their biographies and key competitors.

Understand and respond to your competitors’ business structure and strategies, and capitalize on their weaknesses. Stay up to date on the major developments affecting the company.
- The company’s core strengths and weaknesses and areas of development or decline are analyzed and presented in the profile objectively. Recent developments in the company covered in the profile help you track important events.

Equip yourself with information that enables you to sharpen your strategies and transform your operations profitably.
- Opportunities that the company can explore and exploit are sized up and its growth potential assessed in the profile. Competitive and/or technological threats are highlighted.

Scout for potential investments and acquisition targets, with detailed insight into the companies’ strategic, financial and operational performance.
- Financial ratio presented for major public companies in the profile include the revenue trends, profitability, growth, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial position and efficiency ratios.

Gain key insights into the company for academic or business research.
- Key elements such as SWOT analysis, corporate strategy and financial ratios and charts are incorporated in the profile to assist your academic or business research needs.

Note: Some sections may be missing if data is unavailable for the company


Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Section 1 - About the Company
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Key Facts
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Key Employees
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Key Employee Biographies
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Major Products and Services
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - History
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Company Statement
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Locations And Subsidiaries
Head Office
Other Locations & Subsidiaries
Joint Venture
Section 2 – Company Analysis
Company Overview
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Business Description
Business Segment: Australia
Business Segment: Canada and US
Business Segment: Continental Europe
Business Segment: Hong Kong and China
Business Segment: Infrastructure Investments
Business Segment: Investments in Power Assets
Business Segment: New Zealand
Business Segment: UK
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis - Overview
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Strengths
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Weaknesses
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Opportunities
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Threats
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd - Key Competitors
Section 3 – Company Financial Ratios
Financial Ratios - Capital Market Ratios
Financial Ratios - Annual Ratios
Performance Chart
Financial Performance
Financial Ratios - Interim Ratios
Financial Ratios - Ratio Charts
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Recent Deals Summary
Section 4 – Company’s Recent Developments
Nov 22, 2018: CKI consortium’s $9.79bn APA Group acquisition deal falls through
Aug 15, 2018: APA supports $9.45bn takeover offer from CKI-led consortium
Section 5 – Appendix
Ratio Definitions
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List of Tables
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Key Facts
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Key Employees
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Key Employee Biographies
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Major Products and Services
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, History
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Subsidiaries
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Joint Venture
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Key Competitors
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Ratios based on current share price
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Annual Ratios
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Annual Ratios (Cont...1)
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Annual Ratios (Cont...2)
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Interim Ratios
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Recent Deals Summary
Currency Codes
Capital Market Ratios
Equity Ratios
Profitability Ratios
Cost Ratios
Liquidity Ratios
Leverage Ratios
Efficiency Ratios

List of Figures
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Performance Chart (2014 - 2018)
CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd, Ratio Charts


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