This report provides an overview of the US hematology market, including sales and market shares of leading instrument and consumable suppliers, as well as test volume and sales forecasts by market segment.
Table of Contents
Business Environment
1. Health Care Expenditures
2. Cost Consciousness
3. Reimbursement
4. Industry Consolidation
5. Managed Care
a. HMO
b. PPO
6. Hospitals
7. Admissions
8. Length of Stay
9. Industry Diversification
10. Physician Demographics
11. Population Aging
a. Chronic Illness
b. Susceptibility to Iatrogenesis
c. Disease Incidence
d. Multiple Illness Cases
12. Laboratory Regulations
Market Structure
1. Centralized Testing
a. Hospitals
b. Commercial/Private Laboratories
2. Decentralized Testing
a. Physician Offices/Group Practices
b. Ambulatory Care Centers
c. Point-of-Care Testing
Market Size, Growth, and Major Suppliers' Market Shares
List of Tables
Hematology Test Volume Forecasts by Market Segment
Hematology Instrument Sales Forecasts by Market Segment
Hematology Consumable Sales Forecasts by Market Segment
Market Shares of Major Suppliers of Hematology Instruments and Consumables
Contains 19 pages and 4 tables